Hex:Ruin shouldn't be a Hex anymore.
So Ruin is much slower now. It takes 6 minutes for a gen to fully regress. Counting that after a first kill it turns into a dull totem so it's deactivated. So if it can get cleansed before and it most likely will. Then congrats BHVR, you made a strong perk a super weak one. It's regression is minimal anyways. Should have kept the changes but put it as a normal perk. It's not strong anymore.
Agreed. Way too weak to exist as a hex totem in its new state.
If it releases like it is on the PTB no one's going to be running this perk anymore and you want hex perks to be relevant as it gives the survivors extra objectives.
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I do agree that ruin is now really bad, and it was not as used as before recently.
But now it might as well disappear
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It shouldn't be a hex NOR should it go away after killing someone, if the perk is just going to be 100% regression. 40 seconds just to remove 10 seconds of a single survivors progress is the most idiotic thing I've seen in a while.
Plus you get punished for playing the game and killing someone? like what?
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A lesser version of ruin (not as an hex) could be basekit at this point. So it rewards pressure and allow you to still play other perks.
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hey, at least the perk is going on par with other hex perks, hex:lullaby, third seal, blood favor, thrill of hunt,hex:retribution, look at all these game-changing hex perks that nobody uses.
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Gotta love bringing my super game changing ruin 200% regression perk just to have someone spawn within 30 meters of it and instantly cleanse it within 45 seconds of the game starting!!!1!!
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Retribution is actually a decent perk in hex builds.
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Most Hex perks are garbage now, not worth the risk of the perk being destroyed 30 seconds into the the match, which is what usually happen with experienced survivors who know where to find totems combined with awful totem spawns. Running a hex perk these days is pretty much lighting a perk slot on fire
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At least with retribution you rely on something that will surely happens, wich is your hex totems getting destroyed.
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in my opinion, I think only hex perks that are worth hex perk status in term game-changing powerful is Ruin and NOED. nothing else is remotely even game-changing. that's only hex perks I'd ever run globally on every killer.
The dev stats just confirm exactly what I already knew about hex totems anyway.
All other hex perks are meme-tier. even devour hope and haunted grounds. I wouldn't even class those as game-changing. people consider them game-changing because you can run these perks on Nurse, like undying+haunted ground+devour hope, killers also ran this build on Spirit before Spirit eventually got her gutted nerfs.
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Wouldn't that make all gen kicking perks not useable
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not if you keep the part that remove it after a kill
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Still.. that would make them useable but just about useless since unless ur tunneling straight out the gate it's gonna be near endgame to use them
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Hexes are a complete joke at this point, and ruin is the Pagliacci of the bunch.
The only one not useless, incredibly niche, or nerfed to near-uselessness is Devour Hope. And don't worry: people will complain that one into an early grave as well soon enough.
Even if you leave out the hilariously imbalance of Boons, the whole "big risk for big reward" is just flat-out not true any more.
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One Internet Point for your excellent use of Pagliacci in a post!
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I think as an alternative nerf that the regression rate could have stayed where it was, but only regressed a gen up to a certain point before stopping itself. Maybe up to 33% total progress.
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Laugh, clown! At your broken love! Laugh, at the grief that poisons your heart!
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You have your hex up for 45 seconds? I only get 10
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That...feels balanced, again, coming from a very survivor sided person, you sure know how to balance stuff, lol
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Heavy would like a word with you:
It would be at least 14 seconds, without Counterforce. Assuming the survivor starts cleansing the totem as soon as the match starts too . 😉
Heavy has another word for you:
May be a survivor main, but play both sides and understand killers need stuff for their objectives too! 😀
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Hex perks in general are a bad design because of the lottery nature of them. If you make them strong the effectiveness is still luck based and yeah some totem spawns are awful but some are really asinine.
The whole concept should be binned and reworked to be similar to booms so the killer has more control over it. Obviously numbers would have to be thought through but as it stands hex perks are just silly lotteries. Sure game has RNG but if you run hexes you are gambling even more.
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Why did ruin even NEED this nerf? It gets cleansed super fast and in the event it lasts all game... You pretty much won anyways because you're pressuring the hell outta survivors.
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It's D tier perk at best now. Remove the Hex from it and it might be B tier perk I quess.
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Does nobody understand that this was exactly the goal of all the mind numbing hard nerfs for DS, ruin, pop, self care and so on?
The devs didn't think of a way to make the meta a little less appealing while also making other perks the same level of attractive. To create a less oppressive and more diverse meta.
They treated the perks with the highest Pickrate and their respective interesting/valuable aspects with a sledgehammer and buffed some less picked perks to the same level of the meta at this moment.
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I run devour on my main build and i would argue that if you are a good killer you don't have to rely on the hex perks to get a win. Devour gets clensed 3/4 games when i run it but 3/4 games i also 3 or 4k right now.
Having ruin no longer be a hex would IMO make the perk to powerful. its a constant regression that can't be removed and all killers then have to do is gen hop and 12 hook. If you kill a survivor very quickly which would deactivate ruin then you have more pressure in the game than ruin ever could give (3v1 instead of 4v1). Just my thoughts but this is from someone who doesn't run ruin because i don't see the point when there are better/more fun perks to run.
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Its good to shake up the meta, but why they have to bring the sledgehammer. Surely making as many perks as possible viable is healthy for the game. I just dont see Ruin being used ever if these nerfs go through.