PTB Iron Will - nerfed a little too much?

The Iron Will change is a little drastic in my opinion, as someone who plays as killer and survivor. A suggestion: 70% quieter while walking, 80% quieter when standing still, and 90% quieter when crouched. Similar to how uninjured breathing currently functions. Never 100% silent, but something more dynamic than what the PTB has given us. Would love to hear your thoughts.
No I think it's a good nerf. Especially when you're exhausted. It literally makes no sense in the slightest that when you're badly injured and then you're exhausted as well as injured that you're as silent as the night running around.
The amount of times the killer lost me just hiding behind something with iron will since Im making no sound in the slightest. You actually make more noise when you're healthy than when you're injured. It just didn't make any sense.
Not to mention poor spirit. The survivors took the standstill mindgame from her for themselves. Unless she was running cherry blossom and I didn't know it there's times she'd be going into phase and I just stood still and completely lost her. It was not balanced.
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Crouching makes you quieter anyway, you'd need a very good set of headphones to notice someone crouching or in a locker with new iron will, not even taking into account chase music
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If you wanted to nerf iron will. You could have made it so you get 100% quieter for 30 seconds everytime you get injured. (Amount gets reduced by 5 for everytime you go from healthy to injured)
Because now nobody will use iron will and on top of it they will have to rework spirit again.
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Why would they need to rework spirit? Didn’t they add directional sound to her phasing recently?
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They did she's in a good place even though the directional and distance audio was a bit much if you ask me
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No they won't, the initial reason spirit was nerfed because you had no idea if she was phasing. She had the standstill mindgame. And in phase you didn't know where she was in the chase. With her nerf and iron will the roles were reversed. Again unless you had cherry blossom, it was very hard for her to hear where you actually where in the chase.
The playing field has been made even. Now both of you know where each other are in the chase. And it doesn't get any fairer than that. Now it will be up to both of you to outplay the other. Not one side having the upper hand on the other. That my friend is balance. If you're taken down by spirit now it will be because she either outplayed you or you weren't in a good position, or you messed up. The way it should be. Not you having the upper hand with one perk.
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Okay, its obvious that they wanted to completely trash the perk for some reason.
There's literally no point to run this perk after the update. Stealth is gone. Anything below 100% is basically 0. And not only that, the trash 75% is also gone when exhausted. 😂
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I like how people genuinely believe it's either 1 or 0 and there is no in between.
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I run lucky break and often I can lose the killer despite being at full volume.
I've literally been hiding behind a wall or in a locker and the killer hasn't found me despite being at full injury volume. They tend to give up if they lose the line if sight for too long.
Killers imo are MASSIVELY vision dependent, not sound. I've never really used Iron Will as I've always felt it was a waste of time. I've always felt the same about Dead Hard too though to be fair.
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I think the nerf is more then fair. We can all agree that the 100% was too OP. Specially for killers that need audio like Spirit. 75% is still pretty great. You can't hear much but atleast you can hear now.
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"We can all agree" no we cant. I don't agree.
Though I think it being reduced to 75% is fine, but it not working when exhausted was overkill.
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For real. I guess most of this people never play killer and know how effective and devastating it is to have one of your basic mechanics taken away. As a survivor its exciting when you are sitting in a shallow bush right next to the killer and they are not noticing you, but for the killer its extremely frustrating and stressful.
75% sound reduction is still pretty beefy with your own chase music blasting in your headphones, but at least a killer now has a fighting chance to notice a too cheeky survivor.
With the exhaustion nerf I am unsure myself, but I guess BHVR wants you to chose: hide or zoom off with an exhaustion perk, but not zooming off and then hiding, leaving a killer next to no chance to actually finding you
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Are you seriously talking about realism of a perk in a Horror game? Take any other perk and it would make no sense. Entity with it's spikes, teleporting killers don't bother you, right? Oh wait, you profit from it, of course it doesn't.
It's not about realism, it's about game balance. And adding exhaustion condition to IW makes it totally useless for me and many other survivors. This is what makes no sense.
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Everything besides 100% is useless as people have ears. And they probably can use them.
