Perk Categories: We Need Them

Imagine the average Dead by Daylight player. In fact--imagine ALL Dead by Daylight players sorting through their perks time and time again, having to go through multiple different pages to find their personal perk, but no more!

Presenting Perk Categories, something this game desperately needs for better quality of life.

As you can see from this wonderful example presented to you by your friendly neighborhood Nemesis, Perk Categories would basically be the next step in giving that Survivor or Killer the tools they need to combat the dreadful monotony of sorting through pages of perks.

How does it work?

Simple, when you use this new system, pressing on each category will highlight it, and it will remove all perks except for the ones in the selected category (or categories), making it far easier to find the perk you need for that match you're soon to be participating in.

What are the Categories?

There are a total of 6 Survivor and Killer categories each. I will go over each below:


  • Objective: Perks that require an objective to use or activate on, such as hooks, generators, gates or chests.
  • Healing: Perks that affect healing speed, the act of healing or grant the Endurance status effect.
  • Exhaustion: Perks that cause the Exhaustion status effect upon use, or affect Exhaustion speed.
  • Special Ability: Perks that grant special abilities or items that activate after certain requirements are met.
  • Totems: Perks that allow you to Bless totems or locate their position.
  • Enhancements: Perks that affect the base statistics of the Survivor or their Items.


  • Awareness: Perks that give the Killer an easier time locating Survivors or other objects through auras, screaming or subtle clues given to them by The Entity.
  • Hexes: Perks that allows Killers to start the Trial with powerful Hex Perks.
  • Scourge Hooks: Perks that allow Killers to use deadly Scourge Hooks.
  • Slowdown: Perks that slow down any aspect of the game, either through slowing down progression, regressing objectives or cause an objective to be stalled momentarily.
  • Enhancements: Perks that affect the base statistics of the Killer, but do not give them any awareness. This includes Obsession Perks.
  • Effects: Perks that give the Killer the ability to afflict certain effects on Survivors, such as Blindness, Oblivious or Exposed, or give themselves the Undetectable status effect.

With Perk Categories, Survivors and Killers alike would have a much easier time to change their Perks whenever they want to at a click of a button, rather than having to go through multiple pages to find their desired perks.

The option would always be there, too, granting genuine benefits to players without costing too much time to develop.

What do you say?


  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    I like the idea myself. If nothing else when looking at custom perk icons I've wondered if there are any that color code or otherwise indicate which perks do what (Color A for exhaustion, Color B for aura perks, etc)

  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487

    Great idea, it can be useful for newer players as well

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94

    Solid idea.

    Kudos to you for putting a lot of effort into this.

    I might suggest using the Emblem system as categories (4 for each side) and then placing each perk into the slot that most aligns with the type of gameplay it promotes. You can just put the 4 icons across where you have your titles now.

  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 599

    One of the next QoL features I'd like to see implemented is the Perk Search Bar/Filter. Initially I thought about just having a search bar to search for perks, but I love this idea, too. Some form of 'filter' button that allowed you to filter by Hex/Scourge/Exhaustion/Boon, etc. would be great too.

    Solid idea, and nice mock up too.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    What's funny is that mobile had this from the beginning. They're planning on adding bots to custom like mobile did so this COULD happen.