rework no mither so it isn't a team throw

I'm tired of seeing someone with no mither on my team and knowing it's 90% a loss (only way is if the killer somehow never finds the no mither player). Having a perk where it's obvious they have it and you are most likely going to lose makes those games a lot more toxic. Fix this stupid perk.
it is kind of an ok perk if the person knows what they're doing and has some dope saboteur build
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If the person knows how to not have an extra health state? Fine if they are pro they can do as good as someone else that has full health. But for 99% of people they are going to do significantly worse and their chases will not last long. So yeah it's a throw pick. Would you want a team with 3 no mither players on it?
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I could take a no mither sabo squad and make you want to throw this game away forever lol
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Cool so when you see 3 random teammates with no mither you'd be happy with that right?
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Yea if I'm solo I'm gonna focus gens and let them ######### with the killer the whole match because 9 times out of 10 if everyone has that perk on your team they're running sabo perks and a map offering that totally compliments the build, badham is a good example and burning a bloodied blueprint to make basement spawn in shack so they can keep you in the preschool basement the whole game and they probably have a couple with head on as well, they'll spam notifications on you and work on the gen down there just to bait you into a trap where you never get them to the hook and if you slug them they get up anyway
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The devs have clearly stated that they WANT this to be a throw perk and are too stubborn to listen to anyone about it. They're claiming that somehow there are people that want to use this as a "hard mode" perk, but that obviously isn't true.
Also anything that even hints at solo survivors having anything nice will immediately fall on deaf ears. Sorry for sounding so negative.