Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

If You Want Less Tunnelers, Add A Reason Not To Tunnel

I honestly don't think adding more perks or more ways for SURVIVORS to avoid tunneling is going to change anything. The biggest reason WHY tunneling is usually happening and the main priority for killers? There's literally no incentive to actually going for multiple hooks on multiple people.

There's no reason to, unless the team is quite clearly very bad and you can get away with it, all you're doing is wasting time and getting your gens blasted through if you're trying to go for hooks. It just doesn't work against good players.

If you want killers to tunnel less, add an actual reason for them to go for hooks on someone else. Why would I waste time to go for that full HP Nea who has zero hooks, if I can just go for the Feng who just got off the hook and is vulnerable. Why would I waste time for something that won't give me an advantage, if I can quickly get someone completely out of the game and will actually help me get some pressure.

It's less about tunneling being too strong and more about the fact that going for multiple hooks is too weak of a strat and just doesn't work. And this is coming from a guy that mostly plays terrible killers and still goes for hooks a majority of the time, or at least will full on leave hooks and try not to tunnel as much as possible. But if I feel like winning some day? I have to tunnel. Not because I want to, but it's because I HAVE to if I want to stay competitive and try to win, without getting completely washed.



  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    The main problem about tunneling is that either the killer's new or they had enough with survivors that bully in the game to make the killer so pissed off.

    If you are playing as survivors and then you see the killer tunneling then use a flashlight save.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2022

    But see that's my problem, I don't think tunneling is a thing you should put in the hands of the survivor to solve, it is their issue in terms of they have to deal with it, but it's also not THEIR issue, you get me?

    Making tunneling worse, will just leave killers with NO good strat. Perks with tokens clearly didn't work as going for multiple hooks was still bad. Unless they start reworking token perks into having MUCH better rewards as compared to now, then yea maybe. But how long will we have to wait for that? It already took them years to solve dead hard.

  • Taingaran
    Taingaran Member Posts: 288

    It would be nice, for example, if after hooking a survivor who was not unhooked for 30 seconds, then all genes were blocked for 15 - 20 seconds, or the actions of the survivors were slowed down by 50% for 15-20 seconds. And it should be in the basic kit!

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    You don't neccesary need to super tunnel one out to win game but you don't either have to go for hooking everyone twice or something before killing. Something between can work very well and actually even better than straight out tunneling one at start. Going for multiple hooks allows you to also find who is weakest link and you can take target him more than others.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    They actively TOOK AWAY a reason for killers not to tunnel by removing the tokens from BBQ & Chili.

    Perks like Grim Embrace completely miss the point that hooking each survivor once can take a REALLY long time to do, between the size of maps, the ability of survivors to hide, all the gen work going on while a killer is trying to find a new chase, and the sheer length of time it takes to down any one survivor, much less all four. The point of BBQ was that it gave you a great reward after the game was over, so it didn't matter that it took you 80% of the game to get to it.

    No Way Out gives you an end-of-game bonus, but one that typically means maybe 1 or 2 extra hooks. Usually, it's just a little bit more time to use NOED (which has been nerfed and will now be much easier for survivors to take down without having to spend time on totems during the gen phase of the game). It certainly has uses, but even if you don't get all 4, you're still getting some bonus, which makes it less critical to disrupt the normal flow of the game.

    Grim Embrace, on the other hand, is a complete failure. In balanced matches, you typically don't get a hook on each survivor until there are 2 or often even 1 gen left. At that point, blocking progress for a brief while isn't actually stealing that much time from the survivor team. AND you get nothing if you can't get all four before the last gen pops, which is flat out worse than NWO or (old) BBQ. The perk ought to block all progress for a length of time each time a new survivor gets hooked, and increase that length of time with each token, until the 4th one blocks gens (usually the last one anyway) for a much longer period.

    But really, what the main issue is: there should be a REASON not to try to drive a single survivor out of the game as quickly as possible. And what that comes down to is: survivors who have been hooked, should not be as efficient as ones who haven't. A survivor who has been hooked should repair gens WAY slower than untouched survivors. That encourages killers to track down and one-hook each survivor as their absolute top priority.

