Dead by Daylight's Top 3 Maps Based On Looks

What would be Dead by Daylight's Maps based on looks for you?
Here's mine:
1. Obviously RPD. Just clearly the best looking map. One of the best maps in gaming. One of the best maps in Resident Evil and looks Greta in DBD. Not as good as RE2R of course but still good for a DBD map.
2. Sandwich Elementary School
3. Napkin Lane
1) RPD, for the same reasons you outlined.
2) Garden of Joy. Beautiful aesthetic, gorgeous visuals. I really like how the exterior of the map is floating debris instead of the standard spiked walls that 90% of the other outdoor maps use.
3) Dead Dawg Saloon.
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1 - Ormond
2 - Garden of Joy
3 - Yamaoka Estate
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- Haddonfield. Captures the aesthetic of the town in the original Halloween movie
- Ormond. The snow is beautiful
- Dead Dawg Saloon. Really has that wild west ambience
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RPD, midwich, and I’ll say Hawkins
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1. Lery's Memorial Institute- Everything from the lighting to the setting of Lery's makes this my favorite map.
2. Haddonfield- The rework really made this map feel like I'm in Haddonfield and I personally like that the middle of the map is weak bc its a road and in normal horror movies the road is a dangerous place.
3. RPD- They really made this map feel like your playing Resident Evil 2/3.
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2.Garden of Joy
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Never heard of Hawkins 😢
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Garden of Joy
even If I get demolished in one of these maps, they are at least aesthetically pleasing. So I get wrecked but in style
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My list is:
Garden of Joy (reminds me of the Baker Estate from Re7)
Ormond (I love Darkness Among Us)
Dead Dawg Saloon (I'm a fan of the eerie western aesthetic)
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Yamaoka, Haddonfield and Ormond
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1. Midwich. One of the scariest maps in the game and I love the little Easter eggs and jumpscares.
2. Haddonfield. It feels like it was taken straight out of Halloween.
3. Garden Of Joy. I love that everything looks stopped in time and the main house looks good. I love the upsidedown room.