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I absolutely hate Clown and Myers

Member Posts: 2,533

Both Killers are way too strong with their pink addons. And everyone runs the crazy addons.

They're weak Killers at base kit, but that's why no one ever runs them base kit.

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  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Myers is fine, just be more aware of your surroundings, try not to feed him any stalk or whatever it’s called and jump in a locker to prevent him from killing you. It can be annoying but I like facing it once in a while because changes up the game.

    I just hate clown in general. Any killer that messes with my vision is a pain in the butt.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I don't think clown should be able to bring extra bottles with pinky finger but otherwise it's fine.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    They missed some things in Clown rework, like buffing him and rework pinky finger. Also Myers needs buff while strongest addons needs to go, but sure all killers will get a buff soon perhaps that will be enough?

  • Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2022

    If its a nerf you want no thanks we spend millions of blood points and time leveling up killers look at Freedy he got nerfed to the ground.

    Post edited by Crimson_Lockhart on
  • Member Posts: 2,209
  • Member Posts: 575

    Myers' two best addons aren't even iridescent.

  • Member Posts: 601

    Just throw them further ahead of you so they activate by the time you reach the cloud 🤡

    The activation delay is to keep it from being an iwin button in chase.

  • Member Posts: 638

    I will admit that a good Meyer can absolute remove someone from a game in like 60 seconds. I was bored and running tombstone piece build and it was so easy to more someone super early on. Actually broken if you ask me and I'm surprised it's allowed.

  • Member Posts: 544

    If anyones ever tried to use red heads pinky finger against good survivors who constantly juke it’s actually very difficult to land a point blank bottle on those survivors, the only value you truly get with that add on is camping hooks, and then your just a leatherface at that point.. Infinite T3 myers is awful against survivors who thrive off staying injured and just use DH and vault build: iron will you’re then just an m1 killer with a tiny increase in lunge and vault speed…that’s it and that’s if you can make that add on work before all 5 gens get popped :)

  • Member Posts: 944

    I agree tombstone is unfair, permanent tier 3 add on is annoying too

  • Member Posts: 379

    I personally think the yellow bottles should be able to be readily (or slightly more than now) used in a chase. Clown has no map pressure. If nurse, blight, and billy can zoom across a map, a little haste for clowny shouldn't be the end of the world. Really, why give certain killers this ability to be almost anywhere either in a short amount of time, or almost no time at all, but giving clown the ability of having a slight and short haste duration that he can use quicker without having to launch a bottle, that costs him a bottle or two before he reloads, be too OP?

    I'm also fine with his red addons. They make you exposed sure, but he can only have two, 4 with an additional add-on, and he has to hit you directly. And its not like the bottles insta down you themselves, he has to hit you after. You can dodge bottles same as hatchets and whatever else. If you're just hitting W, you're making it too easy, and making the add on OP. and people say "I see it all the time" and mileage does vary, but I personally maybe see the add-on 1/4 of the time.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Huh, never thought I’d ever see someone saying Myers and Clown are strong. I lived to see the day

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    I like pinky finger clown. his skill-ceiling rises a lot more with pinky finger since hitting bottles requires accuracy. I think negative of less bottles is not good negative.

    I think a better negative would be removed hindered effect from pink bottles. when clown first came out, this used to be negative to that add-on, i think it reduced hindered effect by 5% and green add-on (flask of bleach) used to have negative of reducing hindered duration by 1 second.

    his negatives were likely removed because BVHR balances off general kill-rate statistics and I believe clown was 3rd worst killer in the game at 50% kill-rate.

    when they announced clown rework, you would think the extra yellow bottles... would be like super strong given their balance philosophy but I guess not.

    I do agree with Myers add-on. his add-ons just jack-up rewards for stalking survivors because realistically speaking, stalking survivors at base-kit is total waste of time for the killer. i'd say main issue is that his add-on do not really add much to myer's skill-cap. they just add rewards that are not there in base-kit on a power that already has among lowest skill-floors in the game. Mori survivors by stalking doesn't take too much effort on killer's part and having very fast vault speed diminishes the survivor's fun factor in greeding window loops while simultaneously providing very little help in the chase in survivor-sided maps towards safe pallet design.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    MM even if he got infinite T3 before one generator was completed is an M1 killer. Throw pallets and that's enough - most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    They're weak even with their Iridescent Add-Ons.

