Pig addons = playing without addons(Attention:Long poste)

ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

So i made a discussion, how i would buff/rework the pig(addons).

Now i made a discussion, why the addons arent good.

I see almost no difference whether I play with or without addons.

Have other people this feeling,too?

Btw, enjoy this novel XD
And sry for my bad english.

Workshop Grease
RNG can destroy your game as killer or as survivor.
And skillchecks are easy to hit.

Shattered Syringe
Reward for failing.

John's Medical File
Its good for a Common addon.
But its a Common addon.
So dont take it.

Combat Straps
Its good for a Common addon.
But its useless after the pig"buff".

Video Tape
I like it.
But i dont notice it rly much ingame.

Utility Blades
Maybe good with bloodhound.
But i dont use this perk.
And i dont want use 1 addon and 1 perk for a litttle effect.

Razor Wires
Do I have to say more?

Last Will
I rly like it.
And i use it.
But its only an Uncommon addon.

Face Mask
Sometimes good with KO and this addon.
But SWF can counter it.

Slow-Release Toxin
Its ok.
Sometimes it can be useful.

Rusty Attachments
Sloppy Butcher is better.
But its ok, if you use Last Will,too.

Jigsaw's Annotated Plan
Increase timer time = why should i take this?
But its funny in combination with Jigsaw's Sketch.

Interlocking Razor
This could be a meme.

Bag Of Gears
Slightly increases the time it takes Survivors to search a Jigsaw Box.
Yeah......1.68 seconds.

Tampered Timer
Finally a good addon.
Oh wait RNG can destroy it.

Jigsaw's Sketch
Finally a good addon.
Oh wait RNG can destroy it.
Yes, i copy paste it.

Crate Of Gears
Considerably increases the time it takes Survivors to search a Jigsaw Box.
Yep 6 seconds.
That's not to bad.
And the pig is getting a funny fast animation in combination with Bag Of Gears.

Amanda's Secret
Disables The Pig's ability to see Jigsaw Boxes' Auras.
This addon make the game harder.
And you get useless effects, too.

Rules Set No.2
This should be in the base kit.
And its weak, because its an ultra rare.

Amanda's Letter
The effect is good, but the radius is to low.
And the negative effects are to much.


  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    yeah I normally just run last will and crate of gears or tampered timer and jigsaw's sketch. I dont think the others are worth running
  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    I actually barely play the Pig but I was wondering if she had any good add-ons. I remember seeing other users mention how she doesn't have any good add-ons. They all seem so...garbage tbh.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    I'm a fan of Amanda Young, let's see what we have here! :)

    Workshop Grease: The developers explained how this works and I'm not a fan of its functionality. Basically adds an additional 1% to trigger a skill check every second which is a total of 10% since a Jigsaw Box takes 10 seconds to search. Perhaps... this can be increased to 3% every second BUT nerf Jigsaw Boxes where the skill checks are slightly larger to compensate for the newer players.

    Razor Wires: I already explained how this works above so my only suggestion is to increase its value to 6% instead of 2%. This means you're getting 60% more skill checks instead of the original 20% increase.

    Shattered Syringe: Make it where you recover faster from missed and successful ambush attacks.

    John's Medical File: Slightly increase the charge speed to make it pair well with Video Tape.

    Video Tape: Fine as is and has a lot of potential be itself, especially with the ambush buffs.

    Utility Blades: Hemorrhage needs a buff, not the add-on itself.

    Last Will: Should be baseline in Amanda's power and the add-on should remain the same if you want 6 Reverse Bear Traps.

    Face Mask: SWF counters this, DBD is a anti-social multi-player game but SWF breaks this. Blindness is fine when it isn't SWF.

    Slow Release Toxin: It's fine as is since the add-on can deny a lot of the survivor's exhaustion perks.

    Rusty Attachments: The mangled status effect should stack with Sloppy Butcher if it doesn't already. Furthermore, if the mangled status effect caused by this add-on isn't at 20% then it should be increased to 20%.

    Jigsaw's Annotated Plan: Really great add-on in my opinion since you get a extra Jigsaw Box at the expense of increased time. Here's the thing, time is really never a problem for the survivors to begin with so it's basically Jigsaw's sketch.

    Interlocking Razors: It should reset the progress made in the Jigsaw Box, nothing more or newer players will suffer.

    Bag of Gears: Should increase the Jigsaw Box search time to 15 seconds instead of 10 seconds. Additionally, it should grant another Reverse Bear Trap instead of the increased trap speed.

    Tampered Timer: It's fine as it is since really, time isn't a problem to survivors in the first place. However, when combined with Jigsaw's Sketch, time DOES become a problem so this doesn't need a buff.

    Jigsaw's Sketch: Fine as it is because it just makes finding the correct key just a little more harder. However, RNG could destroy this add-on so there should be a Jigsaw Box revamp so you can't remove traps in one box.

    Crate of Gears: Should increase the Jigsaw Box search time to 20 seconds instead of 10 seconds. Additionally, it should grant another Reverse Bear Trap instead of the increased trap speed.

