New items, Implementation of Killer items.

KingCH Member Posts: 14

New items, Implementation of Killer items. 


1. New items for Survivors and the 

implementation of Killers having items.  

2. New in store purchase for equipment, map offerings and add-ons using Shards as purchase so you can directly buy that purple Flashlight or that Midwich map offering instead of wishing you'll finally get it within the BloodWeb. However yes the BloodWeb is cheaper, this would just give you the ability to receive those you often do not find in the BloodWeb. 

3. More cosmetics for both players such as Killer and Survivor....Ultra Rare Sets. Personal opinion. 

Now notes and or examples. Current items in the game only for Survivors for Killers have a power ability that takes place of Items.  I understand that Survivors have items and Killers have a unique power. This is just a nice thought or just to see other ideas.

Current items:

Medkits, Flashlights, Keys, Maps and Toolboxes occasionally other blinding devices. 

New items or more items examples: 

Rubber Bumpers for Survivors

Nailed Frames for Killers 

Rubber Bumper explained:

Allows for silent fast vaulting actions through the window or vaulting spot. This can be installed on one vaulting spot per a trial. So this allows a survivor to make a loop or wall area maybe a little more in favor. 

Nailed Frame explained: 

Allows the slowdown/no fast actions going in or out of window or vaulting spot and will not be silent. This can be installed on one window for the duration of the trial. Gives the ability for a killer to weaken an area they feel they might have trouble in the future with. 

New items could effect pallets as well....I'm trying to inspire more environmental effects with items. Just how the Toolboxes can effect hooks. 

New items that could also effect pallets.  

Picket Fence Framing a killer item. 

Once Installed on one pallet. When a survivor drops that pallet it can be broken in 1 second less compared to other pallets. This can be Installed only on one pallet per a trial. 

Junk Yard Scraps a survivor item. 

On one pallet per a trial. When a survivor drops this pallet it takes an additional second or 1.5 second and a half for the killer to break. Unless the killer has an automatic break action of course. 

I know the items or effect the new items could have can be changed for something better I'm just giving examples, trying to pitch out other ideas for the public to bounce off of and become inspired to, I just like the thought of new items and possibly creating an item slot for Killers as well. I feel as if this would change the game play up a little. 

Please let me know how you feel about this and the possible effects it could have and what are some new items you would come up with!

Thank you all for reading and responding if do.


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    I defiantly think survivors need new items. i don't know how you would implement a killer item tho

    i really like the rubber bumper idea

  • Ayamir
    Ayamir Member Posts: 291

    ehh I don't really know this sounds too complicated for BHVR.

    But cool concept and ideas I like it.

  • KingCH
    KingCH Member Posts: 14

    IlliterateGenocide and Ayamir thank you for the feedback, it's very appreciated! I do believe survivors could really use new items. Especially with new killers creating new powers to deal with. I know the concept is maybe a little complicated XD but would be cool. Thank you both again!

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    Here is a great idea: give every survivor one or two unique items that only they can find in their blood web. This would help with the "all survivors are the same and are just skins" and give everyone some sort of identity without forcing any builds on players.

  • KingCH
    KingCH Member Posts: 14

    Honestly that sounds great having unique items for Survivors and only those Survivors would be able to use them, would make playing that Survivor more meaningful due to you enjoy those specialized items only they can have. And would create a interesting game environment for a Killer to play around. Just how Leon came with the FlashBang perk. Imagine if it was a special item only those who played him could get.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    Exactly! I never was a fan of the fact that survivors are basically all just a techable perk delivery vehicle and after that a skin for the survivor class, that just feels so dull. Killers all offer unque gameplay elements, but once you got your perks unlocked you can pretty much play every survivor like the next. Some moan and scream louder or more subdued, but thats it. So booooring. I had advocated for some time that maybe one slot should always be reserved for one of the survivors native perks, or that only they could use the best perk they come with (ie meta perks tied to certain survivors), but of course non of this options is really popular. But offering unique items could do the trick.

  • KingCH
    KingCH Member Posts: 14

    Some items continued

    Treble Meat Hook

    Killer item:

    Faster progress from hook stages or when I survivor goes for the unhook, the unhook action actually acts as if you was to try to unhook yourself just once causing the ability to lose more progress could result in second hook status if you decide to knock out gens, and go for a late unhook of your fellow survivor. This can be installed on one hook, after the survivor is freed from the hook it breaks for 15 seconds. If this hook is not used after 180 seconds the hook breaks automatically and come back normal.

    Weathered Hook

    Survivor item:

    This can be installed on one hook, when the killer tries to do a hook action it breaks the hook causing the survivor not to gain a hook status and can possibly make a quick escape. So the survivor and hook instantly falls down, the hook is broken for 15 seconds. After 180 seconds of not being used it disables and breaks the hook automatically coming back as normal. You have to do a difficult skill check as well to actually install the item, failure doesn't install the hook however does break the hook for 30 seconds.

    Confetti Cannon/Tube

    Survivor item:

    A device that lets out a confetti cloud 3x3 meters so say your in a bush and the killer is patrolling the area, you can yank the string causing the item to detonate. This is new way of visual distraction or blinding, instead of directly blinding like a flash light this obscures the vision more.

    All just examples and also subjective to change. Just inspiring ideas for others to voice off of!

  • geni
    geni Member Posts: 150

    New item for survivor:


    *Can only be found on chests

    *can only be used one time

    When aimed at the eyes of the killer instantly becomes blinded for 3 seconds