  • Taingaran
    Taingaran Member Posts: 288

    For example, the new Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain motivate the killer at the beginning of the match to hook all the survivors on the hook once as quickly as possible. After all, he has a good passive ability. If the Survivor has ever hooked on the Scourge Hook, they suffer an action penalty while wounded until they are healed. We need more of these perks.

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    BHVR gave survivors base kit BT, that's a reason...

    Idk if that's enough to incentivize killers to bail on a camp/tunnel strat though. Map design is a huge problem for almost all killers. Instead of addressing map balance they are giving out band aids in the form of perks and new killers all of some form of teleport. Map balance is more important than perks.

    that being said, i'm looking forward to seeing the changes. a lot of needed changes in favor of the killer side. we'll see if it's enough to make playing killer to win any less sweaty.

  • tendyhands
    tendyhands Member Posts: 268

    Hiding in a locker all game would be too strong. So can you do that? No because they added an in game mechanic to make it a bad idea. Should do the same for tunneling and camping, this isn't complicated.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited June 2022

    Instead of 10 more seconds per gen they should have made hook states slow that survivor's gen speeds. That outright encourages the killer to spread hook states.

    As you said right now tunelling is pretty much ALWAYS the best thing killers can do, even with DS and BT in the game.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I had a concept for that. The problem is that hooks dont affect the teams ability until the point the first person is out. So, instead:, the first time a survivor is hooked, he get a gen speed malus, the secend time a smaller one, and the 3rd time the remaining survivors get a bonus out of his dead. That way, there is an incentive to spread hooks.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    But like I said with the other guy, tunneling isn't a problem that the survivors need to solve. It's not gonna change with giving them things to combat it. All you're doing is making the only viable strat killers have worse, which then leaves them with nothing to which killer just becomes garbage and useless to play which it already practically feels like now.

    Yes but making tunneling useless doesn't change anything. You've now just removed the only viable strat killers had to stay competitive. The issue isn't tunneling is too strong, the issue is that everything else is too weak.

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    Perks with tokens clearly didn't work? BBQ was the most-used perk by killers, and No Way Out is crazy effective! The trick is that these perks are only effective if they aid you in the lategame or postgame, as there's a built-in acknowledgement that you're not likely to get value out of it otherwise. It's more accurate to say that they have a relatively narrow range of application, since I think with this exact update hitting the PTB there's an implicit acknowledgement that perks can't really be expected to maintain the game's health (see Pop Goes the Weasel being a stellar incentive to leave hooks, but answers to Pop led to a decrease in usage and the incentive became less common)

    And tunneling is absolutely the survivor's problem to solve - the killer is supposed to chase survivors. Useful obsession-based or token-based perks may shape their mental arithmetic on who to chase, but otherwise it'll usually default to "whoever's closest" or in some cases "whoever is most annoying to me". Survivors have a ton of resources available to interfere with tunneling - perks, bodyblocking, harassing pickups, and even just taking full advantage of being left unpressured to breeze through uncontested gens. Introducing a basekit reason for killers to need to perform some kind of enforced round robin ordering of hooking would be a lot similar to forcing survivors to repair specific generators in a certain order. You might need to apply some forethought to avoiding a 3-gen (or in the killer's case, avoid DS and other anti-tunneling measures) but over-engineering a solution could become tedious and lead to a lot more 'bad behavior' than you started with.

    It's much better to respect the incentives the game's basic win conditions have cemented and work to make it mutually enjoyable - which means fairer, not more technical.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    Literally where am I advocating for survivors nerfs???? I'm literally asking for killer buffs, hello? It's like you didn't even read.

    DS, OTR, AND BT are not GOOD reasons to go for someone else. Killing the camping / tunneling strat does not make going for someone else suddenly better. All it does is kill the only viable strat killers have to stay competitive. Tunneling is not an issue for survivors to solve with perks and base kit changes. It's literally the fact that going for multiple people is a disadvantage across the board. There are literally ZERO positives to going for multiple hooks on multiple people, outside of token perks and even then, the effects of the token perks aren't even good enough to WARRANT going for someone else.

  • dreamsy10
    dreamsy10 Member Posts: 142
    edited June 2022

    Yep, thats the mains problem with the game. They keep making big maps for some reason, instead of making and cutting em down like coal tower / wreckers yard size.

