Why CoH and boons are good for the game, cont.

CoH and boons in general serve as a great tool in the hands of experienced survivors versus camping killers.

CoH creates a veritable "base" from which the survivors can send out excursions out into the killers territory. They provide an area to fall back to, to heal and resupply for the next push into the killers territory. If the killer wishes to end this little problem of theirs, they are forced to physically move to another part of the map, relinquishing their pressure and control of the map from the area they are camping.

CoH coupled with Exponential are incredibly powerful tools to grouped survivors, especially if the Killer crosses into the Survivors "territory". Slugging becomes a problem, and hit and run tactics become difficult as well. This part of the map becomes incredibly powerful for survivors and any killer not dealing with that boon has his work cut out for him.

Silent step is also great for losing the killer. In a multi-tiered area like The Game, the survivors can literally run around and only be concerned with making to much noise. Juking the killer becomes almost a trifling affair.

Shattered Hope can destroy this game play, denying Survivors critical areas of the map to fall back and regroup at. Any Killer who tries to focus on a later game set up, such as Trapper etc, can make an excursion across the map worth his time.


  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 491

    CoH is strong yes, but it isn't that bad. If the totem is left in a dead area of the map and left undealt with, so be it. It is the Killer's map and if he doesn't want it there he should remove it.

    I'll admit the the cool down on it should probably start once it's snuffed or whatever. Placing the totem should be a strategic choice, and the loss of the totem should be considered a blow which it currently isn't, but I believe the reasoning for its existence is solid.

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 370

    The only boon that matters is CoH. Shadow Step is decent but only worth using if paired with CoH. Dark Theory and Exponential are trash.

    CoH is great in solo queue as it allows your teammates to heal themselves, not AFK in a corner.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    Honestly after the new endurance meta, I don’t give a s* ** about boons anymore. Those are the least of my concern now that I have to worry about survivors having multiple free health states

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    CoH and boons are bad for the game because a single perk, brought by a single survivor, from a possible pool of 16 perks, either: invalidates half of the killer cast by removing the hit-and-run gameplay style, or removes one of the killer's 4 perks by forcing them to take the 'destroy boons' band-aid that BHVR is adding.

    Like, congrats: you just reduced the killer perk selection by 25%! How SKILLFUL of you!

    It's wildly better than every other healing perk on the survivor side, even after THREE WAVES OF NERFS. The free-equivalent is also getting mega-nerfed, which makes CoH even better in comparison.

    COH is literally: Pay-To-Win. And that's not good for the game.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    I have to disagree with CoH being 'pay to win'. It's a very, very strong perk for survivors yes, but no amount of unlimited heals can replace skill. Sorry for the anecdote, but if I had a dollar for every time I see survivors run to the other side of the map to self-care with CoH, only to get hit seconds later and repeat the process. Honestly, I think CoH can be a detriment to a team sometimes as survivors spend so much time blessing/healing that they're not doing generators. Survivors in lower to mid-MMR aren't comfortable with being injured, so instead of doing gens and progressing the game... they heal. Don't get me wrong, I know CoH can be annoying particularly with SWF's, but generally speaking, I don't think it's as OP as people say.

    The only thing I will say is that there should be a cool down for the totem blessing and/or Shattered Hope should be basekit.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,502

    So when I play pig and get Red Forest, if I want to cleanse the totem on the other side of the map, I have to slowly walk over there and let gens fly, or try to defend my gens and let infinite heals continue?

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 491

    Exactly. If they could make losing a totem a better detriment to the survivors it would be better.

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 491


    That's the point, to force the killer to have to leave and deal with it, or continue to face the constant deluge of full health survivors. That's the point.

    Also, I do not believe that CoH is that much more powerful than self care considering its limitations. 1)There has to be a totem. 2) The totem needs to be blessed 3) The totem needs to have not been snuffed 4) You need to get to the totems area of effect. If, in this theoretical situation in which a swf has ONLY brought 1 instance of CoH, the totem isn't up, then aren't receiving any benefit from it. Completely useless if the totems are controlled.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    This post just goes over why Boons are powerful perks, something everyone knew (minus Dark Theory).

    The problem people have is Circle of Healing and how it affects killers.

    There are many killers that rely on spreading injuries to help generate pressure. You see this commonly on killers such as Wraith or Onryo, although it applies to almost every killer to some extent.

    CoH shuts this down. You cannot keep a team injured (barring the anti-healing duo, Plague and Legion) because this perk allows for reliable and quick self-resets. ESPECIALLY if you bring medkits.

    This in of itself might not be seen as a problem if there were a way to counter this.... except there's not. You can snuff a boon, but CoH is unique in that it's best when it's placed AWAY from the killer's patrol zone, making snuffing "Free time" for survivors as the killer has to give up pressuring gens for several moments to get rid of 1 perk.

    To add insult to injury, that perk can be endlessly replaced, again and again, making the killer's investment worthless. Survivors already experienced a similar level of frustration with the original release of Undying; you could cleanse a totem 4 times and still not get rid of Ruin until you did all 5 totems. Only this time, there's no limit unless you bring Shattered Hope, a perk that literally does nothing unless a boon is in play. To demonstrate the absurdity, imagine if survivors had to bring a perk to cleanse totems (having 0 secondary effects or utility) AND if every totem perk were locked behind DLCs, making that perk even more circumstantial.

    Rather than adding levels of depth for both sides, Boons strengthen survivors while being extremely frustrating to killers. Unable to spread injuries, killers will play the dreaded high-tier/anti-loop killers that survivors despise (Nurse, Neme, Pyramid Head, etc) out of sheer necessity, making both sides unhappy in the long run.

    So no, I do not agree that Circle of Healing is a good and/or healthy perk.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Alright I snuffed it. Time to go back to protecting my ge- And CoH is back alrighty.

  • Hilidaris
    Hilidaris Member Posts: 164

    it's general

    if something is good for the Game, it means it's good for the killer and the survivors

    if it benefit only one side then it's not "good for the Game" it's just "good for x side".

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 457

    Only tip they will have for you is to play survivor like them lmao. Nobody who plays killer at least 50% of the time will make the argument that snuffing boons and defending gens at the same time is in the killer's favor. It's a lose lose situation. Free heals, free gens or sometimes both if you wasted time snuffing the boon only for it to be put right back up and a gen pops in the meantime.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    You raise many good points, in particular I will point out the plight of poor Hag and Trapper in regards to CoH. Both of the rely on the "Hit & Run" strategy and both are highly territorial killers who are not what you'd call highly mobile, making the impact of having to trudge halfway across the map away from their defended area, find & snuff the boon only to have it relit before they're even halfway back to their traps is just heartbreaking.