What have you done during the Twisted Masquarde

Perks & Characters i bought
Infectious Fright
Charactes i Leveled up
Deathslinger: L1 --> L50
Cenobite: P1 L50 --> P3 L50
Jill: P2 L50 --> P3 L49
Steve: P3 --> P3 L50
Yoichi: P2 L50 --> P3 L50
Excutioner: P2 L50 --> P3 L50
Cosmetics Unlocked
Got all the Mask
Got Dredge's & Haddie's Tome outfits
Unlocked the Tome Charms
Got to Tier 70 in the Rift
All my killers have at least 20 cakes (Dredge being an exception, I hoarded that #########)
P3'd a few Survivors to find out that I have doomed them to be covered in piss for the rest of time (Sorry guys)
Got a few Event items on my main Survivors since I think they look pretty neat
And thats just about it
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I P3-50 maxed Dredge on the killer side.
I have P3'd Haddie, Ace, Laurie, Bill on the survivor side.
Overall, I had a pretty good feast.
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Played something else. I hate events for either side
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my cheryl is sitting w/ over 100 cakes!
i dont need BP so i dont knoww what to do with them :(
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With the help of the event and both double BP's I've now got every survivor P3'd, all of which were non prestiged lvl 50 or below before. Within a month and 2 weeks (I've played... a lot).
Got all the masks, cosmetics. Bought all shrine perks every day that they have been reduced in price and now I've got just 500 shards :( but it was worth it
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Really grinding flans this time.
im way over 500 i guess - not so crazy like this one with over 1000 after the first days - but it is a lot for me.
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Finished P3 Nancy
P2 lvl 50 Meg, Dwight, Nea, Kate, Elodie, Demogorgon
Finished the rift even tho i was very late on it
Got all the event's rewards
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Decided to P3 a bunch in hopes of the reward being to my fancy, didn't luck out there.
P0 - P3: Myers, Ghostface, Oni, Pyramid Head, Blight, Nemesis, Sadako, and Dredge.
Was going to P3 Demo and some of my Survivors but I'm better off keeping them max perks.
At least my Archives are almost over.
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All perks all killers and all perks on Dwight. Never prestiged
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Made the right decision not to prestige my Artist, Dredge and Jonah. Have every worthy / useful perk maxed, cakes out the wazoo and hoarding addons i like.
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I just got the masks and that's really it. Though, the more I think about it.. I'm not going to use these cosmetics over the ones I already have save for the deathslinger one. That's ones pretty awesome.
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I basically just funneled about 10 million more BPs into Kate and collected the masks.
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4k with Oni on RPD. Packing .....
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I have everything p3-50 so i just grinded flans so i have 1300 on nurse, 700 on Blight, 450 on Pinhead and 600 combined on the rest of my killers… and a 300 on my survivors now its break time
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Finished maxing out (not prestiged, but perks) almost all killers and survs. Hoarded a ton of addons and offerings, and despite using one every single match, now have hundreds of flans.
Even though I stopped prestiging ages ago, I P3'd a handful of characters I had stopped at P2 on, on the chance the P3 reward was actually something worthwhile (seems that it isn't).
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Cheryl P3L50 --> P3L50 + ALL PERKS
Felix L40 --> P3L50
Elodie L40 --> P3L50
Yun-Jin L40 --> P3L50
Jill L40 --> P3L50
Leon L40 --> P3L50
Mikela L40 --> P3L50
Johan L40 --> P3L50
Yoichi L40 --> P3L50
Haddie L40 --> P3L50
Nemesis P3L50 --> P3L50 + ALL PERKS*
Pinhead P3L50 --> P3L50 + ALL PERKS*
Artist P3L50 --> P3L50 + ALL PERKS*
Sadoko P3L50 --> P3L50 + ALL PERKS*
Dredge P3L50 --> P3L50 + ALL PERKS*
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I have 200 cakes with Sadako and 143 with Haddie. Not a lot but it's quite something.
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Grind like crazy and wasted over 500 cakes to get prestige 3 on my main killers. Well, that was dumb idea, wasn't it?
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Leveled up Hillbilly for the first time in almost six years. He still had the massive bloodweb from pre-Legacy days.
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Got every killer to p3 or p2-50
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3k flan on my main survivor and maxed the rift from 1 to 70
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Destroyed all my flans.
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I've got all the masquerade cosmetics for Dredge and Haddie. I can care less about charms.
I'm on tier 65 in the normal rift so I went ahead and bought it. I'll finish it up tomorrow.
I've hoarded a good 40-50 flans on my three mains plus over a hundred spread out on other survivors. No count on flashlight, toolboxes and medkits yet. Would have had more flans but I actually used them in game instead of kept them to look at. O_O
Faced way more nurses than I have seen in all of 2021.
P3'd Quentin. Learned we were getting jack all for P3ing characters and if I do it now I will lose all my stuff so I stopped.
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Lots of leveling on killer side. Didn't get as much done as I'd like because of my job, but overall satisfied. I am waiting for the Prestige rework to take effect so I can hoard Flan while leveling up.
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I p3'd 14 killers, got all perks on tier 3 on my lvl 50 Trapper (waiting for the prestige rework cause he still has some old offerings like bouquets and splinters in his inventory, thats why I never prestieged him before) then I got all remaining perks on my p3 lvl 50 chars (all Roots of Dread perks).
Just finished today and now I am ready to take a break at least until the new rift releases.