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tunnel or camping
If a killer has to spend a whole match tunnelling one survivor to get any kills, they are probably out of their league. If you're always getting tunnelled, you're probably out of your league.
Nevermind the tome challenges that require killing the obsession ten times. That takes ten matches to complete! When I get that challenge, care to guess who's getting tunnelled?
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if that is the case its a design fault, no one should play “out of their league”.
No smart killer would commit to a chase that lasts for 5 gens. And yet it happens even at high mmr matches. And what is the survivor to do if not get tunneled? Lol
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If you look at it this way tho it kinda makes more sense. If someone is trying to pip up and start taking their ranks seriously then getting tunneled or camped out of a game is extremely irritating. Personally it’s gotten to a point for me where I just don’t want to touch the game anymore. After that death too it usually leads to a downfall of getting worse and worse teammates the next match. It makes it impossible to enjoy the game. Personal opinion tho.
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They are actively encouraging it with the incoming changes. It is even easier to tunnel and camp than ever before.
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Don't know if anyone got the patience to go through bt, off the record, dead hard and ds in a single chase.
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You'd be surprised, but then that's assuming those perks are at play. Whenever people want to argue against something, they always mention the most compelling stacked perks optimized for a specific situation. Why stop there? Maybe they have Head-On and Soul Guard too!
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That might be possible, and most probably will in low mmr, but as soon as the "good loadout" is found, you're pretty sure to see it at least twice per game, even in low mmr.
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I call it survivor failure. Detection is avoidable, chases are winnable, camping is counterable. I find that these situations are so detested based on entitlement to additional chances which some survivors "feel" should be mandatory.
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Which is unfortunate
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I tried to play more this week around my life, just to try to get in on some of the event and finish the Rift. The camping/tunneling was the worst I have ever seen it. To the point I equip all the anti-tunneling perks I could. What a miserable weekend it was. Im just so tired of it.
4-5 gens up, first survivor downed, and there's the Killer on Kindred, standing at the hook beating the hooked survivor. Then that survivors d/c's or kills themselves. Idk about you, but with the nerf to DS and Solo Q in general, I think things will be worse after the update. Unless OTR goes live, but I kinda doubt that with the level of complaints.
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Survivors tunnel gens, Killers tunnels survivors. Are we going to put Genrush in the harassment category too?
I mean, If tunnel (In your opinion) is avoiding a player to play the match, Rushing gens is the same, you are avoiding the killer to play the game by finishing gens as faster as you can.
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they have stated multiple times that these are valid strategies; somewhere in these forums they specifically state that if your report includes the words camping, tunneling, or slugging, among others, that your report gets ignored and thrown out. so unless you can convince BHVR to change their minds and reconsider the health of their game, they are here to stay. I don't like it any more than OP does, but at this point i just kind of expect it as survivor; and there are times when i feel like i have to tunnel as killer or camp in the end game, or i will for sure lose the match.
That being said, with this new patch, i do feel like they deserve some credit for trying. it's the first time since i've started playing that i felt like BHVR was treating me with respect instead of making dumb comparisons between DBD and hockey or telling me to go play a a different game like civilization. however, with the new endurance meta, tunneling might be more discouraged, but facecamping is stronger than ever since gens take longer. the best way to counter a camper is to gen rush, but thats harder now, so i expect to see a rise in camping. better get the marshmallows ready...
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You bought the game. Play it however you like.