How offten do you see Sadako?

I wonder if Sadako is very offten / offten / sometimes / rare / very rare / legendary killer to play againts :D
Personaly for me, I don't see her much. She is very rare maybe for me.
Until yesterday and today, i didnt see her almost a month, but, today, a little minutes ago, i saw 2 matches against her, maybe daily ritual? i love her, i love play as her, but, she needs some help. BHVR give more love for sadako.
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Every day.
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I saw her once yesterday and she DC 😟
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Not that often sadly
Despite her being weak, she's fun to go against, and her passive phasing still gets me
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Atleast once a game session.
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Havent seen her since release.
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Really? :O
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I m p o s s i b l e
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I very rarely see her. I went against her twice in a row a couple days ago after like 1 month but that's it.
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Last time must have been at least 2 months ago. Probably even longer. Her pick rate dropped hard after the first week of her release. Once people noticed that her power doesn´t make her strong.
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I haven't seen her in a long time, that may be because I've dropped DbD for Evil Dead (at least until the Mid-Chapter goes live), but still, she was rare even before that
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I see her quite a bit, at least not any less than other killers. Of course I see Huntress, Nemesis, Blight and Nurse the most.
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I didn't read the post. I wanted to make a pun about you never specifying on which role I never see her but you did specify.
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I've actually seen her more than Huntress over the past couple weeks
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Maybe 4 times in my life
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One time a month, my games are infested of nurses and blight
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Since Dredge release I saw her twice.
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It's a shame really she is a really good killer
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She is very fun killer for both sides imo.
However she is very weak and easy to bully.
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That is true. I usually get lucky. The thing I want to see is you spawn out of a well on the map.
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Every now and then.
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whenever she's not flickering or fading out of screen.
seriously tho, not very often but I do get to play against one every 30-40 matches I'd say. I have seen more Sadakos than Doctors and Hags strangely enough tho.
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I'd say once every 20(ish) matches. Funnily enough, I've seen more of her recently than Dredge.
At the moment, 9/10 matches I enter are either Blight, Nurse, or Huntress.
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Not as often as huntress and nurse but still often
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The last one I saw killed me with a cypress mori with two other survivors left....
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When my friends and I play in the evenings we usually see her at least once per session. We were all slaughtered by AprilGhost once even.
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Nightly, cuz I play her. It's frustrating though. If you load into say, the game as her you're just handed a loss by default unless the survs are very very bad.
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Whenever these topics come up, keep in mind that with almost 30 killers on average you’ll only see a given killer once every 30 games. (Some are more popular and some less but 1/28 is the current average.) So even killers that are a little above average popularity are only going to show up maybe 1/20 games, for instance.
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after the 2 week release hype died... I've seen her maybe like 1-2 a week... since Dredge came out, I've seen one Sadako
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I see her as often as I do most killers, which is just once in a while. Most people seem to play Huntress, Legion, Nurse, Blight, or Nemesis.
Rarest killers are Hag, Twins and Artist.
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Maybe once a week I'll get one.
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Not as often as I desire, I want more easy matches.