    And then maps like the game with 40 pallets, which most of them safe and god pallets.

    The new map literally is a pallet heaven aswell, a pain for m1 killers; and not to talk about the main building.

    Killer mains expect to be genrushed now since corrupt is kinda gone, pop is dead, ruin is 'ruined' and others. Yes for low level this update is good, but for mid/high level players, playing killer will be a pain. (that's why they even added bp bonus to matchmaking since will be less killers. 100%)

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    Nerfing survivors and buffing killers have practically identical outcomes.

    Killing the camping / tunneling strat does not make going for someone else suddenly better.

    No, but that's not the point.

    There are literally ZERO positives to going for multiple hooks on multiple people

    But here's the thing: Even if you had a 100% success rate with 12-hooking, it'd still be MORE efficient and effective to tunnel, camp and slug. Those three strats break the fundamental bases of the game, and they will continue to do so until they are burdened with so many countermeasures that they are no longer the better option.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Well, with BBQ nerf we have less reasons to not tunnel...

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    They could add a million reasons and you would still tunnel as long as that playstyle remains available.

  • dreamsy10
    dreamsy10 Member Posts: 142

    Not true. Most of killer's tunnel because survivor objective are way faster than killer's objective. Killer's are punished for hooking survivors. Time to enter a chase, time to down a survivor, time to go to a hook = 1/2 gens at least if you play against decent team.

    And then what killer's get for that hook? Nothing, especially when they nerfed pop to the ground, and scourge hooks arent even reliable since they can be on the other side of the map; plus now they nerfed the pain resonance, killer's can't even know at which gen to go.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    If someone run new OTR + DS you can still tunnel him hard but you're gonna lose a lot of time and probably lose the game, you can counter these perks easily by going for someone else.. it's already highly encouraged.

    They're probably buffing thanatophobia for the same reason it's a good perk only if you try to injure everyone

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    Making tunneling worse doesn't suddenly make going for other people good. All you do is kill the only viable strat killers have.

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    Right, i agree with you. my initial comment was sarcastic. More killers are tunnel/camping b/c that's the best way to get kills. I'm actually not happy that survivors get base BT now. I normally play mostly survivor right now b/c killer just sucks to play. Honestly i think base kit BT will encourage more unsafe saves by survivors which can very quickly result in more tunneling. But we'll see, i mean, lowered cooldowns on basic killer actions and 10 seconds more gen speed is going to help. I'll try killer again once this patch launches.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    I don't really care tbh I think it's healthy for the game to give strong counters against tunneling, I avoid it as much as possible unless I play against a super toxic teabagger or something, I play killers that can teleport like dredge just to leave the hook quickly, some perks even synergize with that playstyle like make your choice and BBQ,

    I'm sorry when I play surv I hate going against cringy sweatlords that tunnel 1 guy for the whole game, especially blights and spirits it's just disgusting

  • Taingaran
    Taingaran Member Posts: 288

    Or make hooking different survivors more efficient than hooking an unhooked survivor.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Killers should have the right to tunnel without being ashamed, atleast block all gens temporarily for 10 secs (or basekit dissolution) if the killer hits the unhooker, nerfed DS was a good move lets hope the speed of breaking gets stacked witj brutal strentght

  • ACleverName4Me
    ACleverName4Me Member Posts: 450

    Maps are also way to big and gen spread isn't ideal. Add in strong loops or too many god pallets and there just isn't enough time to 12 hook a decent team of surviors even if they are all solo.

    Dead hard acts as a third health state when used as to avoid a hit or get to a window or pallet so it's twisting killers arms. They lose VALUABLE time due to the perk and that's why many killers camp and tunnel as well.

    Another reason is because they are angry from last match or this match and want to bm. Another reason is be6they don't know any better because they don't actually have the training with players who are ACTUALLY their skill level. Due to sbmm killers are far fewer than before so we have newer killers facing more experienced survivors who know how to loop or dead hard or even hide better.

    Killers camp and tunnel because they're playing a stressful role and that won't change unless the devs make survivor the stressful role which I don't recommend in the slightest.

