Removing the total BP bonus from BBQ/WGLF is right, however...

Seraphor Member Posts: 9,201
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

However, these perks are losing something substantial by removing the incentive to spread out your hooks and rescues/protection hits.

I think it would still be a good idea to retain a minor BP bonus on these perks, similar to Prove Thyself, Agitation, Thrill of the Hunt, etc. These all apply category specific BP bonuses before the scores are tallied, which means these bonuses can't exceed the 8,000 cap per category, and so they only aid in reach a top score, they don't inflate your score after the total. They're a crutch, not a windfall.

BBQ and WGLF encourage healthy play styles (for the most part, there are those who make stupid plays for unhooks/protection hits), and it would be good if this was still something these perks encouraged.

Barbecue and Chilli: The first hook score event for each unique survivor is doubled.

This still encourages you to hook each survivor once, because if one survivor escapes without being hooked at all, that's 1000 BP you've lost. Meanwhile if you hook every survivor once and they all escape, you still get 4000 Sacrifice points, 2000 more than you would have.

We're Gonna Live Forever: The first four Safe Unhook or Protection Hit score events award a bonus 500 bloodpoints.

Much like BBQ above, this encourages survivors to make at least four of these actions in order to walk about with a bonus 2000 points in the Altruism category.

These would still be small enough bonuses that players aren't pressured into running these perks just for the BP, but if they do run them, they still feel like they're helping out with the grind, and they promote more healthy play styles.


  • nikodemo
    nikodemo Member Posts: 768

    WGLF still has the stacks and incentive, which is good.

    Unfortunately, BBQ lost it.

    I don't want BP to be involved at all. BHVR is correct, BP shouldn't be on perks. but i would like these mechanics to be basekit instead of locked to perks, precisely because they encourage and reward good gameplay.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    They should have just made those BP boosting tokens basekit. They're fun and both incentivize behavior that is better for the game.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    At the same time, perks like BBQ, Grim Embrace, and No Way Out make killers over-commit to survivors who are strong in chase.

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94

    On the plus side, at least the OP has put some effort into the post and has thought of an idea past the usual one line of moaning.

    But, still no.

    BP's attached to perks is poor design. It's poor perk design and it's poor game design. Perks should be items that adapt the gameplay in particular ways, not the scoring of said gameplay. No BP in perks, no basekit whatever, no nothing.

    The forthcoming change should have been made long ago - better late than never. That (particularly) BBQ has been left unchanged for SO long has done the long term health of the game no favours.

    Hopefully the other 5 perks with BP's attached will be refreshed in a future update.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 702

    It should be base kit, at least the level 1 version of half of the level 3 version. The current changes hit new players the worst because being able to get perks unlocked at high prestige levels just isn’t going to matter.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    I really don't understand why removing the BPS instead of making it baseline under the excuse that "grinding perks will be faster"

    Yeah, but earning items and add-ons? Perks aren't the only thing found in the bloodweb. Once we have all perks Tier 3 for all characters, it's going to be really slow farming bloodwebs and that's really sad.