You get a crop top! You get a crop top! EVERYONE GETS A CROP TOP!

Hear me out… so many of these survivors (and even a few killers) have crop tops so why not make them for everyone? And I get you could argue against some people but I have a counter argument for everyone except Ace. Yun Jin only dresses professionally so why not a crop top button up vest?? Adam Francis went to school during the time crop tops were trendy for men. Jeff is in a band he’d wear whatever lol.
Crop top Myers or I riot.
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crop top clown
crop top clown
crop top clown
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Crop top Julie. Crop top Billy. Crop top Dredge.
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Better emphasize that cute belly. Let it jiggle baby!
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Topless Spirit!....wait what were we talking about again
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Does this count?
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No cuz tank top. Don't be afraid to show the belly.
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I want this on Jeff.
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Does this Dwight torso count?
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Crop top Victor when?
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Crop top trapper
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Well you gotta remember Adam was in Japan and dressing is alot more conservative over there, idk anything about korea so I can't say anything about yun-jin
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What show.. asking for a friend
Also dbd six anniversary charm? On his neck lol
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The outfits community desires.
This is the easiest way to profit, what are you waiting BHVR?
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I don't really care about shirtless oni, but I would love shirtless clown
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But we already kind of have a shirtless Oni.
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It's Sean Astin in the movie 50 First Dates.
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I would rather no tops wink wink
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This is the torso I use on Clown.
Its good, but its not a crop top
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After playing The Quarry I need every character to have 80s outfits. Men wearing crop tops and shorts desperately needs to come back into style.
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Is that motherfu#### Sean Astin?
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Reading this just gave me depression, thank you very much.
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Yes, yes it is. It's from 50 First Dates. He's awesome in it. 😂
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And topless ha-
Wait, nevermind we already have that