Prestiging before the update

So, I'm a kinda of a slow guy in this subject. Please help!
I'm a killer main who have never prestiged any char.
If I have a character with prestige level 1 BEFORE the 6.1 update, when it hits, will I have a prestige 2 character?
It is not explicit anywhere, but with all prestige 11 I'm seeing this is the only way that the math make sense (people with prestige 3 gaining +3 prestige +5 of perks).
My POV: I love playing 14 killers, so I'd be willing to prestige all others (losing theirs addons) to have theirs level 2 perks on everyone. I won't have time to get 70 perks with them, so my plan is to prestige 1 and get another prestige after 6.1, but does this work this way?
It would be best to wait for the update, you'll be able to get their perks then and not lose their add ons.
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Your P1 will be P2.
I suggest not prestiging because you will lose all addons, offerings, and perks especially if you gone beyond level 50.
Its too late anyways as the midchapter is but a few weeks away. It takes a long time to prestige multiple characters that you will be throwing bp away. You be better off trying to get as much perks as possible on all your characters before the update hits.
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Thanks. I get that I'll lose BP, but I'll reduce the grind.
So, I lose 50 levels worth of bp to gain 50 levels worth of grind. That is a trade I'm willing to take.
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Yeah. I'm asking here, on reddit and a lot of places, but I'll be ready to prestige if necessary. Thanks! =D
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They will give you free prestige levels for unlocked perks. So i think wait for update. Rewards are kinda pointless.
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I have a lot of characters on lvl 40, obviously for the teachables, so, now i will give more 10 lvls and i will put every on P1 lvl 1, because, i will have P2 in the new system and, finally i will need just 1 more prestige for tier 3 perks. i will save a lot of BP and time
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My exact reasoning and why I asked it. =D Thanks!
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Are you sure you don't want to get 70 perk tiers? I've got 45-50 perk tiers leveling up from 1 to 50 lvl. As you can grab 2 perk tiers per lvl, it's only 10 more lvls to get 70 of them. So if you are going to lvl all characters up to 50 anyway it shoudn't be too hard to make another 10 lvls to get 70 tiers in total. Especially while everyone still uses 106% offerings and BBQ is still here.
After updage you'll get 1 prestige lvl automatically due to perk pull, then will prestige them into p2 (without loosing addons and offerings) and will be able to get one more prestige to unlock perks on tier 3 just like you wanted.
Of course there's no reason for that if you don't play those characters AT ALL and won't regret about all those addons you've got so far, but if you'd prefer to keep your staff it's completely doable to get 70 perk tiers to get 1 bonuse prestige before the update.
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If all you care about is getting to P3 in the update, just get everyone to P1 level 50. They'll all end up being P2 level 50 in the update and you can instantly get to P3 by spending 50k bloodpoints per character. That's the quickest and cheapest way to do it. You also don't lose any addons or offerings this way.
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Really, i didnt remember that, i will study my cases again hahaha
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Is this a fact, that Prestige 1 Chars are prestige 2 after the update? I was under the impression that this is a bug on the ptb. Old prestige levels are counted double. All Information on this topic is welcome.
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If you don't understand this change, the simple rule is to not prestige before the update.
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Probably you should gather all the perks while getting addons for your beloved killer.
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It's not a bug. it's in the patch notes
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Can you point me to the exact place in the patch notes?
It is obviously not this, because it only grants 1 new Prestige level for each old one and that is not reflected in the ptb:
Existing players will have their characters granted prestige levels in the new system based on the following:
- 1 level per existing Prestige level (maximum of 3)
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It's exactly in the part you quoted. You get 1 additional prestige level for each prestige level you had before the PTB. So P1 = P2, P2 = P4, P3 = P6. It's reflected in the PTB. I can understand how it might be confusing, as it confused me at first too
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It confused me so much that I asked here. Lol
But I don't know why people say this community is toxic, everybody is super nice to me here and in reddit. ♡
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thanks for the in
Thanks for the information. It was not clear to me, that this meant bonus prestige levels (in addition to existing ones).
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Unless you care about the prestige 3 "reward" after the rework, it's best to just dump bloodpoints and unlock perks on a killer you want the teachables from. When the update hits, for the amount of perks you have the "catch up" mechanic will give you some free prestige levels.
Wait that's how the catch up mechanic works ? Or is it something completly seperate.... I am confusion xp
Post edited by GreenDemo on0 -
It is not a bug. You gain 1 level for each prestige you have prior to the update. On top of that you gain levels based on how many perk tiers you unlocked. This is all explained in the PTB patch notes.
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Don't prestige before the big update ... unless you do really want the golden shower portraits 😏
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Eww, I don't want piss portraits. Now I regret P3ing Steve.
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when will the update actually hit, will there be an advance warning, so I can prestige before it?
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Do not prestige unless you have 169 perks or less on that character.
Why? If you have 170 or more (Counting every perk level as one, BBQ on Lvl 3 counts as 3 perks for example) you will jump into prestige 3 if that character is Lvl 50 with no prestige, more if you have that character with 170+ perks with prestiges done.