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Its 75% and then gone when you're exhausted. It was broken and it needed the nerf. Also the killers are monsters if you haven't realised? Of course they have powers such as dredge and spirit.
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Fair enough. Iron Will not working while exhausted. I have to agree. It's pretty bad and unecessary. But the 75% is completely fine.
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I guess the devs really wanted a perk with a phone on the icon to pass the meta perks, which explains nerfing Iron Will and Decisive Strike as hard as they did.
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Jeff with 25% is loud af anyway. There is no point in using that anymore for me.
I will just have to use healing perks with medkit.
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Here's an even better suggestion; Revert the perk to how it was. Nobody was complaining about IW.
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I think it's perfect.
While i was chasing my friend new IW was quite enough for me too hide groans of pain, because chase music is loud enough. But now you can't just hide at corner or drop the chase, so i guess it made it's role.
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But it makes sense that you don't die instantly when being put on a hook?
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Plenty of people were. It was considered OP by some ‘because it had no downside’. Or something like that.
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Anyone that agrees with the nerf is simply a killer main that couldn't deal with pre nerf iron will, the changes were way over the top and completely gutted the perk which seems to be a worrying trend for a development team balancing a game where survivors not coordinating in a SWF are much more susceptible to killers that want to play their role in a toxic manner or one that demands the survivors to utilize all their tools fully.
Iron will was one of the only perks to take away information from the killer mid chase and they easily could have made it 75% only and it still would have been useless, the exhaustion effect alone would have been plenty but they consciously decided to make it irrelevant by adding both nerfs.
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you don't understand the concept of "broken" it seems
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As if you didn't leave blood pools or marks haha
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I know right? I posted this yesterday too…
- They can still see you
- Still leave blood pools
- Still leave scratch marks
- Still scream
- Still have aura revealed
- Still susceptible to killer instinct
- Still make running sounds
- Negated while infected by Plague or Nemesis
But no.. Iron Will OP BHVR PLZ!!!
Edit: Oh, and only does anything by being and staying injured of course. Isn’t that to the killer’s advantage?
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I don't know why they made it disable while exhausted, seems like an unnecessary double nerf.
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You might be angry about the change but it's pretty clear the nerfs were based on pick rate rather than complaints seeing as spine chill was rarely complained about by killers and self care never. Contrary to popular belief forum randos don't actively participate in balancing decisions.
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"Especially when you're exhausted. It literally makes no sense in the slightest that when you're badly injured and then you're exhausted as well as injured that you're as silent as the night running around."
Nothing is balanced in this game in a way that "makes sense" as far as realism goes. That is not a valid argument for this game. If this game was realistic 99% of the survivors would die very quickly from their first time being hung on a giant meathook
To OP: because your nerf would take time and effort to create a new mechanic. I watched McLean, who use to be a developer for DBD, comment on this update and he said Iron Will is an all or nothing perk. If you don't totally eliminate injured noises there's no point because someone with a headset will hear you. You might trick people playing on their TV speakers but that's it.
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tbh as somebody who loves short bursts of aggressive stealth(and as somebody who never runs BT...heh), the loss of Iron Will hurts so much, there is simply no replacing it. I'm gonna notice it on my Feng, Jane, Bill, Claire and Jill. But something had to give I guess
That being said, I think I'm gonna switch over to Bite the Bullet.
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Completely deleting a aspect of the game (sound) is op asf.
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I agree that it was nerfed into the ground... I get being completely silent is OP but the exhausted aspect shouldn't be there since it makes the perk useless. Going from 100 to 75% was enough in my opinion. Now it doesn't even work if exhausted? Could have made it 50% if exhausted making it somewhat useful still
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If they nerfed based on pick rates, when does the buff occur? Pick rate is zero now, it must need a buff!
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In another 6 years obviously
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Yeah and the iron will nerf made playing against Spirit a miserable experience again.
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Anything to hinder survivors even more.
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It wasn't nerfed too much. You don't need complete silence for the perk to be good, especially when going behind walls or crouching already makes you quieter on top of the reduced sound the perk gives you.
What I'm wondering is why Off The Record still gives you complete silence even after you do a conspicuous action.
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That's why they are working on the equalisation of all the noisy survivors.