Anyone else playing against new players lately?

I have been playing a few games today and all of them have been with survivors and killers who were new at the game. Like actually all the matches, I checked and the legion I played against recently started playing in 2022 I have been playing since 2017.
Are matchmaking tests occurring why am I getting matched with survivors and killers who are still learning? I win most of my survivor games so I don't see why this is happening.
The david who was on my team kept going down because they didn't know how to mend and the legion was using unrelenting. I felt so guilty lol I gave the legion a medkit, but I still feel bad that they got matched with someone they shouldn't be matched with.
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I've gotten a considerable amount of baby Leons today
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Did they say they are doing matchmaking tests today? I heard they were doing some during the event, but I thought those were over.
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I don't think so
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Solo Q teammate not using BT.
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But that happens in most solo matches, I mean more like an actual new player. <.>
Also definitely looking forward to the new base bt lol, im tired of being farmed at hooks.
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I had the same complaint recently. Did mmr break in the last few days? I'm getting brand new killers sometimes.
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It's been all screenshotted within 2 hours of playing.
I'm 2.2k hours myself, and I was playing on one of my main killers. I usually get absolute sweat lords, which I don't mind, I like challenge, but holy hell, I didn't get a single normal game today. Those people from screenshots sadly had to play games with me, but I did let them all go (Which I got a ton of toxic messages for, like??? I'm here getting nothing out of the game, so you guys won't get absolutely clapped).
After 2h of getting games like those, i just started dodging lobbies. And it didn't help at all, I'm still getting people under 100h.
It's not fun!
I thought maybe changing to my highest mmr main will help. NOPE, I get absolute potatoes. Like help, I want to loop with someone, I don't want to teach new players how soulcrushing some killers are.
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I'm iridescent killer and I played mostly against noobs these last few days I almost feel bad killing them, maybe my hidden MMR is low but I doubt it
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I had a game I was playing as Pinhead last night where I was absolutely DECIMATING the survivors to the point where I was like, whoa I really need to pull back on the gas a bit.
Decided, screw it. New players? I'll give them some practice and so I just chased them around and let them run away from me. They were not able to escape me at all, it was disheartening to realize how incapable of dealing with me they were. They all escaped though.
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Yeah, I thought I was just imagining it yesterday but alot of my team mates were hiding along the edges of the map and too scared to unhook, even when the killer was on the other side of the map. It's been awhile since I played with survivors like that.
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I noticed that happening to me too, though I assume for me that happens because I generally go for 8 hooks during events and let survivors escape after so that everyone gets BP. Problem is that doing that is also lowering my MMR.
What I don't get is how I match with 900 hour survivors, let them escape after 8 hooks, THEN get 4000-6000 hour survivors and actually have to sweat for the 4k, just to go back to 500 hour survivors.
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Not against but did have two people with under three hours and no perks in the game earlier when playing survivor. Added on top of that was the fact my girlfriend who has only been playing for a week or so was playing with me(probably what caused the weird matchmaking), let's just say the match didn't last very long...
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I have like nearly 500 hours too cause I stopped to play the game a lot. But since I started playinh again I play a lot both sides. Sometimes I get op killers and teammates to the point I feel a beginner, but there is also a lot when I have teammates or killers who don't even have a full perk on lvl 1 or a perk at all equipped. Since I don't like dc's I rather die for the killers in end game then have them no kill. And let survs go when they can't even go around the map properly cause they have no idea where they are or what anything is at all. Baby jills, afk starters, corner hiding and trying to run away alongside the maps wall. Or killers who can't counter loops that are unsafe for survivors. It is very sad and I don't know why it is happening or how. They don't look behind, they don't know how to do anything. It feels unfair and unfun for both side imo.
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I sometimes get it the other way around. Killer with 1-3 perks and 90 to 300 hours.
Not fun at all.
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Nope it's always 4k hrs players that play nurse, nurse, nurse, sometimes nurse or if i'm lucky nurse
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Yes, and it was weird... The Q times was a bit longer, and I was getting 1-2 completely new players mixed with total tryhards. xD
Before, Q times was really quick, and all 4 survivors feels almost at the same level. I mean without "weaklings". . .