tunnel or camping

Tunnel and camping is a toxic behavior, we can even put it in the harassment category, you are going to continue to bury the head in the sand and let this harassing behavior continue?
"its a legit strat"
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It's not fun but the developers have stated it is a strategy.
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This forum so corrupt.
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Its a strat when used in a manner of “fair playness”. Tunneling the one surv the whole match is not that, that’s why they introduced the mid chapter changes with OTR and BT basekit
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basekit bt or any other perk isn't going to matter..if a killer wants you out of the game..you're out.. No perks are going to save you. LOL
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I agree with that partly. The thing is, now its harder, now theres a whole new layer of “second chance”. So if u wanna tunnel, u do u. But it’s not time effective, and it will get u one measly kill by the end of the match. Cause while u waste time enough to lose 5 gens on that meg, the other 3 survs teabag u by the exit gates. So If that is what u look for in a match, sure, by all means tunnel away.
Also, believe me when I tell u, If ur playing against decent, well coordinated squad, not even tunneling the whole game will guarantee u a kill.
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Idk my games lately ( I know the update hasn't hit) its non stop. Like the game isn't even enjoyable. Finished most of the event and I got the rift done, So now I think Im hanging up the towel til update day. I get that killers want kills, but honestly being on the end of tunneled and slugged and face camped until you're dead is just no fun at all and it gets boring. lol
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Yes, exactly. I like chases tbh, both as Killer and Surv, but being focused the whole game is not fun specially in low mmrs where most survs dont have much map or chase knowledge. So the harder it is the less tempting tunneling will be
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Not even that, but Ive also seen a HUGE increase of survivors just not doing anything at all. Hiding in lockers, sitting in the corner of the map. Just stupid stuff like that while you're being chased tunneled and camped to death and the killer STILL gets a 4k because your teammates couldn't be bothered to do anything while he was focused on you for the past 10 mins. its stupid, I don't like the way the new MMR is at all. I wish they would go back to ranks.
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Oh I ser. Yeah its because ur getting newbies or inexperienced players. Because mmr is busted. They put into account how many matches u survived instead of how well u did. Its stupid tbh. If u play killer they’ll put into account how many kills u got, so if u got none but 8 hooks sucks to be u basically.
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The only thing toxic about tunnelling and camping is people’s gross overreaction to it and them feeling justified in abusing others over something as silly as a game mechanic.
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I suck as killer im not afraid to admit it, Most games I can get at least 1 kill but I also feel like Im going up against people that are like way ahead of me. I have thousands of hours on the game but Ive alway enjoyed survivor more because I liked it more. So I started branching out, and its no good lol. Like I can't even I play one or two games then im done, because I dont want to become a killer that I don't like playing against.
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I mean tunneling and camping at 5 gens i would agree is cringe
But it can be a great strategy mid to late game
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I know bro, Killer is not for everyone. And ur right, I always play a Killer Id like to face u know. So I avoid tunneling (unless I have to) and I dont camp at all. But some players try to justify that with excuses to face camp and tunnel at 5 gens. Its just awful
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true. I avoid tunneling cause its no fun, not for me not for the person being tunneled. But if Im chasing bill whos on his second hook, and I stumble upon meg whos dead on hook, I will switch for sure.
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Bro have you seen the changes in the PTB?
I'm pretty sure the devs WANT killers to camp and tunnel as every change they make practically forces killers to do it lmfao
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Camping I don't mind, tunneling I think the killers should give a little breathing room unless that player was being a bm person, and then you have survivors who will literally just fake save and tap you on hook until you die you cant even attempt to get off the hook or force yourself dead unless you d/c
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honestly both sides are bad, unless you're with a good group of friends, and im not talking about being good at the game i mean laughing having fun not caring about a dang thing in the game. Survivors are becoming more toxic towards each other, and honestly I think its because they are bored, but it ruins the game for the other survivor, And killers right now (I know it may be a legit strat) but almost every game is either tunneling camping or slugging, i get at end game do whatyou gotta do. Or even when there is one gen left. But if there are 5 gens and you have everyone slugged on the ground where is the fun in that? Just because you could honestly. I try to play with the mind set of, How would I feel. Now those who like to be little twits and try to get me to chase them I mean if you want my full blown attention Ill give it to you lol.
But for the most part Im a ash 3 killer, Im trying to learn without having to resort to tunneling and camping right off the bat, its hard not gonna lie. Makes me wanna quit sometime. I just honestly don't think some of the survivor mains actually ever play killer. Im a survivor main (because thats all i really play) but im trying to branch out and understand everything..after...3k hours :')
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I think it's important to try both roles.
Context is important when discussing camping. I got called out for camping in end-game chat and cursed at. But if the survivors took a second to think about it, they would have realized that in end-game, defending the hook is often the only non-give-up option for killers. All the gens were powered, one of the gates was at 99%, there was one injured survivor and one on the hook. I didn't know where the injured survivor was. In this situation, it would have essentially been giving up if I had gone traipsing off into the fog looking for the injured survivor, leaving the hook unguarded. I wasn't even face camping, I was patrolling. But when you never play killer, you come to silly conclusions like, "All camping is bad."
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Yup! I totally agree. I think camping and tunneling is a strat if you haven't gotten any hook and gens are just flying by. Those killers that do it when there is still 5 gens left kinda make me wanna smack em lol. I get its THEIR play style, But its annoying. but i totally agree with you.
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What do you mean?
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Tunneling can be weak depending of map and if the survivors do gens, same with camping, far from being a issue, the blame is on braindead survs.
