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General Discussions

Does anyone else feel like some perks got nerfed way too much?

Member Posts: 941

For example DS, It de-activates when all gens are done but they also nerfed the stun duration from 5 to 3 sec.

I feel like DS is so useless now.

Same for Iron Will, It's been nerfed to 75% but also doesn't work when exhausted.

For killer: Pop now removes 20% of the current progress, why not just 20% in total when you pop it? Or make it 25% of the current progress. I feel like the double nerf on some perks is way too much.

Anyone else feels the same about this?

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  • Member Posts: 5

    Yes perks for both survivors and killers got completely destroyed and will never be used again.

    Survivor perks: DS, Iron will and Self care

    Killers perks: Pop and Ruin

  • Member Posts: 1,265

    I think they decided on these changes to get them out of the meta. If we want to use them we probably have to use perks that will work well with them. I don't mind the nerfs, only the buffs of Off the Record having unnecessary Endurance and Overcharge; having no cooldown.

  • Member Posts: 903

    They nerfed and buffed things based on their frequency of usage... not because of gameplay experience. I've always been positive about most changes that came into DBD... but i really don't know about that one.

  • Member Posts: 91

    They're not trying to balance out perks so more are viable they're just making a new load of strong perks to replace the current meta. A lot of the nerfs were ridiculous and some like self care didn't need touching at all really.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    I haven't looked at everything yet but I think iron will and DH got changed too much even though I hardly use either of them anymore. I guess we'll find out when everything goes live how much people think perks got changed too much.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited July 2022

    I think DS still grants extra-health states, so it might still get used. its just that its end game use is worse. the main reason why I don't value DS as much as other people value DS is because if a killer wants to tunnel you,

    they're going to tunnel you through DS and killers like blight can catch-up almost instantly post DS stun.

    with 5-.>3 second nerf, its just showcasing the weakness of decisive strike further. I don't think DS is over-nerfed, more so that its weakness are more in the spotlight.

    i think change is aimed at encouraging survivor/killers to utilize different perks because they want to encourage variety. Its just that for example, they nerfed self-care in this patch, but buffed pharmacy in same patch. the issue is that changes to pharmacy doesn't change fact for why is the perk sucks. If they didn't nerf self-care and still buffed pharmacy, nobody would care because they'd still just keep using unchanged self-care.

    I mean issues in my opinion for why nobody uses pharmacy as healing is

    -Reward for healing is not worth it(It is not time efficiency to search for crate, than open a crate, than heal)

    -Too high skill-cap(Most survivors do not know location of crates in the game on maps)

    -Healing is limited and not reliable, requires survivor to travel far distances when few crates are on the map. Cannot be used if all crates are opened already.

    So the question is how do you resolve these problems to make the perk more valuable alternative to self-care?

    point 1 ->Increase opening speed by 50% and item rarity from green med kit->purple med-kit.

    point 2 -> while this perk is active, show the aura of crates in 32 meter, When a crate is opened, this perk deactivates.

    point 3 -> spawns 1 additional crate on the map.

    Look how this perk now becomes so much better. You get a purple med-kit every time you open a crate, so 2 heals. You can find the crate easily with aura reading making it far more time efficient. Survivors are more likely to be next to a crate when they need healing. wow survivors might now be pharmacy main players, but now the perk might be too good because now the perk has no real weakness and just provides massive positive. perk that might need to be dialed down in the future.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Decisive Strike did not deserve the stun duration lowered.

    Iron Will got EXACTLY what it deserved.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Yes and yes.

    And they are not useless. Useless is just this forum's favorite way of saying a perk is no longer god tier.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    It is useless. A perk that gets countered by another perk that you yourself is using it's the definition of useless. It's like using no mither with self care.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    What a silly take. A perk that gets countered by another perk you are using is not the definition of useless. It means DO NOT RUN THOSE PERKS TOGETHER.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    It simply shouldnt be a thing, unless it's a meme perk like no mither.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    The DS stun lowered to 3 seconds is bad.

    I'm not sure about the rest.

  • Member Posts: 857

    Yeah. DS was already overrated but now it's almost completely worthless. And I'm still salty about the BP stacks being removed instead of made basekit as well.

  • Member Posts: 941

    I don't really care about the BP removal tbh. I mean, the BP bonus from BBQ and WGLF was nice but I use BBQ for info tbh. It's crazy how easy it can be to tunnel through 5 sec DS, especially when I play Nurse or Blight. DS shouldn't get nerfed imo.

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    The Calm Sprit nerf makes no sense

  • Member Posts: 941

    Yea, I really didn't see this nerf coming. I guess I'll do 45% of a gen while my (soloq) teammate heals himself in the corner.

  • Member Posts: 941

    I 100% agree, they ''buffed'' it but also made it worse. I really don't understand some of these changes.😂

  • Member Posts: 1,415

    no, the nerfs and buffs have to be. Otherwise you will not be able to mess up the meta

  • Member Posts: 95

    If everything comes out the way they are,for sure,my soloq experience will be way worse than it is now

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Idk why they don't just remove Self Care at this point tbh. Needs a total rework, as it's just going to be a match killer for new players.

  • Member Posts: 941

    Well I agree but most perks are terrible, I think they should also focus more on buffing / reworking some terrible perks that we don't use because they are terrible. Making all perks bad is not something I like.

