What's the point of the DS stun nerf?

And I mean the stun time duration. The only killer affected by it and essentially buffed from it, is nurse... did nurse need a buff?
With 3 seconds you can still get around a wall for blight or just get to any loop in general against all the other killers. Nurse is the only one you can't because she can literally teleport that distance, so what was that point of it.
The nerf doesn't buff any killer that needs it, and only buffs what is already the strongest killer in the game.
The endgame nerf is cool (although completely pointless because OTR still completely guarantees an escape anyway) but the duration nerf doesn't even do anything for 99% of the killers.
The point was just to change the mets perks to something else. That's all
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But it will probably still be meta. As the interaction didn't change for 99% of the killers sooooo
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it was to buff nurse and blight so they can catch you even faster LOL
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To ensure double range addons Nurse can reach you in one blink instead of two.
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Meta perks = Bad for the game's health according to BHVR.
DS is a healthy perk there was no reason to nerf the stun duration if you hard tunnel a survivor and just ignore the others you deserve to get punished as it leads to boring and frustrating situations.
Sometimes I know I am tunneling and want to get a survivor out of the game fast I am ready to eat the DS and still chase after the survivor to make the game 3v1 asap I deserve to get DS'ed it was a meta perk for a reason but that doesn't mean it was unhealthy for DbD most players complained about Dead Hard current DS is fine and balanced.
Tunneling and being tunneled can be boring for both sides but sometimes when playing Killer this is what you should do if you had a terrible start and have no momentum/pressure,still deserve to get punished by DS tho.
Pointless nerf I only agree with DS being deactivated in endgame,there was no reason to reduce the stun duration.
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Tbh even though ds nurse would catch right back up given that most use double range or range recharge.
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The DS stun was originally 3 seconds. They buffed it to 5 because Enduring affected it. When the Enduring bug was fixed they "forgot" to revert the stun duration back to the original.
This stun duration change is just reverting to the original. It also brings it in line with pallet stuns.
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I disagree that the duration nerf doesn't do anything against the other killers. Not only do a whole bunch of them also have abilities that allow them to down the survivor again seconds after regaining control, but the reduced distance against even a pure M1 killer makes DS much less of a deterrent against tunnelling. You will be right back in the chase with them, if there is no window or pallet within ~20m they are still a more or less guaranteed down, and even if there is (and even if it is actually a safe window or pallet), you are spending much less time without first having to catch up, and you are also not in any danger of losing the survivor altogether.
3 seconds is simply too little because a good 50% of that time is already spent in the stun animation before the survivor is even able to move, that's the reason why they had changed it to 5 seconds to begin with. The only reason that they're reverting that now is simply that they want to have perks with other names in the group of the most-used perks, they want to "shake up the perk meta", but mostly only on paper, with no real regard for improving the actual gameplay. Off The Record will take that spot, but it's honestly a worse anti-tunnelling perk, because the killer can just hit you off hook immediately and it's gone, they can still often down you mere seconds after that. With DS in those cases they would at least have to slug you for a minute, which is a lot of time and opens up opportunities to get healed, use Unbreakable, Adrenaline, etc., too.
If they really want to shake up the meta, they should change the game such that camping and tunnelling aren't the objectively best strategies anymore, and that can only work with significant base game changes. Of course, it would have to go along with significant buffs for many of the killers, such that the idea of getting 12 hooks is actually feasible in evenly-matched scenarios for them.
Either way, if they nerf OTR before it hits live, that means the update will actually have improved the efficiency of tunnelling even more, which is ridiculous and the opposite direction of where the game should be heading. At the very least, with this neutered DS, I see no reason why it should not be able to proc up to two times, i. e. after each unhook.
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Actually, the original stun duration was 5 seconds. Then 4. Then 3. Then 5 again. All of which times it was monumentally stronger than it is now, and never deactivated if you did anything.
So what this tells us is that DS's stun duration is variable and shouldn't necessarily be decided by what it was. Because in that case, it SHOULD be 5 seconds, right?