    Pinky Finger isn't even a good Add-On, why are so many people complaining about it?

  • Member Posts: 913

    Does anyone run any killers "base kit"? I assume that means "without add-ons".

    I never run Pinky Finger with Clown. I much prefer extra bottles, bigger clouds, and an extra 4% Hindered when I'm trying to win. When I'm just clowning around (see what I did there? God, I'm hilarious), I'll run the add-ons that see me auras while invigorated plus another invigoration add-on with something like STBFL/NOED/Rancor/PWYF.

    Fragrant Tuft on Mikey makes him an A-tier killer (S-tier if you're running it with Bamboozle and Coup de Grace), in my opinion, but Judith's Tombstone is completely useless. Most of his add-ons are garbage, honestly, but a few are completely busted, in particular Tombstone Piece (the only one that ever really gets talked about; it's somewhat overrated), Dead Rabbit (when combined with M&A) and Vanity Mirror (if run with Dead Rabbit and M&A). Scratched Mirror is overrated IMO, but it can see some use. If it stacks with the new Lethal Pursuer buff, it'll become an A-tier build.

    Clown's add-ons (with the exception of Pink Finger) don't add or subtract much from his overall gameplay. Myers, on the other hand, can go from a D-tier killer at basekit with no perks to an S-tier with the right build, so he's completely dependent on his addons.

    You absolutely have to run Tuft with a green stalk addon, or else you're not going to get it in a reasonable amount of time, but Bambooze and Coup de Grace (as I mentioned just above) solve the problems you mentioned. Coup de Grace can deny Dead Hard completely if you're running in a straight line, and you can screw up their timing and stab people around corners before they know to use Dead Hard if they're looping. Bamboozle synergizes with T3's vault speed boost and ends chases quickly. Even good survivors won't last against that build unless they get all the gens done ASAP. Once you've popped T3, everybody's going down.

    Agree about Pink Finger, though. It seems like every other bottle I throw hits survivors directly when I'm not trying, but I couldn't do it on purpose to save my life.

  • Member Posts: 58

    But... Mikey Boy!!

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    I like both of these killers. I do hate that Myers can remove you from the game because other survivors fed him stalk, tho.

    I don't really get why people think Pinky Finger is incredibly strong. Does a Clown really save a ton of time by hitting you with a bottle then downing you? In my experience it usually takes them 2-3 throws to hit me when they surely would have just hit me with a basic attack by then anyway. It is kind of annoying when they chase you up your ass just to get you with a bottle because they can't hit you from any further, but I wouldn't say it's overly strong. Maybe I'm missing something or have never gone against an expert Clown. I rarely see him

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    That really applies to most killers. If there is no weak link killers will have a more challenging time.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    They're weak Killers at base kit, but that's why no one ever runs them base kit.


    Btw how often do u meet a pinky fingers clown or mori Myers? I would take them all from you and trade them for my Tricksters and Huntresses.

  • Member Posts: 2,557

    love the clown screen, props.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    No 100% no. Ripping mike iconic tombstone out is bang out of order. I would double down on tombstone and build michael around the mechanic more. Like a less crappy sadako. All you would leave behind with improving everything else is a sub par stealth killer with scratched mirror being his only interesting add on. No ones interested in play m1 stealth killer espicially with current map designs.

    Hell even now myers is a rare sight even with his busted add ons. The only thing proping him up is his tomestone piece and scratch mirror. No amount of pallet breaking, vaulting is gonna interest people. You need a grander or more interesting idea then onga bunga stealth killer break pallet faster, vault wall good. Myers needs to be more distinct espicially considering he shaped and defined the slasher genre. Make him an m1 basic killer with stealth is a joke.

  • Member Posts: 939

    Wow people crying about tombstone? Have you ever heard of hiding inside a locker when you can confirm he has it? Which forces him to hook or leave you on the floor.

  • Member Posts: 465

    I hate Myers too

  • Member Posts: 939

    Yes he is, M1 killer that relies on his special ability to get downs, otherwise he's just another Trapper.

