Is going against Legion going to be more miserable to play with upcoming changes?

It seems like they will benefit more with the Upcoming changes.
Thana, Gift of Pain and Surge will all be solid picks for them from the looks of it.
Eruption and Overcharge already look like solid picks as well.
I don’t know much as of right now but he is already a miserable killer to go against. I play solo, so maybe that is why.
Yes, a tad bit.
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Thanataphobia alone will be quite annoying, and this not even the biggest offender.
I think they greatly over-buffed the regression perks. Overcharge alone is dummy-busted.
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Yes, they've incentivised 4 gen slowdown perks by removing BP from BBQ.
Despite their goal to "move away" from the meta they've only made it stronger, which is fine - but honestly with a build that makes healing 3.56mins long or a gen 150 seconds solo on Plague it's going to be very hard to convince survivors to play for long periods.
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Yes. The Meta for Killers will still be 4 Slowdowns - just different Slowdowns.
Thana alone pushes a Gen to 110 seconds against Legion. And this is without any time spent on Mending or other Slowdowns. Games will be dragged out a lot against Legion, even more than they are currently dragged out.
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I looooooooooove Legion but Thana can get bent
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They wont drag a lot if you spam fast actions on a locker and suicide on first hook the moment you hear their TR theme.
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I mean, most experienced or skilled players could have told them regression perks have always been band aids over bad map design. And they're arguably making forever builds even stronger with a worse meta on both sides without addressing the actual core issue that is leading to power imbalance (MAP DESIGN)
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Praise the toggle button 👐
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Already prepared for my MMR to plummet whenever I get Legion cuz I'm gonna throw every game. I already hate going against them.
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I don't remember who made it but I think I saw someone making a comment on how there's a build that can make a gen take over 150 seconds with these new perks.
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So really no change from current. Legion was the most annoying killer before the perk overhaul. After, it's not even a discussion. Suicide out, get in a different trial that's almost guaranteed to be more fun, giving them low BPs while pushing their MMR up making them have to go against SWF sweatlords faster. Win/win.
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So no change from current, then. Legion is the most annoying killer already. After the perk overhaul, it's not even a discussion. Suicide out and hop into a new trial that's almost guaranteed to be more fun, while giving them low BPs and pushing their MMR higher so they'll have to deal with SWF sweatlords faster. Win/win.
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Oh great, Legion games drag enough as is. If my games start going any longer then I might do something I hate and let go on hook. I feel like the death rates are gonna be skewed going forward by people letting go.
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you can get up to 187 seconds alone with 4 man thana+penti and a cool 240 with penti+3 man thana+gift of pain
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They were boring when they were "weak." They're boring now. And they're going to be even more boring after the mid-chapter patch.
I'm very concerned with how DBD is gonna feel from the survivor perspective after this update.
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Off the Record + DH + Styptic = 3 hits to keep survivors from going down all game long, 2 of which activate multiple times, and guarantees escape at endgame.
I don't think being a survivor "Going against Legion" is where the "misery" of this patch actually lies...
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I used to whinge about forever freddy a lot.
but oh boy if only i knew how great that looks in comparison
still love legion but this is troublesome considering thana is basically basekit for 90% of legions 💀
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New thantophobia will make annoying legion builds worse to play against
Don't blame people who suicide against legion next patch
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And Plague Thana.
22% debuff on 90sec Gen is not a good gameplay. 115sec per Gen.
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Worst part is the 'counterplay'
You either heal vs Legion to get rid of it (Arguably even more of a waste of time)
Or you cleanse vs Plague (giving her more of her extremely oppressive chase power)
Is this the definition of lose/lose?
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I have seen posts, people say that legion is worst killer in the entire game post rework. what's wrong? he''s getting buffed for being worst killer in the game. apparently.
i don't know what planet these killer play on, but generator slowdown is complete meta for killers and legion uses them like a champ. not my opinion, but whatever.
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Use buffed gift of pain to make it more lose lose combined with thana on legion
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at least gift of pain is a scourge hook perk with an effect you can avoid by not healing
It's a risk but it's not unavoidable like thana
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Don't mind the thana buff since botony got buff to help healing an it does waste time an punish the endurance meta however 5% to 22% per injured is a bit of a leap an should be tone down to around 12 or something.
