Huntress Hatchet Hitboxes

How have they never been fixed? I know its no secret that they are super wonky and its pretty much a meme at this point.---and in the hands of a pro huntress, can snipe across the map with it. Every other ranged killer pretty much needs a direct hit.. and the Trickster gets next to no lee-way.. and at least in my opinion-- is actually even more difficult to land hits and needs 6 of them.
With her crazy range and only 1 landed hit needed for injury.. Her hitbox is a bit ridiculous. and I wont even talk about those Iri heads. <.<
I actually have fun going against Huntress as a survivor.. but it always feels really bad when you are clipped by a hatchet and it's not even near your body.
It's not her hitbox that is the problem,it's latency making her hits look so rediculous
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This has been addressed by devs, please use search function.
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Makes sense.. with the very frequent rubberbanding I guess its no surprise that it would affect projectiles.
Can Trickster get some love though? ;P
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Oh right, like anyone is going to dig in few years of posts where only thing you know is it's about huntress / hatchet / hitbox and hope there is chance any dev addressed it.
If you are here for some time and you know the answer, just say it. It's not like this topic is here everyday.
It's same amount of effort as your comment, but actually has some value.
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honestly, as you can see by my amount of posts... in the 6 years I've played this game... I only recently decided to participate in the forums.
I did find the post by peanits though, it was helpful at least to understand the nature of the huntress and survivor's hitboxes.
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welp first, iri hatchets are gone. they are useless and if your team loses... well that says something about you guys or the huntress is really god. second her hitboxes require serious knowledge, one reason her hits are wonky is your character model leans forward while running, your hitbox stays straight up meaning if she doesnt it you she still did. they cant make hitboxes to fit each survivor because then some survivor would be insanely hard to hit, also you can hit people over haybales, but that requires a good repositioning and predicament and hatchets can go through holes with precise aim. she requires lots of skill and knowledge and timing. if you had zero latency she would be even harder, but it would also mean that youd get hit more when dodging side to side because its not just a one way issue and if she times her throws you cant complain. also 5 hatchets is harder to down than trickster. trickster can literally chase around loops with knives up and can throw over loops while hugging them, huntress cannot. she has to back up and because she cant move as fast while holding her hatchet then she has to predict you will drop a pallet and if you do thats your fault for playing badly. some loops are easy hits for her, hell you can crouch at a truck and still be hit but only if the huntress BARELY misses the edge of the truck. trickster in all honesty is stronger than her in a straight up 1v1. crossmaps no and pressure no but he can down faster than her and if you learn to control his recoil then the only way for you to not get easy downs is greedy survivors who never drop pallets which you can still hit them every corner but slowly and also lots of LOS blockers. if you have any other issues i didnt adress ill try my best to adress them
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Just used "Huntress Hitbox" in the search bar,clicked on the first discussion and found this explanation:
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Yeah, but he talked about "dev". I didn't manage to find post like that.
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So, what this guy said:
Not doing a lazy persons work for them, OniWantsYourMacaroni is just more selfless I guess.
And I'm sorry you didn't find a dev comment, but the reasoning applies. People need to use the search function. That's literally the point. So we don't rehash the same topics over and over again.
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This wasn't comment by dev, so he didn't do anything really. Everyone can find that, I did.
But I was interested if I can find comment by dev. Unless you know phrase / title, there is no way to know what post was it.
That's why I think your comment was pointless. You talked about a specific comment in thousands of comments, which is no way to find for him.
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You got me on a technicality, congrats, because the exact post I was talking about was the image the other guy put up. I can go back and edit out the word dev, but honestly with you harping on it so much I think I should leave it for posterity.
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It would be fine then. Comments just get more value when they are by dev, but I guess "go use search and find explanation for another random" doesn't sound that good.
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Ty, this finally explains why when you're heal-teching and they aim at your head, you won't get hit, but when they aim at your butt, you do get hit 💀
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There is nothing random about how many time that image shows up if you use a proper search.
