Self Care Nerf is Horrible

A teammate heals you to 98% health, you self care to 99% and stop. It resets to zero negating normal heals too. LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE


  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    Someone actually told me this by the way...

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    They explained during the video that if you get healed to for example 50% by someone/a medkit and you self care to 70% and stop, you'll keep the 50%. You only lose Self Care progression.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited June 2018

    Look like said someone didn't watch the Q&A or was make deaf by the annonce that selfcare was gonna be changed because they stated multiple time that they want non selfcare based healing (including medkit) to be kept when you stop selfcaring your self.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    @Jack11803 said:
    A teammate heals you to 98% health, you self care to 99% and stop. It resets to zero negating normal heals too. LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE

    No it will reset to 98%. The change affects only the heals made with Self Care not with medkits or by other survivors.

    @Jack11803 said:
    Someone actually told me this by the way...

    Maybe check your info before you come on the forums to whine.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @White_Owl said:

    @Jack11803 said:
    A teammate heals you to 98% health, you self care to 99% and stop. It resets to zero negating normal heals too. LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE

    No it will reset to 98%. The change affects only the heals made with Self Care not with medkits or by other survivors.

    @Jack11803 said:
    Someone actually told me this by the way...

    Maybe check your info before you come on the forums to whine.

    I make mostly satire posts. This is a joke on the guy being completely oblivious. They said it didn’t affect normal heals several times and couldn’t stress it enough.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    I got multiple forms of cancer reading this

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    @Jack11803 said:

    @White_Owl said:

    @Jack11803 said:
    A teammate heals you to 98% health, you self care to 99% and stop. It resets to zero negating normal heals too. LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE

    No it will reset to 98%. The change affects only the heals made with Self Care not with medkits or by other survivors.

    @Jack11803 said:
    Someone actually told me this by the way...

    Maybe check your info before you come on the forums to whine.

    I make mostly satire posts. This is a joke on the guy being completely oblivious. They said it didn’t affect normal heals several times and couldn’t stress it enough.

    Oh my bad then... but it wasn't very clear it was satire.

  • SNTD
    SNTD Member Posts: 84

    @White_Owl said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @White_Owl said:

    @Jack11803 said:
    A teammate heals you to 98% health, you self care to 99% and stop. It resets to zero negating normal heals too. LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE

    No it will reset to 98%. The change affects only the heals made with Self Care not with medkits or by other survivors.

    @Jack11803 said:
    Someone actually told me this by the way...

    Maybe check your info before you come on the forums to whine.

    I make mostly satire posts. This is a joke on the guy being completely oblivious. They said it didn’t affect normal heals several times and couldn’t stress it enough.

    Oh my bad then... but it wasn't very clear it was satire.

    then you need to learn about Jack11803

  • imconniechung
    imconniechung Member Posts: 2


  • deathdoer1
    deathdoer1 Member Posts: 87

    I'm curious how will it work if a team mate comes to heal you while you're self caring. Why stop at 50% self care healing just to have someone have to 0-100 you. I see it lowering altruism at the end of the game from someone say being at 51+ percent and just not wanting to reset back to 0 for me to heal them.

  • Kuropin
    Kuropin Member Posts: 4

    @deathdoer1 said:
    I'm curious how will it work if a team mate comes to heal you while you're self caring. Why stop at 50% self care healing just to have someone have to 0-100 you. I see it lowering altruism at the end of the game from someone say being at 51+ percent and just not wanting to reset back to 0 for me to heal them.

    I'm also curious about that. They didn't talk about that part in the Q&A. It also mess up with empathy. What is the point of going for an injured survivor who is self-caring. It seems more like a waste of time to go heal them with that change.
    I also find it a little weird that the healing would be changed only for self-care. Why not apply it to all healing actions? They are nerfing all exhausting perks to make it more unifrom but not the healing?
    And what about saboteur? Why not give it the same treatment? Reset hooks if you leave. And then for uniformity, apply it to toolbox too?
    How far are they gonna go for uniformity? Reset generators if you leave?

    A decay would make more sense, but why only to self-care and not all healing? Makes sense that the wounds get worse if you don't treat it completely, no matter what you heal it with.

    I also don't understand why self-care doesn't scale like saboteur, 30/40/50% speed. They are similar in the way that they both allow you to do an action previously only possible with an item.

  • deathdoer1
    deathdoer1 Member Posts: 87

    I dislike the self care nerf tbh. Im not amazing at the game by any means however I am not that bad. I usually end up around rank 5-7 if I actually play actively since I work a lot. Games without self care feel like a huge disadvantage. Self care isn't what makes playing killer harder. I don't play killer often but im nearing rank 10 right now and I almost ALWAYS kill 3 people (swf is different but in that i almost play super defensively since swf are almost all dumb with wanting to save). Self care isn't an issue, DS is and certain loop spots. Which im being honest here. If you get to a loop spot, I walk away and kill someone else lol.