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited July 2022

    selfcare double nerf , ruin double nerf , DS double nerf with no compensation or something , this are the only perks i feel need some kinda of change before going live.

    -selfcare should work at 45% speed and a extra 4 % speed for each survivor injured up to 62% (but nerfing botany knowledge)

    -Hex ruin : to 150% regression atleast istead of the awful and slow 100% (keeping the autodestroy if someone dies)

    -DS either going back to 5 seconds or making that the perk disables powers for 8 to 10 seconds after stuning a killer (making the 3 seconds less abusable for killer with high mobility)

  • Member Posts: 941

    It already is tbh. I really hate it when my teammates go self care in a corner every single time they get injured. It's basically a killer perk imo.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Yep. They didn't solve the main problem with it, just made the problem worse.

  • Member Posts: 941

    About the DS and Ruin I agree. I'm a Blight main atm and It can be so easy to tunnel through current DS. 3 Seconds are nothing!

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    So much for understanding why these perks were popular. Was the stun duration on DS too long? Not really when killers like Nurse, Blight, Billy and Spirit all basically just shrug it off and down you again shortly after anyway.

    Did self-care really need a nerf? Definitely not. Self-care was popular because of it being reliable and available at any time provided you're injured. The item usage efficiency could've been removed and nobody would've cared.

    Did Corrupt need such a ridiculous nerf? Absolutely not. It's supposed to be early-game slowdown. Similarly, Ruin didn't need to be nerfed. Who even uses Ruin anymore, anyway?

    So many nerfs that just feel like they understood the assignment and just elected to ignore it instead.

  • Member Posts: 735
  • Member Posts: 5,605

    Yea some perks were overnerfed... other were overbuffed

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Yep, some perks have been nerfed into complete uselessness.

    Not really, Saboteur main thing is stopping Killers from hooking someone which is its main value (and almost only value), you wait on the hook, sabo it and they have to drop or risk a wiggle if they try to go for another, you will keep breaking the hook where the Killer is going which is almost universally the closest one, doesnt matter if you know its scourge or not, the only thing that matters is stopping a hook and forcing a wiggle.

    If you sabo a scourge hook when the Killer isnt there to stop him from using it he will just use a normal one which is less bad but still a bad outcome.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Meta shakeup = making more perks useless apparently

  • Member Posts: 786

    Yes! my fav perks have been gutted to the point of no return. great that I can’t use my fav survior no more due to them being loud as hell !

    once the update hits I don’t think il be playing anymore , it’s been a fun 6 years !

  • Member Posts: 941

    Yea, it's a weird way to ''change'' the meta if you ask me. Some perks were nerfed way too much imo. I rather had more perk buffs and more slight nerfs instead of this.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    DS and Self Care sure did. Completely unnecessary.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Yes. The worst part is, they just nerfed perks just because they were meta. And no thought or care was put into them.

    They destroyed Self Care, Iron Will, Spine Chill, DS, WGLF, Ruin, Corrupt Intervention, BBQ, and Pop without a second thought. None of those perks were unbalanced or OP, they just nerfed them just to nerf them. And they didn't even question why they were meta in the first place.

    This update wasn't made to shake up the meta, it was made to bring in a new meta. And it's going to make the grind 10 times worse than it currently is.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Iron Will deserved it, tell me what is fair about that perk.

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    Why is COH still healing at 50%, a perk which only one survivor needs to being for all four survivors to have infinite healing.....

    While Self-care is nerfed to 35%

  • Member Posts: 418

    I think the Ruin & DS nerfs were overkill.

    The new DS is so problematic in terms of it being an 'anti-tunelling' perk. A 3-second stun is hardly more than a pallet stun, so it's not going to affect chase too much (especially with high-mobility killers like Nurse, Blight, etc.). Also, the end-game deactivation is just silly because it incentives tunneling in the end game. I had this today where I was getting face-camped during the end-game collapse: someone saved me with BT and the killer still hit me through BT and caught up to me just before I could leave. Luckily, I had DS so I was able to escape still. Now, I get that DS can be abused in the sense that players will force it just to antagonize the killer, but without DS that killer would've got a free kill for face-camping. That just makes no sense in an update where they're trying to break the cycle of some of the common complaints amongst players. It essentially contradicts the reason why they're doing this whole 'meta shake up'.

    In terms of Ruin, I think the idea of it deactivating once a survivor is killed is kind of a good idea as, at its core, it's supposed to slow down gens so the killer can create more pressure. Arguably, once a survivor is out of the game and there's gens remaining, Ruin can be kind of oppressive if the totem hasn't been cleansed, so I can see what they did there. However, the nerf to its regression speed is excessive to say the least, and it almost doesn't feel powerful enough to be a Hex now because there's multiple gen slow-down perks which can be used for an entire game that are almost on a par with the new Ruin. Hex's are supposed to be 'High Risk: High Reward' type perks, but the new Ruin is just 'High Risk: okay-ish Reward'.

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    I'm someone that likes to use Iron Will and Calm Spirit together in my build. I'm okay with the Iron Will nerf because 75% is still a lot of stealth action from my experience. However, I really dislike the Calm Spirit nerf. The buff part makes sense, but why make it slower at doing the actions? It just makes you feel like you can't do certain objectives because it would be a bigger waste it time and it sadly makes me want to use it less despite it already being a niche but cool perk.

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