What Stranger Things Would Look Like If There Was a Part 2

This a hypothetical, because we don't discuss leaks, real or imaginary, okay?
This is also spoiler free, so let's keep it that way.
Eddie Munson deserves a place in Dead by Daylight.
That is my vote, this is all.
Edit: Obviously I'd take the whole ######### cast if I could.
I'd love to see the Vecna, I think he'd make for a very interesting killer.
Survivior-wise, I'd love to see Joyce Byers or Max (although I understand the reasoning behind kids not being in the game directly)
Post edited by Mandy on1 -
I'd love to see Argyle ^^
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Eddie. Eddie. Eddie.
Also, I think everyone seems to be forgetting the legend that is The Grillmaster...
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Really no one says Yuri? 😁 I would really like to see him
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I think it'd be awesome to have Vecna as the killer, Joyce and Hopper as survivors, and the Kreel House in the Upside Down as a map.
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Please avoid spoilers, not everyone might have seen the end of Season 4 yet.
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luckily, this is spoiler free :) haven’t seen the final episodes yet
yeah, I just want Robin and Barb. Barb is an icon that got killed off way too quickly and Robin is such a great and relatable character - even if you ignore the fact she is lesbian she has many great traits and for me is so likeable.
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There's a way to use a spoiler tag, so people who don't want to read spoilers can avoid them? (I'd like to say something but I don't want to spoil anyone.)
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If we get Vecna, the devs should incorporate the vines into his attack since we already have a bone breaking telekinetic psychic that is all but forgotten.
I’d rather have the meat monster from season three. They can make it a smaller version and a legendary cosmetic for Demodoggy.
I was pleasantly surprised with how entertaining Murray was in the plane scene. So now I’d like to play as him while yelling MY FINGERS ARE LIKE ARROWS!
Finally, Will should be a playable character. He’s been through and is going through a lot and is much more interesting character than Mike will ever be.
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I really do hope they add Eddie.
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Have you?
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I think the obvious choice for the killer would be Vecna...
as for the survivor/s I think it would be best to choose Hopper and/or Joyce... they've been there since in the beginning at got a good selection of outfits they can put in the store. Robin has gained some with Season 4 sure, but I think Joyce is still the better option. Eddie shouldn't even be considered as a survivor imho, he just has no outfits in the show and would therefor be perfect as a legendary skin
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Barb was only 16 when she died. I know Laurie and Quentin were 17 in the movies but they lived so they have that excuse.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Eddie is my favourite character so yes please!
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This people are not really intressed to watch the series.
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Chrissy too would be nice because I want more Chrissy content.
Eddie legendaries too, because I want more Eddit content.
And Dmitri Antonov because I think he's hot.
You have to be on PC to do this, I'm afraid, but yes there is a way.
This little button round the side
Hit the speech marks and then hit spoiler
It creates a little section like this so you can make a spoiler warning and people must voluntarily click it to see what's inside.
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I guess this one is more on me as I was the first to mention Barb… but it’s really early on from S1 and the topic is about a second chapter of Stranger things…
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If you've wanted to watch Stranger Things for about 6 years and still haven't and then voluntarily click into a thread surrounding Season 4 of the show and then still expect to not have any spoilers then I think that's your own fault.
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Chrissy was definitely great but imo she doesn’t have the prominence to be her own character, same with Barb. Both would work well as Legendarys (disregarding the age problem…)
Robin on the other hand feels like one of the mains this season. And i just love how awkward she is.
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I seem to be the only one who despised Eddie. Absolutely excruciating character.
Just give me a grown up version of Erica with voicelines calling the killer a nerd after every pallet drop.
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if Hopper was added I wouldn't even play another survivor again.
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Thank you for removing the offending comment.
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Killer: Vecna
Survivors: Eddie Munson & Robin Buckley
Legendary skins for Joyce & Hopper
Map: Upside Down (with Vecna's "house" as the main building)
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me too, even if it was just a steve legendary.
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it would be a amazing chapter!
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Can there be a Scoops Ahoy Robin outfit, so that we can see 2-person teams playing Robin and Steve with Scoops Ahoy outfits?
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Why think so small?
Every single character should get a scoops ahoy outfit. Including Vecna.
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I would play Scoops Ahoy Hopper lol
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Hopper and Eleven or Joyce as survivors, the reintroduction of Hawkins National Laboratory, Vecna as killer, Robin as a legendary for Nancy, maybe Billy as a legendary for both Steve and Vecna, Steve's basketball outfit from season 2, and Starcourt Mall as the map.
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No-one respond to the troll. Lets see if directions fair better this time around.
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Eleven being the star of the show is my first pick for survivor. Hopper or Joyce next.
Killer: Vecna
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Honestly, I had always hoped for a Billy skin . =( Not gonna happen tho.
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First of all i would be happy if we get our ST back.
Then they can add what they want.
Just finished S4 today - it is really good.
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Just want more Nancy skins
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Eddie skin would be awesome.
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Its a good thing my morals are stronger than my will to spoil the last episode 😏. Coincidentally that's the only episode I saw.
But to stay in spirit of the post, that guy Hopper seemed cool. It the guy with the bowl cut.
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Eddie and Robbin as their own characters or as legendary skins.
Also more good boy Demo skins.
Nancy and Steve skins.
Vecna as a killer.
Also bring back the Lab... I miss it dammit.
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I think a must for a part 2 is survivor Hopper, shirtless and scarred.
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I just don't really vibe with Netflix. Love the show, hate the company. LET ME SHARE MY PASSWORD WITH FRIENDS, DAMN IT!
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Vecna as the killer
Robin and Hopper as survivors
As much as I would love to have starcourt as a map the Creel's house would make more sense