For example - I have Adam at P1 with 281 perks, when update comes, My adam will be P8 if I am not wrong. 5 Prestige levels for having between 270-319 perks, my old prestige 1 and two more for prestiging 1 time before update .
Every prestige you do now, counts as 2 more with update, A character P1 lvl1 will be P3 Lvl 1 with update (This is info from the last Update, when they Nerfed Dh to 0.5).
My advice - Prestige to Lvl 1 every character that you have with less than 170 perks, when update comes, you will get P3 and unlock all the perks at lvl 3 for everyone. Do not prestige a character if you have all perks with him/her, It doesn´t matter if you have P0 lvl 50, with all perks you will be Lvl 6 with update.
Another example - I dont use Jeff, But I leveled him from P0 Lvl 40 to P1 Lvl1. When update comes, I will be P3 Lvl 1 with him and all my survivors will have his 3 perks at Lvl 3 unlocked.
P.D - DO NOT PRESTIGE NANCY - STEVE - DEMO unless you main them, they doesn´t have teachable perks since Behaviour lost the licence, all their perks are common now. Prestiging them is a waste of BP
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What do you have against Cheryl? This is disgusting to look at...
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If you have Haddie at where you can prestige her, used up cakes on her etc you should prestige. This is what Dowsey said anyway:
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I don't think there is going to be any kind of bonus. The portraits are the reward, nothing more.
Also I decided to get everyone that I can to prestige 1 on my console account since I don't play much on there, unless the character has close to 120 perk tiers. If your goal is to reach P3 after the update, 120 perk tiers will get you there after paying the 20k fee to prestige again (since you'll be level 50 and keep your levels)
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So much conflicting bullshit this thread. Here's what prestige you'll get.
For every current prestige, you'll get TWO prestige levels. AKA:
P1 -> P3
P2 -> P6
P3 -> P9
P9 is the cap, and you cannot go above it, even with P3 + all perks.
If you haven't already reached P3 which puts you at the cap, you'll also gain prestiges based on how many perk tiers you have.
- 1 level for 70-119 Perks
- 2 levels for 120-169 Perks
- 3 levels for 170-219 Perks
- 4 levels for 220-269 Perks
- 5 levels for 270-319 Perks
- 6 levels for 320+ Perks
A full page of purple for example, is 45 perk tiers. Full page of green is 30.
Finally, you will keep your current level after the rework, so you could simply wait for your perk based level reward, and prestige right after the update.
To answer your ultimate question: If you have a character you don't care about at level 50, whether you should prestige or not depends on their perk tiers. If they have 120 or more perk tiers, simply wait and you'll automatically get P2L50, then you can just level from P2L50 to P3L1 without losing anything.
The easiest solution is to prestige all characters you don't care about to P1L1. They'll get bumped right up to P3L1 after the update, and you'll get all their Tier 3 perks, no questions asked. But you'll of course lose you addons/perks/offerings on that character, if you have any you care about. This is what I'd recommend if you don't havemany perks on a character.
If you're sitting at Level 40 with no prestige, definitely go for P1L1, since you'd get literally nothing for them otherwise and its only about 400k BP.
July dev update details the updated catchup mechanic.
PTB patch notes show amount of perk tiers needed per prestige. Note that the PTB giving players prestige 11-12 was before the changes to catchup detailed in the july dev update
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Im so frustrated by the new update. I mostly play survivor so i think i just need 2 more people to prestige to lvl one before the update which is doable for me. But ive recently picked up playing some killer just unlocked all the teachables bar the dredge ones and taught them to pyramid head as id like to use him and now ill lose all those perks as i dont have any killer p1. So frustrating.
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You're not going to lose any perks. I didnt mention it in my post but the prestige levels you get after the update drops won't remove any items addons or perks, and of course neither will prestiging after the update, since it is mandatory. That's the whole point of this prestige rework on top of giving Tier Perks based on prestige.
Either way, find out which killer has the perks you like most and try to get them to P1 before the update drops tomorrow, and you'll get all their perks P3 on everyone thanks to the catchup mechanic giving you 2 extra prestiges as long as you have P1.
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Your unlocked perks will stay unlocked "even if having them contradict new system" ©
As far as I know, all unlocked teachables will stay unlocked and will be shared as tier 1 for all killers who don't have them yet (just like if you have those killers P1). And even if not - you won't loose any perks you've got so far from bloodweb anyway. So if your Pyramid Head has those perks on tier 3, he will have those perks on tier 3 after the update too.
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In general, unless you have less than 170 perks (4 full pages of tier 3 perks) on a killer, it's not worth it.
On the killer side after this update, getting addons and offerings will be much harder than before. I only have prestige killers that I genuinely don't play/care at all.
On the survivor side, there is no negative points so I've already prestiged them all.
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Now every p1 will become a p3 aka the important prestiege for gameplay. I would recommending p1ing as man as you can before the update.
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Pretty much, unless you have 120 perk tiers or so. Simple and straightforward. Cause if you have 120 perk tiers, you get P2, then you can P3 immediately after from P2L50.
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Ahh. Excellent. Feel much better now. Least now the grind feels like it was still worth it.
Thanks for the info