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General Discussions

Way, way too many pallets in this game

Member Posts: 167
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

There is a stupidly large number of pallets on maps now. It needs to be halved at least. Every match at the moment there is a pallet at every possible pallet spawning tile and it is ridiculous because there is nothing the killer can do.

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  • Member Posts: 1,188

    u may be talking about the Game, the only map where that happens it has around 26 pallets. the rest have around half or a little bit more at best. and then you have shelter woods with less than 10 every match.

  • Member Posts: 167

    Nope eyrie of crows every possible spawn point had a pallet

  • Member Posts: 379

    It's true The Game is an all you can eat pallet buffet, there's no doubt about that one. They could probably shave a few of that one LOL

  • Member Posts: 91
    edited June 2022

    Maybe just run enduring, spirit fury, brutal strength if it bothers you that much(and lightborn if you want some free hits on games with lots of flashlights). It's a real pain but doubt they'll change any of the more annoying maps any time soon.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Doesn't really help, survivors can reach next with brutal strength and just pre drop to counter spirit fury.

  • Member Posts: 91

    You can normally get at least one hit on each survivor with spirit fury if they're not swf. Dissolution is probably a better bet to avoid predropping but it isn't very consistent.

  • Member Posts: 16

    For sure they need to remove a few on the game, playing an M1 killer on the game is like a nightmare within a nightmare.

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    The thing with the Game is that pallets are also the only thing this map really has. There’s 2 tiles with standard loops that have windows, and there’s the map’s 4 (?) unique vault locations. That’s all. Once an area is cleared of pallets, it becomes a giant deadzone.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    RNG is often unfair. Pallet spawns are mostly survivor sided, but there can also be a lot of deadzones on certain maps (e.g. Shelter Woods, Wreckers Yard, Haddonfield). It's not just the quantity of pallets that counts, but also their quality. RNG decides whether the map is balanced, survivor sided or killer sided.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    Play Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 598
    edited June 2022

    I just had a match in the Gideon Meat Plant, where I felt more like a Factory Pallet Deconstructor than a Killer

  • Member Posts: 436

    I love to play Nemi on this map.... and dont forget the name of this Map is "THE GAME"😈

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    The thing is that a lot (not all) survivors have become really, really good at looping and run semi safe loops without error, allowing them to greed every single pallet to an enormous extend, while still having their DH in the backhand.

    When the game was originally conceived the pallets were sorta the survivors ammunition: they started with a full mag, fired their pallets in order to survive, every pallet was a sorta 50/50 chance if they made it before the killer hit them etc. and in the end game everything was basically a dead zone and so some people died, some lived, everyone was happy.

    But with survivors being so good at looping, so many loops being super save and them greeding pallets like there is no tomorrow, they are just not firing their shots, because they don't have to. Heck, in some maps then can just run from pallet to pallet and predrop each and every one and this will roughly last them till the other gens are done. Pallets have gone from a rare ressource to an abundant throw away article that sadly didn't lose any of its power and effectiveness.

  • Member Posts: 68

    I'm huntres main but i do play survivor and no matter how many pallets are in the game, they are only worth if the survivor knows how to loop, if killer mind game well, pallets are just to deny the hit for some seconds, but strong pallets are totally diferent, i'm fine with the amount of the pallets, we have sometimes like 4-10 trash pallets and 2-4 good pallets, please we don't need to keep nerfing survivors, it's easy enough to catch they, i doubt u were playing 4 SFW sweaty squad all day.

    Windows are way more stronger than pallets... good survivors barely use pallets unless it's the last chance to avoid hit. so the problem is not survivors, it's killer who just wanna hold W and press m1 instead of learning how to mind game, even as huntress i only got hits if i mind game some loops and hide red light.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Actually, you have to win mind game AND break pallets in order to hit survivors in many places.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    The thing people need to understand about the game is that the number of pallets is to compensate for the fact that there's maybe 2 vaults on the entire upper floor (one that jumps through the tube to get to the bottom and the other above the bathroom where all the monitors are). Without those pallets, it would literally just be "hold W until you eventually get caught"

    And then even when you get to the bottom floor, you have the freezer room, and like maybe two other tiles in the basement where there's a vault? The high number of pallets is a necessity

  • Member Posts: 5,762
  • Member Posts: 1,914

    IMO, no. It's fine. Remember that you have perks to destroy or block pallets.

