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Do you think the Entity is aware of us?

Vampwire Member Posts: 704

Us, as the player, take on the role of survivors and killers. But would the Entity know? Is the entire game just a connection to the Entity and it just uses us as a tool to sustain itself much like the survivors and killers?

I feel to some degree it would be aware. An eldritch being after-all is usually powerful enough to see through different dimensions.

Are we actually just living inside our own video-game, just as the characters live in dbd? ooOOOOoooOOOOO......


  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 282

    I find myself agreeing more with the theory that says that players are the Entity in case we have to break the 4th wall. The game sustains us with entertainment and fun, and we control the trials as well. Also, when we ask for certain killers, like Freddy or Ghostface, they are more likely to be brought to the game.

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    You are the entity that controls both sides and you can do whenever you want.

    Good theory though, I like it.

  • catkillsmouse
    catkillsmouse Member Posts: 244

    In a sense I feel we are The Entity mehaps this is why many chapters are leaked we still don't know what happened to the Observer mehaps he entered our world or he's standing behind you right now watching and learning.

  • MinViolet
    MinViolet Member Posts: 3

    Yeah I would have to go with we, the player are actually the entity.

  • Demo_Gaming101
    Demo_Gaming101 Member Posts: 23

    well the Entity is basically Matthew and since he knows we exist, so yeah

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,849

    A side from this, there is a ... not a theory, because there's no evidence whatsoever to back this ... but an idea that went around that people's creative ideas and dreams are somehow "beamed in" from other dimensions. So things like "A Nightmare on Elm Street" or "The Thing" actually existed in another reality. The Entity could well be using this to push into other areas, or simply be beamed across, like a podcast or tv show. If that were the case, there are many other Entities out there I'd rather not come across (The Magnus Archives, for instance - I don't want that apocalypse!).

    Again, it's more fantasy to me, but it's a fun daydream. ... unless it was real ... :S