What if Unnerving Presence effects was basekit?

Unnerving Presence reduces Skill Check sizes by 60% and makes them 10% more likely to trigger while repairing and healing.
What if Unnerving Presence effects was basekit and were active at all times, regardless of Terror Radius?
Repairing Generators takes virtually no skill. You just press m1 and sit in one place for over a minute, occasionally hitting large Skill Checks that are impossible to react to too late.
With Skill Checks twice as small, hitting them would be more exciting, and the increased chance of triggering would make sitting in one place for 90 seconds less boring.
What do you think?
I mean, I'd be down for making it base kit in its current form (and then replacing it with a perk actually worth a perk slot), as repairing and healing in the killer's terror radius should be a risky play, but making skill checks more often and harder in general wouldn't really be fair to new players and lower MMR players, so I'm inclined to not want this.
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This would be good for experienced players and bad for new players. More Skill Checks means more potential for great Skill Checks aka Bonus Progression. And from my experience, I have an easier time to hit the Great Skillchecks if the Killer is running Unnerving Presence.
New players would struggle, they even fail the regular Skill Checks.
And things which are bad for new players but wont affect or even benefit experienced players are a No-Go. I would also not really say that they are more exciting, in the end, they are Skill Checks. And those are not really ground-breaking or unique.
Last but not least - annoying Perk Builds like Impossible Skill Check-Doc dont need a Perk Slot freed for something else.
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More Skill Checks that have smaller sizes may be a shock to new players, but thats because they are new. They are not good at the game yet, so it is fine if they struggle a bit. Repairing Generators as it is now is boring af and doesn't require much skill at all.
Devs could add a Skill Check simulator mode to main menu though, so players can practice.
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Why players being rewarded for being good at the game is a No-Go?
As for the Doctor builds - maybe make the Unnerving Presence basekit only apply to default Skill Checks, while repairing and healing, while stuff like Overcharge and Merciless Storm are unaffected.
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"Why players being rewarded for being good at the game is a No-Go?"
Do you really need an explanation why things which dont affect experienced players but hurt the experience of new players are bad?
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How does it hurt the experience of new players?
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Hitting skillchecks as a new player is hard enough
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That's why even hitting skillchecks are fun, harder skill check, more fun generators!
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Generators are only fun with merciless storm and even that's not guaranteed. or a meme build like blast mine repressed alliance
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I don’t think we need another DS nerf
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Unnerving only affects repairing and healing skill checks
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Ok that’s new to me
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Because these skill checks are legitimately hard for new players.
I remember it took me a week before I could even think about taking Tactician off my loadout. Now I'm regularly hitting great skill checks.
That first week the game felt incredibly oppressive. I couldn't loop, I didn't know my way around the maps, killers seemed to find me instantly and kill me within minutes. If skill checks had been any harder, I might have just quit right there and then.
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Because most new players already struggle with regular Skill Checks. So you will be sitting on a Gen as a new player and probably constantly failing Skill Checks. And if you have to repair Gens to escape, you will have a hard time doing so.
Let alone that each failed Skill Check alerts the Killer and especially when players are new, the Killrates are very high. So new players will survive even less rounds and this is mostly due to the failed Skill Checks.
I really think that new players might quit the game pretty fast if they have trouble with doing the main Objective.
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Maybe BHVR could make it an option you can turn on for yourself if you want an extra challenge. Hard mode. It could reward 10% extra BP for successful skill checks. But let's not make the game worse for new players or those playing on console, they have enough problems.
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How often do new players react to Skill Checks too late instead of hitting it too early? I can't believe the Skill Checks being this large still cause problems
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Wild idea: make the frequency of skill checks and the width of their success zone dynamic, tied to the individual survivors MMR. The more you sweat and the more you lean into the thougher reaches of the game, the tougher it becomes, while if you chill, win some/lose some you got more relaxed checks. You reap what you sow, survivor style, but in a fun and healthy way.
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New survivors should not suffer this nightmare, they're having troubles even with normal skillchecks dear God.=)
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This is a terrible idea.
You're buffing killers at mmr levels where they need zero help and nerfing them mmr levels where they do need help.
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No thanks