The Nightmare change idea!

General buff:
Red Paint Brush addon is now base kit for the nightmare.
Removed speed penalty when placing a dream snare.
Alarm clock:
Since waking yourself up by failing a skill check is no longer a thing due to red paint brush addon being a base kit, clocks need to be a little bit more appealing.
Increased the immunity from micro-sleep for survivor to 45 seconds (was 30 seconds)
Now grants a 5% movement speed boost for the survivor for 5 seconds.
And also addon pass on top of that! devs are pretty good with their addon reworks lately!
I think he just needs another rework since he doesn't have anything thats really unique
Wanna slow down Survivors during a chase? Play Clown, he does it better too
Wanna teleport to some place? Play Dredge, or hell even Sadako, since at least her teleport lasts the entire game and doesn't get weaker over time.
They need to make the "Dream Demon" more dreamier, I started writing a post on what I would do for a Freddy rework like a year ago, I might just pick that up again.