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There's no reason to call survivors "braindead". It's just uncalled for.
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Would camping within about 1 step of the survivor and tunneling that survivor out of the game be toxic though. I would say there are definitely players using that to harass other players and they are doing it intentionally. You don't do that without knowing that it ruins the other persons game.
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What is tunneling? What is camping?
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Camping and tunneling are both so unfun and the person on hook cant do anything about it. And still people will blame the person on the hook.
I mean i play a game where i cant do anything, just to be out of the match without anything in return. If atleast the fast tunneled/camped survivor would get a BP reward for staying the whole time on hook, then i wouldnt mind.
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If the game is down to 3 gens then it truly is a strat, and you cannot blame the killer then. Now if a killer does that off the bat, that's different.
It could be that some people are just younger and process/say things differently. Be the change you'd like to see! 😃
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If the game is down to 3 gens then it truly is a strat, and you cannot blame the killer then. Now if a killer does that off the bat, that's different.
It could be that some people are just younger and process/say things differently. Be the change you'd like to see! 😃
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If the game is down to 3 gens then it truly is a strat, and you cannot blame the killer then. Now if a killer does that off the bat, that's different.
It could be that some people are just younger and process/say things differently. Be the change you'd like to see! 😃
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It's not toxic behavior or a strategy it's just gameplay.
Just like all four survivors slamming out gens in 5 minutes it's not toxic behavior it's just gameplay.
Until the DEVs add more to do in the match so it's not over with in 5 minutes for either side.
That's it
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Your unlucky facing those kind of killers cause I think half the killers still try to avoid using those stragedies. Ofcourse endgame is different thing. But today I faced killers who mostly were going chases but one game thought there was dredge super tunneling zariah at start of the match and even when we blocked him he still tried to avoid hitting us. But we all managed to escape in the end somehow.
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Tunneling and camping killer is pretty braindead too.
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Not against competent surv players with basic knowledge of the game.
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I can pull off camping within 1 step of a player with a 3k to 4k win streak, even at higher levels of play. In fact, I was able to progress to some of the highest levels of play when I did that. And yes, it's pretty braindead.
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Tunneling and camping are done by weak minded individuals who lack the desire and patience to develop skills at this game. And that's fine. For those losers. They don't really "win" those matches. Everyone loses when they play like that. They're only screwing themselves by putting themselves in a higher mmr than what their actual skill level is. If we believe mmr works as intended...
Win or lose, I have fun as long as killer doesn't rely on cheap, lazy & greasy tactics like tunneling or camping. Don't care what perks they bring aside from Franklin's. It can be a very fun game. Just not when trash people use trash tactics.
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You seem extremely salty. Tunneling is rushing the kill, just like survivors rush their objective.
Against good survivors it does not work.
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It's still and you face survivors like that rarely.
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If they really want to remove it, hooks doesn't exist.
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That's going too far sometimes you have to use those stragedies in order to win but killer who uses them all the time is loser thought.
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Expecting best from opponent all the time is a loser? hmm?
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I mean slugging is a legitimate strategy. I can see how tunneling wouldn't be fun, like a killer finds you 1 minute later and tries to hook you again and follows you after that again but slugging is a completely legitimate strategy that is very easily counterable. Even tunneling is very easy to counter without DS. Just genrush lol
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Some people define "tunneling" and "camping" as, "I let myself get hooked very easily and I'm not very good at chases but PLEASE stop chasing me because I personally don't like it" and "how dare you share a Terror Radius with the hook?? PROXY CAMPER"
Camping is only actually camping when you are sitting barely 3 meters away from the hooked person. Proxy camping literally doesn't exist.
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Full campers and tunnelers rarely know how to chase so what im seeing is unskilled play happening over and over again. I would long ago quitted killer if that would be best way to win but it's not. Being good chases carries you long way and only occasionally you need to camp or tunnel.
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I know best way to win is doing great in chase AND utilizing slug/tunnel and probably camp by just looking at someone who tries hard for win though.
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Yeah, with how Boon: Circle of Healing is right now, you bet I will bring a lot of Franklin's to delete your Brand New Part and five thousand flashlights. I do agree these strategies result in getting unusually high MMR way too fast.
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I was playing against really good survivors and were in SWFs, the saves they were pulling off were amazing and incredibly coordinated. They were far far more skilled than I was. I would assume I was in the highest MMR bracket because I had 50+ wins in a row (3 or 4 kills). The game is heavily weighted toward a killer who camps within 1 step of the survivor and it's easy.
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you all act like as if every match the survivors are potatoes. If you get a 3k and 4k often, atleast 4 or 5 times in a row, you will start to see more swfs, naturally. You only go against bad survivors CONSTANTLY if you are low mmr.
No, you did well and they possibly did a crucial mistake.
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It's really the perks I used. They give a massive advantage to 1-step-camping. Dead Man's Switch, Ruin and NOED. With he increase in gen times, I bet I could get an even higher number of kills. Have to switch out Ruin with something else.
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theyre made up words by survivors to get in your head and make you run across the map even when you know theyre all crouched 5 meters away waiting to get that unhook. If the game allows it, and gives you more bloodpoints, do it. Who cares what a survivor crys to at night, thats kinda the point as a killer.
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If a killer has to spend a whole match tunnelling one survivor to get any kills, they are probably out of their league. If you're always getting tunnelled, you're probably out of your league.
Nevermind the tome challenges that require killing the obsession ten times. That takes ten matches to complete! When I get that challenge, care to guess who's getting tunnelled?