    And RNG ofc... Not for the number of pallets but their location.

  • Member Posts: 380

    Until you want a lot of pallets. I was doing a tome challenge where you have to break dropped pallets and it seemed like there were hardly any.

    Same thing happens when I'm doing a challenge where I have to succeed skill checks. I get 1 or 2 skill checks on an entire generator.

    I think DBD knows what I'm thinking and for some reason it hates me and enjoys giving me the middle finger.

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    Enduring is legit and helps a lot. Try it sometime instead of 4 slows.

  • Member Posts: 854

    This is actually a very good suggestion if you don't like pallets. Because the more people that play her the more likely she is to get nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    If that's true, it means the map is fundamentally bad and needs to be revamped. Doesn't mean that having all those pallets is a good thing.

  • Member Posts: 5,762
    edited June 2022

    If you take pallet hits, that's already a mistake tbh.

    I suspect it gonna be opposite, due to the fact majority can't properly use her, her kill rates go down and she'd get buffed.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Dude, my friend runs Windows of Opportunity, and if they get The Game, then it's just none stop pallet eating. XD

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    No, because she has the lowest kill rate in the game. Just like the average survivor lasts 5 seconds in chase, the average nurse gets 2 hooks a game, so neither will get nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 854

    She has the lowest kill rate because so few people play her.

    If more people played Nurse, that kill rate would sky rocket and then they wouldn't be able to hide behind her statistics anymore and she'd get a rework.

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    You're mmr must be low if you think so few people play her.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Besides rng the only maps I can think of with a lot of pallets is the game rpd and eryie of crows

  • Member Posts: 1,749
    edited June 2022

    That's just wrong. She has slightly higher than average play rate, but because her skill floor makes it impossible for average to below average players to play her she has the worst kill rate in the game.

    The dreaded "god nurse" is rarer than you think, just not in high mmr. Most nurses are terrible with the character, and BHVR don't care about the top percentiles (except twins, they're monsters at high mmr)

  • Member Posts: 8,600
    edited June 2022

    I bring this up a lot, but tile orientation is often overlooked. The jungle gym in the back of the picture needs to turn 90 degrees. The survivor makes the jungle gym pallet no matter which way the killer goes around the car, and the car tile actually has two long sides because of the guard rail to the survivor's right. These aren't two separate tiles. It's one giant super tile. The survivor even potentially makes that window if a 110 killer loops around the car. And if the survivor has already vaulted the window, they make it back to the car pallet no matter which way the killer goes on the long wall.

  • Member Posts: 228

    Just broke 13 pallets on the game got destroyed.still saw about ten more pallets that were still playable.just way too many.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    I think the pallets on maps should be halved tbh. It’s way too forgiving

  • Member Posts: 5

    In August 2021 or somewhere around that time the game had an update as a result of which they added more pallets to each map. You could feel the difference if you constantly played killer. So now every survivor is able to waste so much of your time by just learning basic looping on YT because there's always one pallet around the corner. Thus, most of the games are lost if you have people that can at least loop you by gen rushing. You'll get a bunch of hooks or maybe even a kill but the problem is you have to have weak survs to decisively win. The game is not balanced. A game is balanced when either side with the same skill level can turn the match in ones favor dependent on small things such as timing, small mistakes, etc. In DBD you have a situation where 4 skilled survs will win just by the virtue of the map design and the amount of pallets a map has to offer. You remember back in the day playing surv you were a lil stressed out while being chased by killer because you knew you didnt have that many pallets/vaults around the corner, well know you dont have that feeling simply because theres an abundance of pallets. Playing killer is way more scary and stressful nowadays. The community and devs are tilting games balance into survs favor. Why?

  • Member Posts: 379

    Yes, this. What you said. I play both. More survivor but I still play a lot of killer. If a killer main wants to say X map could use A FEW less pallets, I can see the logic. Of coarse The Game is an example of a map with too many pallets but there really aren't that many windows to loop either. But seeing things like "ALL maps have too many pallets and should be halfed AT LEAST" gets me like "um... so you just want the game to have base kit easy mode for killers?" LOL

    when people want al least half of pallets gone, then lets get rid of 1/3 of the hooks too LOL. Seriously, it'd be chaos, and I'd be down for it.

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