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It's random, because that person guess how it works. Unless you can see their code, you guess.
By random, I mean another random player.
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Okay, it took me all of 5 seconds to find what I was referring to:
Sorry it's not the dev's official account, sorry you feel it has less value if it doesn't come directly from their mouth even if it's been used widely for quite some time. Sorry the semantics game is all you're running with here.
It's not a guess, it's not random, there's a reason it's the goto.
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Sure, I got destroyed with this.
I was basically looking on names -> looking for dev while searching. Well, I just didn't care about actual answer, just wanted to find post with dev comment about it.
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why don't they just adjust the hitbox when you're injured? it makes no sense why the hitbox is the same as when they're standing
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yes yes its latency bois
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Sphere hitbox + pill hitbox. Sphere is exact diameter of hatchet length. Hits by edge of sphere. Learn what you're talking about before trying to be a smartass.
The reason it looks weird this frame is cause you're looking at it from bottom perspective of handle. That is how big it would be if it was "standing". The frame before where it's "standing":
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I guess because it could create all kinds of problems if they try to adjust survivor hitboxes
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Well then, if u knew about its existence wouldn’t it be healthier for the topic as whole for u to link it to op who clearly didn’t know about it?
I mean, im sorry but if u know the answer just answer it instead of telling people to “look it up” like ?? Thats a d move
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No, I already explained that the search function exists for a reason.
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then why bother coming to the topic if u had no intention of being helpful? Like? Thats so petty
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Cause it takes additional hitboxes = more computing power needed to constantly keep track of it. It doesn't only check the hitbox when the hatchet would hit. It is constantly checking. That's how it knows when it does hit. Even adding a second one literally doubles the workload per survivor, and then factor in there being 4 survivors. Also the reason it doesn't match shape is on purpose. It's so specific survivors don't have advantages for heights/animations/etc. Every single survivor has the same one.
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No she still throws beachballs at you
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I was plenty helpful. I demonstrated that the OP can instead use the search function to see several topics identical to this, already populated with commentary from both sides of the issue.
That word does not mean what you think it means.
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No u weren’t lol. What u did was like, me asking what was the most popular band in the 80s and someone said: “google it”. Its unhelpful and indeed a very petty attitude tbh.
This is a forum bro, op simply had a doubt. A little humility doesn’t do any harm u know
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Poor analogy, I would have said Depeche Mode or Tears for Fears. You're conflating recommendations with barebones research to do what, drag this on?
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Interesting how that u answer straightforwardly. The irony lmao
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All survivors share the same hitbox. You're talking about latency, this goes for both sides.
Pro Tipp: Play her to get a better understanding until survivors actually start looping and not just run in straight lines.
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So i am behind a wall, with not even 1 pixel of line of sight on me but it's normal that i get hit?
I have plenty of clips like that this just shows how bs hatchet hitboxes are.
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Dude, even the OP said they were able to use the search function and find Peanits response.
It's not irony, it's not lack of humility, and it definitely wasn't petty. You've spent more time harping on this than OP had to spend getting their answer.
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If you nerfed the player hitbox on the hatchets to be the same as her environment collision she would be insanely punishing to play and her playrate would drop by 80% no joke. No point in that. Just learn that hatchets have a spherical hitbox and play around it.
Sometimes you get hit right after you cross a corner, but it has to be this way sometimes or no one would play huntress. I personally get crushed by huntress, but all that tells me is that I'm not good at versing her yet and that I need to practice.
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Apperntly there is nothing wrong with them which is laughable as I don’t think I’ve ever actually been hit by one. Her and victors hitboxes are stupid, I’ve heard the hatchet clearly hit a wall and I went down… seen it fly past me and I’ve gone down. Regardless of what eveyone says I will always say they do not work.this is a main reason why I can’t stand going agaisnt her
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I mean Huntress isn't overpowered so there's no need to nerf her hitboxes. Yes they can be pretty jarring at times but they are consistent, you can learn what sorta shots will hit and which wont. This really is a skill issue much of the time.