Better Accessibility Is Needed

Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Accessibility not only makes the game more marketable (since it can appeal to a wider range of players), but it extends beyond that and makes the game more available to players who may be deal with disabilities or stuff out of their control. BHVR has been trying to create a more welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds, however there isnt many accessibility options for players.

  • Heartbeat Display: Players should have the option to visual show the heartbeat of the player when within the killers terror radius, increasing in intensity as the killer draws near (similar to that of DbD Mobile). This should be an option allowing players with impaired hearing to be able to know if the killer is going for them. Players with impaired hearing formerly relied upon Spine Chill to produce such results, but with Spine Chill being changed, an option for players should be provided to help them.
  • Colorblind Setting: Players should have the option to change how things visually appear color wise to help them tell things apart, with various colorblindness covered as well as various intensities of the blindness (similar to what other games do).
  • Epilepsy: Epilepsy is an issue which can affect a portion of players, having various triggers but mostly is centered around flashing lights of various intensity. Reducing the frequency of flashing lights, as well as having a smoother transition between light and dark areas can help deal with this. Flashlights should additionally have a buffer time to reduce it's ability to cause seizures.

DbD should be a more welcoming place for everyone, even those with disabilities, or maybe those who arent as fortunate as others. I may have missed some stuff but I wanted to focus on issues that Ive seen other games address that DbD has yet to dive into.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    Agreed this game is absolutely garbage when it comes to accessibility

  • FlameLickVA
    FlameLickVA Member Posts: 158

    "BuT iF yOu'Re EpIlEpTiC yOu ShOuLdN't PlAy AnYwAyS"

    • Least abelist r/deadbydaylight user
  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    Never understood this point since practically every game with epilepsy warnings have ways to tone it down or flat out remove said effects

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    Good topic! One of my best friends is colorblind and he talks about his dbd experience, saying some things are 50/50, in that he has a 50% chance of making a successful choice during gameplay. I also think a visual heartbeat is an excellent idea.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    DBD Mobile is way better when it comes to accessibility idk why the main game devs haven't picked some of it up to pc and console.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Colourblind settings already exist (though imo the ones you can get from a filter are better, the fact they're there is very welcome especially for console users).

    But yes, accessibility is more than just repeated button presses, and I wish we had more. Moreover, I wish killers went through tests for this stuff so Sadako on PTB, or new Haddonfield, wouldn't be a major seizure risk, and Dredge wouldn't give the worst case of eye strain known to mankind.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890
    edited July 2022

    Yeah I totally agree.

    but credit where credit is due! They have added some kinds of accessibility settings, among them colorblind settings (which could be expanded of course, but it’s still here and very much usable)!

    i will still mention Controller accessibility, especially ‚advanced‘ controller settings are needed. As well as M&K support for consoles and possibly specific phobia settings (eg coulrophobia/emetophobia to make certain skins/powers neutral) next to the already mentioned FoV slider

    also the heartbeat isn’t the only audio cue that could get a visual indicator. But especially on the killer side this could be hard to design/implement (breathing, grunts of pain, footsteps for example)

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Cries in 87 FOV

  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 645

    I agree, and I think even BHVR agree with this - more accessibility settings in games is never a bad thing.

    To bring it up again, though, as I think it's important to share, they are going to change Spine Chill when the patch goes live so it provides an indicator when you're within the Killer's Terror Radius. They've also added that this change isn't the 'answer' to hard of hearing accessibility features or accessibility features in general, so I think they intend to look into accessibility in general.