Too many pallets?

I'm extremely curious what community members will have to say about my opinion on this. In August 2021 or somewhere around that time the game had an update as a result of which they added more pallets to each map. You could feel the difference if you constantly played killer. So now every survivor is able to waste so much of your time by just learning basic looping on YT because there's always one pallet around the corner. Thus, most of the games are lost if you have people that can at least loop you by gen rushing. You'll get a bunch of hooks or maybe even a kill but the problem is you have to have weak survs to decisively win. The game is not balanced. A game is balanced when either side with the same skill level can turn the match in ones favor dependent on small things such as timing, small mistakes, etc. In DBD you have a situation where 4 skilled survs will win just by the virtue of the map design and the amount of pallets a map has to offer. You remember back in the day playing surv you were a lil stressed out while being chased by killer because you knew you didnt have that many pallets/vaults around the corner, well know you dont have that feeling simply because theres an abundance of pallets. Playing killer is way more scary and stressful nowadays. The community and devs are tilting games balance into survs favor. Why?
This game is far from being balanced. Due to maps mostly. Look at Gideon. That map is known to have the most pallets in the game(20+ish) with like more then 3 god pallets. That map is the most survivor sided map on DBD so far. So anyone that can loop and is in Gideon. You are pretty much done. Another survivor sided map i can think of is Haddonfield and Garden Of Joy. Haddonfield has too many safe pallets. And each building has like 3 or 4 vault windows. Which makes loop way easy. Garden Of Joy is another similiar situation, the main building is too dark and has many windows as well. In terms of the rest of the map. I think they could remove some of the windows that make loops much more stressful. Now yeah. Some maps have really too many pallets, with Gideon being the best prove of it.
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Only a few maps have a pallet number problem (or maybe just the one). The others are more about how close they are generated and what kind of tiles they are.
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There are too many pallets in general.
However, I'd say the issue is less about the amount of pallets and more about how overly safe the majority of the pallets are. Like 80% of the games loops aren't mind gameable once the pallets thrown and force a break. That's bad design.
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I don't think there are too many pallets. I think there are some pallets which chain in with other tiles and windows too well, and I think that pallet distribution can be abysmal at times. I'm sure you've seen those games on suffocation pit where the shackside only spawns the shack pallet, leaving you with the 5 windows in middle (and 1 other pallet if you're lucky) while spawning 12 pallets on rock loops and low trash loops at the pit itself.
Shelter Woods is another one where you'll be lucky to spawn more than 2 TL walls and 8 pallets.
The maps with the dumbest pallet to loop chain are Badham, Garden & Sanctum imo. The Game gives you lots of pallets to work around but most of them don't chain amazingly well into loops, I actually think Lérys goes under the radar for that (pallet to disgusting window to pallet to window, on and on).