Prestige shouldn't cost bloodpoints

Especially not having to use 50k bloodpoints everytime you prestige.
You cant advertise you cut the grind with about 75% when its not even close to that number.
50k is seriously not big deal. Because you are keeping your items, offerings, add-ons etc. You are losing more bp with current prestige. New prestige is better.
But i am still sad about WGLF & BBQ nerfs.
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No,someone said you also get a lot less rare items with the new bloodwebs.
50k might not seem a lot but for it adds up becoming millions of wasted bloodpoints for nothing.
I'd rather not prestige further and keep getting bloodwebs instead than having to pay everytime 50k bps.
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The grind through brown/yellow add ons and items is more of a problem. I would much rather stay at level 50 forever so I can actually get stuff I will use in game. At least if they made the lower levels past P1 better it could be alright to spend 50k to prestige. Not really nice just spending 50k to then waste 20-30 or so levels grinding for stuff you won't use.
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I'll agree. It should not cost bp
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It shouldn't cost BP, nor should it reset you back to Bloodweb level 1
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This also,it makes getting rare items so make harder and rarer now.
I really dont like the way they decided to cut off the grind,they just made getting rare items so much harder and you have to pay 50k bps for some reason now every prestige level.
Dont advertise something being 75% less grinding when its nowhere near that.
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Wait, is prestiging at level 50 no longer optional but mandatory with the new system?
All my argumentation that the new system is better in terms of keeping all items/add-ons/offerings and so on was with the thought that you could still decide if you wanted to prestige or accumulate high grade items.
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Yes its mandatory,you cannot avoid it,you are forced to prestige and pay 50k bps.
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Bruh, I just realized Sadako got indirectly nerfed with this grind "reduction". A lot less iri tapes.
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Wow okay, i wouldn't mind the 50k but having to start all the time collecting the yellow and brown trash again and again seems disappointing.
I usual go for that to level my characters up fast at the moment but i expected to get rid of that mentality with the new system. Guess not.
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I agree, but if they're adamant that it should cost 50k them at least make it optional. At least then i can choose to wait until bloodhunts or special events to prestige
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Yeah,they made getting perks easier but made the grinding for items so much worse.
I hate that im forced to prestige,get rid of that!
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There is still no reason at all to do this. Not everything they do HAS to have drawbacks as well.
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it's pretty bad for the weaker killers that rely more on their add ons.