Bring back Old Survivor Movement, Hud, Maps, Perk Tiers maybe?
These things have been changed quite a time ago and I still miss it..
Maybe bring these things back in a Nostalgic type event for anniversary where you can chose between playing the event and the normal game since some people might want to play it that way.
And after the event maybe make it where people can customize The Hud, Perk rarities and chose between Old and Current Survivor movement.
Let's say you chose the Old Survivor Movement this will only work on YOUR screen and if others chose the Current Survivor movement they will see it their way not by what you chose.
For Perk Tiers maybe make it customizable as well? Where you can chose between Old rarities and maybe customize them with your own colors.
I know there is the Dead by Daylight icon toolbox but I would like this to be in the main game.
For the Hud maybe let the players choose between old and current or maybe do a mixture of both.
Also would love to see the old map looks for an event or something.
I miss the old map looks..
What do you people think?
all this except the perk tiers would be sick
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Why wouldn't you like the perk tiers?
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Hope they never bring any of it back.
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I like the new ones more.
I disliked new movement and HUD at first, but after they make it more polished after feedback, its obviously much better than the old versions
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All of the old stuff from dbd looked awful no thanks
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Watched some old gameplay and it just reminded me of how awful the old movement looked
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