

Is the new Haddonfield balanced?

Member Posts: 95

New Haddonfield map

Is the new Haddonfield balanced? 81 votes

29 votes
Killer Sided
18 votes
Survivor Sided
34 votes

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  • Member Posts: 3,611
    Killer Sided

    Killer sided because of the large dead zone (The street) and the minimum amount of pallets. Really strong house loops if you know how to run them, though.

  • Member Posts: 561
    Killer Sided

    Killer sided, all the loops are super weak and usually the killer can just run to the side and hit you even when you throw the pallet down, there's some good loops like some windows but good killers know when a survivor is heading towards them and just drop chase.

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    IDK what all these survivors are complaining about - it's safe vault heaven. There are legitimate infinites in a few buildings, provided the correct spawns.

    The dead zone in the middle is honestly beside the point, because each side of the street has some of the strongest tiles in the game stacked back to back.

    So long as survivors split their attention and loop safely - avoiding unsafe pallets and not greeding - it's very survivor sided.

    When you compare normal M1 killers to the relative distance of the map, the map can become extremely large. So long as Survivors prioritize the right generators, the map can become nearly unwinnable as the majority of killers.

    The distance and strong loops inside the house make the map super favorable to survivors - especially with select perks (Cough - Balanced Landing - Cough)

    The large dead zone in the middle is often to the determent of many killers who rely on surprise attacks and ambiguity to ambush their prey. Ghostface and Meyers mains cry when they load in here - as one can be spotted clearly from across the map if they step into the street.

    I think that a lot of survivors think the map is disfavorable because it lacks familiar points that they use.

    Most survivors know how to play an LT, gyms, shack, normal stuff. You present a survivor with that little tool shed and hedgerow in the back of the corner house and they have no idea how to run it. While it's among the strongest loops in the game until the breakable wall is destroyed by the Killer, most survivors don't understand how to utilize it to its best extent.

    Right now survivor mains are crying, and I understand why - but once everyone begins to learn the map, it will likely subside into a more 'balanced' approach, as killers are run for over a minute on perspective infinites and safe vaults are exploited while the unsafe pallets are relegated to late game last resorts.

  • Member Posts: 1,180

    I never thought I would ever say this but... Haddonfield is finally a balanced map and the house of pain is not such a pain anymore.

    Did Elon Musk also buy BHVR and I'm not aware of it?

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    I've only played on it a few times so it's possible my opinion may change, but based on what I've seen so far it seems pretty balanced. Survivors have strong things to work with, but only if they know how to run them, and only if they're smart about avoiding getting caught in deadzones as much as possible.

    It's definitely nowhere near as much of a nightmare as it used to be, that's for sure.

  • Member Posts: 276

    M1 killers have a hard time on this map: most pallets are safe, and the houses have indeed very strong windows.

    I don't have an opinion about the strongest killers on this map yet because I haven't played enough against them (and I don't play the best killers).

    So... idk yet

  • Member Posts: 773

    One of the most balanced ones, imo, at the moment. It has strong loops, but as any other pallet-connected-loop they become pretty weak as soon as you break that pallet. It has pretty open areas, but houses and corners are still a good place to hide. Myers house has a semi-infinite, but also a very powerful basement. Fences are still there, but they are intertwined with pallets and are much shorter. Strong survivors can put up a good fight and loop a bad killer for eternity, but smart killers always have a chance to come out on top no matter the situation.

  • Member Posts: 1,700
    Survivor Sided

    There are too many unoutplayable Pallets and Windows.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Better than what it used to be. There are hooks in the houses so they don't have to struggle with carrying them down stares.... and there are big open places in the middle and behind houses. If someone goes in a house tho, it's kinda hard haha.

  • Member Posts: 295

    I think the "middle grounds" are very good for the killer in a way they can have a good vision of some decent possible trigens and are also not very safe for survivors to loop. On the other hand, the houses have some windows that are quite boosted for survivors and will destroy most of the killers. Considering these two sides, I think I can call it balanced by having good things for both sides I guess.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Yeah, the multiple windows make it kinda hard, they can just hop and loop around and hop again. That's one of the main reasons if they run to the killer shack, I avoid them like the plague. :/

  • Member Posts: 4,531
    Survivor Sided

    It's definitely better than before, but it's still pretty survivor sided. This plus the Garden of Joy really makes me think that Behavior doesn't know how to design house loops.

  • Member Posts: 295

    no joke, as a Killer I really hate when I realize that I'm playing against someone who has got lucky with the map rotation and also knows how to use it well

  • Member Posts: 545
    Killer Sided

    I only say killer sided because it's absolute heaven for Trickster now. After Hawkins leaving there's been a lack of good maps for him and now it's the only map I wanna play him in.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Ugh, I know. Like, when I was trying to figure out my perks, I avoided the Killer Shack like the plague because of good loopers. But sometimes if I see a good looper in Haddonfield, I'll save them for last because they're just gonna use the windows heavily. And since there are multiple windows, it wont get blocked for overuse. X.X

  • Member Posts: 5
    Survivor Sided

    In August 2021 or somewhere around that time the game had an update as a result of which they added more pallets to each map. You could feel the difference if you constantly played killer. So now every survivor is able to waste so much of your time by just learning basic looping on YT because there's always one pallet around the corner. Thus, most of the games are lost if you have people that can at least loop you by gen rushing. You'll get a bunch of hooks or maybe even a kill but the problem is you have to have weak survs to decisively win. The game is not balanced. A game is balanced when either side with the same skill level can turn the match in ones favor dependent on small things such as timing, small mistakes, etc. In DBD you have a situation where 4 skilled survs will win just by the virtue of the map design and the amount of pallets a map has to offer. You remember back in the day playing surv you were a lil stressed out while being chased by killer because you knew you didnt have that many pallets/vaults around the corner, well know you dont have that feeling simply because theres an abundance of pallets. Playing killer is way more scary and stressful nowadays. The community and devs are tilting games balance into survs favor. Why?

  • Member Posts: 847
    Survivor Sided

    it is still survivor sided, but not by much. I'm fairly satisfied with it minus that vault bug. They seriously need to do something about that bug.

  • Member Posts: 82
    Survivor Sided

    Definitely survivor sided. The buildings have too many windows and there is really safe pallets for really long loops. So yeah. That's why i hate playing on Haddonfield

  • Member Posts: 541
    Survivor Sided

    people are saying the street is a dead zone but the street can have multiple god pallets and you can go from pallet to god house, god pallet to god house and pallet to god pallet with no threat and the totems spawns are bad for killer.

  • Member Posts: 357

    The pallets are no longer near to one another, and while the middle is an open field dead zone, the houses have consistent loop potential. This makes survivors have to choose when should they go to the middle and expose themselves. I see that making this map a kind of sandwich is a positive change.

  • Member Posts: 2,437
    Survivor Sided

    This map is really hard for nurse now as you can loop her around "nothing" for a long time. The very short fences completely mess with her ability.

    The map still has a bunch of god pallets and almost no mindgameable pallets.

    If you don't have Bamboozle (or are playing nurse) you will suffer on the windows. Shift W is way too strong.

    Once again it's a map where you have a 3 gen on one side and a 3 gen on the other side- incredibly boring. There should be three generators in the middle of the map and two on either "end".

  • Member Posts: 158
    Survivor Sided

    It's huge; the houses take forever to loop through with most killers; it's awful for Dredge due to deadzones, lockers on second floors, and multiple back-to-back loops.

  • Member Posts: 76
    Survivor Sided

    The map has tons of strong windows. Survivors in good position can be very hard to catch.

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