More love for pc users maybe?

Guys thats really fustrated..
With a console user players godmode avoid me.. Pathetic.. Really.
Any other pc user killer feel that?
Crossrealms not really a good idea. For the game sure. for the pc user killers not really..
Almost impossible to hit the survivors.. man really..
the game is arguably harder on console as killer.
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...What? I thought it was universally agreed upon that PC players have a freer range of movement and more ease controlling ranged killers. I genuinely do not understand what you're getting at here.
Console players who avoid PC players are trying to dodge cheaters, half the time.
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PC always has the advantage with crossplay games. DBD is not that bad in comparison to others but killer is easier on PC, for sure.
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Is this a joke?
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Depends on the killer, dbd is not an fps it's more about how to run tiles/loops and knowing the map etc than fast mouse movement
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True. I should have been more specific. My most played killers are Deathslinger and Huntress and do fine. I want to try Nurse, though, but not on PS4 against real-life survivors on the other side. If I'm still playing the game when the bot mode materializes, I'll use it for practice.
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Skill issue
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Yes, but those things are not complete game changers which make console killers unplayable or weak, imo its a very situational and minor issue
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Console survivors that have cross mode off are playing on easy mode, because some of the killers are trash when they are stuck using a controller.
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Have you tried Trickster on console? Unpredictable and harsh recoil, strafing is useless, and grouping your shots is out. And don't even get me started on frame drops & game performance issues...
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Can someone explain this to me, I am extremely confused
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Coming from someone who owns the game on PC and console, killer is harder on console and it's not even a question because the accuracy and extra sensitivity you get on PC is crucial as killer and that's why certain killers have a slightly higher ceiling on PC, now maybe it's just me because I've played since release on PC and I'm used to it that way
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Here , also a PC player. I've only been playing on PC for years, but I also have a gamepad in addition to a mouse and keyboard.
I always play survivor with gamepad, the movements feel much smoother to me with gamepad .... but killer ? Never.
I would never play killer without a mouse and keyboard, you can aim much more accurately with the mouse than with any gamepad.
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Maybe he's talking about the warping and rubberbanding that happens. I know when I'm playing killer and there's a console player in the lobby with high ping, they disappear or warp sometimes.
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I'd avoid pc players if I wasnt hit with stupid long wait times.
Feel lucky certain killers on pc get better movement and extra ° during certain animations, you get graphic settings (so you can use low for advantages) and you get free use of filters (for advantages).
Only downside is hackers, but console gets them anyway due to forced crossplay. But apparently they're rare for everyone else (lucky people)
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Nothing about this thread makes sense.
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What? Is this sarcasm?
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DBD just needs to be like other popular games, and remove PC from cross play altogether. PC will always have an advantage in every department of any game, so any arguing is pointless. SOme people say it'll kill the game, but there are a lot more console players than PC players on DBD cause most PC players play FPSs. Just make it cross console, and keep PC users on they're own servers. All issues with fairness would be fixed immediately.