  • Member Posts: 7,161
    edited July 2022

    Not even remotely. Trapper is your definition of an M1 killer who can even be robbed of his power if survivors disarm his traps. Myers has small terror radius in tier 2, insta down ability, fast vault speed and huge lunge in tier 3. That alone prevents him from even being a contender for worst killer. Not even taking into account the add ons he has which can boost him even more.

  • Member Posts: 8

    You're not speaking the truth. You're making a silly generalization. Only Nurses and Blights don't have a bad time against good survivors. Every other killer does.

  • Member Posts: 939
    edited July 2022

    Myers can only use EW3 a limited amount of times whilst a Trapper can do it whenever.

    The trapper can also use addons which take a full HP survivor to downed if they escape the trap without even needing to attack and auto-re-arm them.

    So he is stronger.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    But you cannot rob Myers of his EW3. If he wants to pop it when he has eyes on you then he can. If you want to disarm Trapper's traps then there's precious little he can do about it.

    Michael has limited EW3 but that is not an issue if you play effectively. If you have run out of EW3 and most of the survivors are still standing then you've been playing badly. Simple as that.

  • Member Posts: 939
    edited July 2022

    No one is suggesting I run out of EW3 you except you - A survivor main.

    My Myers has been P3'ed for years now.

    After sinking 200 games into Trapper in this event he is vastly superior, if a survivor is disarming traps when my traps automatically re-arm then they are wasting time and getting pressured enough that they need to do so.

    Especially when I'm running sloppy/coulrophobia and distressing so they cannot heal themselves.

  • Member Posts: 169

    Soon dh won't be meta so we don't have to worry about that anymore

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    What makes you think I am a survivor main? Because I'm named after Dwight? Nice blind assumption. Do you judge everyone here by their name?

    If you want to wave your big stick around time spent on a killer then I can do that too. I've been a Myers main since 2017. I've sunk thousands of hours into him. I know other killer mains with thousands of hours in the game who don't think he's even close to being the worst either like Scott Jund for example;

    Do I think Myers needs buffs? Of course I do. Most of the killers in this game do. But he has too much going for him to be the worst.

    You just said you need self setting traps to make Trapper tolerable. So you're basically relying on an add on to do what Trapper usually has to do without it. Which doesn't even address the issue that if they know where your traps are they'll just avoid them.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited July 2022

    As a Mikey main I find this post ridiculous.

    I never run tombstone add ons because they just aren’t my cup of tea. So to say that no one runs basekit Myers is just simply not true. You may not like getting tombstoned and maybe that’s why you think everyone runs those add ons, but the fact is in most cases survivors simply don’t care about his stalk until they do.. and it is often too late.

    Because playing as Michael requires you to learn him and be able to stalk survivors, and not murder them right away. This is why I find him satisfying to play as him because he doesn’t feel like a character that is brain dead and can just one shot whenever he wants to. He has to get there. The longer the match progresses the stronger he gets.

    It is also part of the reason why he is one of the most fun killers to face.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I'm still not convinced that Pinky Finger is a problem, personally. Fragrant Tuft...ehhhh, possibly.

  • Member Posts: 8

    I can do it with Myers too. Its hard games but I can win with him. I don't use tombstone or fragrant tuft of hair either.

  • Member Posts: 7,161
    edited July 2022

    Same. I win most of my Mikey games. The toughest games are on the super unbalanced maps like Cowshed, the Game etc. Most killers struggle on those maps so when I do have my losses its usually on maps like that.

  • Member Posts: 2,074

    I ######### loved them!

  • Member Posts: 82

    Tbh the buff to his basekit would be adding more time for the Tier 3. Something like 20 or 30 seconds more would make him alot stronger.

  • Member Posts: 464

    Myers memorial should be basekit, or atleast memorial flower

  • Member Posts: 968

    bloodlust players using mikey and clown are the only thing i hate once you reached bloodlust 3 with those killer + slowdown bottles or long lunge you just die no matter what you do at most loops because of bloodlust.

    but thats a problem related to bloodlust rather than the killers itself.

  • Member Posts: 1,163

    A fellow Michael Chad. Iridescent add-ons can be fun but we don't need them!

  • Member Posts: 1,163

    You're going to really be in for it once this update drops and they increase the blood lust rate.

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