    Like imagine how the moment you got hooked you were dead (1 hook state per survivor), imagine not being able to instantly throw a pallet but it takes longer and the killer can have a higher chance of hitting you because of it. Imagine if maps were tiny and all 7 gens were easily accessible.

    How stressful would the game be for the other side? A lot of people would leave or hold the game hostage by hiding. My point in this is that one role is very chill due to surviors being able to have downtime by working on gens since they are on a team and the other is stressed because it's only them.

    Idk why I wrote so much I just did.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Aka the Myers the camped me at 5 gens even in a 3v1 screenshoot lmao

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,327

    I have seen plenty of killers tunnel from the get-go without anyone being toxic towards them or being "bullied". Some people are just utterly childish and take out everything bad that has happened to them out on others in a video game.

    To your point of using a flashlight save, there are many that have blinders on, and regardless of what you do they will tunnel no matter what.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570

    What u just said makes absolutely no sense. How come there is no incentive for the killer to go after someone else? I mean, getting more than a single kill is the reason why I always try to get as many hooks as possible.

    They are adding countermeasures to prevent tunneling because it happens way more often in low mmrs and being a less skillful branch of the game I honestly think it is ok.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570

    I hate to break it to ya bud, but if thats ur only strat to secure a measly kill, ur doing something wrong.

  • Armchair
    Armchair Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2022

    I don't think he's talking about securing a measly kill

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067
    edited June 2022

    Not really, I don’t mind eating a DS or whatever endurance. Then the survivor is vulnerable and I am free to hook him again.

    Going after another survivor who has never been hooked is a waste a time because you need more hooks in total to win. The fastest you kill a survivor (even if you need to eat BT / DS / new OTR) the easiest it is to win, especially in end game to defend gens or simply slug in 1vs3 (or less).

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570
    edited June 2022

    If u think that kinda strat works in high mmrs ur game sense is off

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Killers should not be shamed about tunneling but not either encourage them to do that. Other tactics should be made more viable and ds in fact needs to be basekit.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    The amount of killers tunneling would severely diminish. It would literally become a thing that only bad killers or at least only toxic killers who do it for the purpose of tilting survivors, they would be the only ones doing it. GOOD killers would actually have a reason to not tunnel unlike now where that's literally the only option if you want to win / stay competitive.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    You guys can say it happens often but it literally doesn't. If you genuinely believe there are that many killers who literally camp and tunnel just for the purpose of tilting survivors and being annoying, compared to the amount who just play the game naturally, then you are delusional to believe that.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    No amount of "reasons not to tunnel" will stop a salty killer from choosing to tunnel a toxic survivor.

    You'll need more than a carrot on a stick

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    Again, that's an outlier. Tunneling and camping will literally NEVER be completely gone, same way teabagging and flash clicky survivors will never be gone. It's literally just how it is.

    The thing is the game doesn't force survivors to teabag or flashy click to be competitive. Tunneling is quite literally the only way for a killer to win consistently or to stay competitive. Whether they want to or not.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    It would. It's a basic fact. Killers tunnel often because there's zero positives for going for multiple people and it only wastes time (toxic killers are literal outliers). If you give them incentives and a reason to actually go for multiple people, then they would clearly start to play that way more often.

    You guys act like tunneling is fun, bro most killers don't even like it. I constantly see good killers complain about how they HAVE to tunnel to get value, because it's just how it is and how BHVR has designed it. Tunneling isn't fun for neither killers or survivors. It's boring asf. But it's the only way to stay competitive. If you make other strats better, tunneling becomes less of a necessity.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932
    edited June 2022

    Killers will still do it no matter what. Killers aren't going to magically stop because the devs give them a few reasons not to. The only thing that will help is if the devs somehow nerf camping/tunneling so it's no longer worth it. I doubt that'll happen.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    As delusional as it is to believe that they wouldn't tunnel if the playstyle stayed untouched. Please

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    Yes... the killers that do tunnel for the sole purpose of tunneling to be toxic... those are outliers.

    Because those are outliers. Those who literally tunnel for purpose of tilting survivors are outliers. You literally cannot compare them to the amount of killers that just play naturally.

    There will ALWAYS be killers who camp and tunnel, that will literally never go away. Same way that there will always be survivors who constantly flashy clicky or teabag. It will always be a thing.