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I'm doubling down of Prestiging 3 my Killers

Member Posts: 715

Surely with all the negative feedback with gold glitters filter. BHVR would surely change it right? Right?

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  • Member Posts: 5,499

    Only feedback can direct change here.

    Im still prestiging my Survivors. I want to free lvl 3 perks.

  • Member Posts: 5,279


  • Member Posts: 269

    There are so many people that are pissed off about this "reward" it's enough to walk away from this game.

    I hope they change it.

  • Member Posts: 800

    glad i knew bhvr so well that i expected the reward to be so useless and advised people not to prestige and it turns out i was right to do so. what a way to reward your long time dedicated players.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Well people was warned about prestiging everyone just for the rewards...

    It's meant as a little reward for those who actually prestiged 3 before the update. If it was something huge they would of announced it.

    I never prestiged anyway so I'm still pretty happy, but so many people was warned not to rush to prestige

  • Member Posts: 157

    But what do they get out if it other than backlash? They're not earning from you prestiging.

    I agree though, the reward is terrible. And that is although my expectations where low, I expected it to be something not worth the grind but pretty (because usually the art department actually do good work!) I just don't see what positive they would get out of trying to push people to PIII.

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