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Literally both things are bad so what's ur point
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The only problem I have with legion is his matches are too long (now more than ever). He has no chase power so he is not by any means overpowered, but, its an endless circle of get hit, mend, get hit, mend. I dont even like playing as him hes so boring
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thana, penti, dying light, and now it's... how much?
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Imagine a Plague 3 genning a deadzone with buffed thana, buffed gen times, buffed overcharge, Call of Brine and Jolt. Oof.
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ok with 3 man thana, healed under gift of pain, penti, 6 stacks of dying light... you get a cool gen time of 461 seconds solo. Have fun!
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Y'know, I've always wanted to work on a gen for 4 minutes.
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3.56 minute heal time lolwut
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Ohhh, new survivor meta! Can't wait
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Yeah they probably looked at their numbers and saw Thana was underused and thought it was underpowered not understanding that only two killers use it and also not understanding that with how strong circle of healing is, that in turn hurts Thana,
I mean they did a lot of things right with the changes but it only takes a few missteps to screw it up and they have made more than a few shortsighted changes on both sides.
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Legion + thana is already annoying as it is right now
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I dont think that Legion has ever been the worst Killer. But they have never been a strong Killer either (even in their first version, you were just good at downing one Survivor while losing the game) and IMO they cannot be a strong Killer with their current power.
However, they are good at slowing down the game. And fun to play as well.
But I am really concerned that their Slowdown will be too much with the new changes. If you can prolong games that much, this means that there will be less ressources which means that Downs will be easier. And it will be very annoying to go against Legion, as I have written above, Gens will take 110 seconds with Thana alone...
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I think legion with old frank mixtape was #2 killer in the game. He got downs in 15 seconds that have zero counter-play on survivor part. a completely unmatched 1vs1. He also had 4vs1 gameplay slowdown. I think people didn't know it at the time because of no MMR+being bad at the game.
You have a killer that gets downs in 15 seconds, but you can still lose with a killer because survivors can push generators and win.
they basically gutted his 1vs1, but his slowdown was never gutted. generator slowdown by any means(it doesn't matter if its regression, secondary objectives, gen block) is meta and is undeniably extremely important irregardless of the killer.
in reality, m1 killers are not able to contest loops in this game. they never were able to do so. as a result, they contest objective instead because by making objective slower, they can break more pallets without getting punished for it. by doing so, they can drain all of the pallet resources on the map while your objective as survivor is incomplete, so while they suck at loops, it doesn't matter if there is no loops to go to. that's how legion wins, its how all other killers win as well.
well except for killer that actually have anti-loop. in their case, they destroy survivors in the chase by having legit good ability and they get to run same slowdown perks to further reinforce/solidity their victory. Like blight, you know? he dominate chase and than also just has same slowdown perks so that he can sabotage your objective while giving himself more time to kill you with his ability. that logic to applies to any every perceived strong killer, you know, nurse, spirit, it doesn't matter.
back to topic on legion, I'd say they're trying to exaggerate further reinforce his strengths as killer rather improving his obvious weaknesses as killer. At the same time, I don't know how you make an ability like feral frenzy fair toward survivor without giving survivor's a massive base-kit change to counter-play his ability.
The only way I can ever see feral frenzy being fair for survivor(chase-wise) is by giving survivor base-kit current dead hard every time legion uses his feral frenzy ability. at that point, the game wouldn't be about looping feral frenzy, it would be more about having good dead hard iframe timing to outplay legion.
I'd say Legion if his feral frenzy could down is 2nd strongest killer power in the game. Luckily, it can't, so it doesn't matter.
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I sure hope so! We members of the Legion have been suffering for a very, very, very long time, and it will be nice to finally have SOMETHING! :D
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legion is already mediocre even with the buff, fortunately there may be a increase in how good legion is with the perk buffs
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I kinda like legion, but honestly If, because of these changes, they start running full slowdown builds and won’t commit to chases ill just dc bro. I aint playing skill check simulator. The one fun thing about the game is chases so