    Amanda's Secret: Needs a complete rework.
    -Whenever a survivor is searching a Jigsaw Box, that Jigsaw Box's aura is revealed in yellow.
    -Survivors suffer from the exposed status effect as long as they are searching through a Jigsaw Box.

    Rules Set NO. 2: This should be baseline in Amanda's power since it makes since lore wise and Reverse Bear Traps will now stall more time.

    Amanda's Letter: Remove all negative effects since it's not OP to see auras while crouching. If it was, then Wrath "All Seeing" add-on would be broken because it has no negative side effects.
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    Isnt it that what we want? Killers to be not depended on addons so you can combat good survivors without addons? And addons only do a little boost or change the power in a different way.
  • agony_deluxe
    agony_deluxe Member Posts: 10
    Same as for the trapper's addons : 

    Either bad design or linked to an useless status .
    Seriously, who cares about haemorrhage ? 

    Pig is a bit paradoxal.

     Reverse trap are ok. 

    Everthing behind skillcheck is meh at best and very punitive for new players ( even casual player dont give a *"€#).

    On the other hand:

    Pig is a m1 slasher, so pig is starving for speed and map control.

    When you crouch you're slower and have reduced fov.
    So whay's in for us in compensation ?

    Stealth: ok
    A dash, with a big scream to warn everyone. Hard countered by dead hard and sprint burst, lockers, and vaults.
    Shall  i mention that you stop moving when you are charging the dash? 
    If you land: few bloodpoints and the deep satisfaction of using the base kit, houra! 

    90% of the time you'd beter just uncrouch and try surprising someone at gen or just m1. 

    In fact the deep wound effect from legion actualy make sense for the pig.
    Rewarding succesfull ambush and you can slowly tracking your prey in crouch mod (shieldwall incoming) . 

    Good piggy never uses ambush, or just on certain pallet for mind games and that's just few of them.

    If ambush was:
    Fast crouching, 3s to uncrouch with very slow movment preventing use in chase.
    105%  normal speed => 120% crouch speed.
    Cannot move when charging the dash, 3s to charge, roar at the end of charge time (not when you start charging it)

    Now you have a tool for map control.  
    Even then this look like a poor wraith's mechanism.

    Good luck balancing addons without a rework
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited February 2019
    The ones I personally think need to be modified (be it re-worked or simply buffed) are:

    -Workshop Grease

    -Shattered Syringe

    -John's Medical File (I have somewhat come around on Medical File, but I think it and Shattered Syringe could use very slight buffs tacked on so that they both are not outclassed by the same uncommon add-on)

    -Razor Wire

    -Face Mask

    -Utility Blades

    -Interlocking Razors

    -Rusty Attachment

    -Slow-Release Toxin (Yes, I'm putting this one here.  It only does anything meaningful if you are tunneling the Survivor with the RBT.  And if you're doing that, you're doing Pig wrong.)

    -Jigsaw's Annotated Plan (I don't think this one is as much in need of change as the others, but I think having the timer be only slightly increased would not break anything.  Heck, from there, you could add an uncommon add-on that could just be the current Jigsaw's Annotated Plan.  Call it "Jigsaw's First Draft," maybe?)

    -Amanda's Secret

    -Amanda's Letter

    -Rules Set No. 2 (I think you could honestly make this base kit.  Even if you didn't, this does not seem like an Ultra Rare to me.)

    I think she could use a few other buffs/QoL changes here and there, but I think most of the changes she needs should be given to her add-ons.e

    EDIT: You know what?  Screw it, potentially unpopular opinion: Slow-Release Toxin don't cut it either.  None of the ones that inflict penalties on RBT wearers are worth it IMO.  Face Mask doesn't actually matter when the Survivor is jjust going after Boxes (and is countered by SWF), Rusty Attachments + Utility Blades are just outclassed by Sloppy Butcher (though even then, I wouldn't use Utility Blades; Rusty Attachments MAAAAAAAAAAAYBE, but doubtful), and Slow-Release Toxin only really does anything meaningful if you are tunneling the person with the RBT, which pretty much defeats the point of the RBTs in the first place. All of the add-ons that add penalties to the RBT (with the arguable exception of Rusty Attachments) run counterproductive to the goal of the RBT, which is to waste time.  If you're actively worrying about the RBT wearers in any sense beyond "hey, look who I coincidentally found; may as well take 'em out" or " alright, let's waste this schmuck's time to up the chances of the trap snapping", you're doin' it wrong.

    Post edited by TAG on
  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Isnt it that what we want? Killers to be not depended on addons so you can combat good survivors without addons? And addons only do a little boost or change the power in a different way.

    Do you want change all addons or just the pig addons?

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939
    edited February 2019

    I mean the increase to terror radius on pig to 32m makes the Unnerving Presence + Distressing Presence meme build with Razor Wire + Interlocking Razor addons slightly more viable.

    But still, why would you even run that build in the first place?

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Her add ons need an entire overhaul to be honest. A lot of them are either outright useless, or an actual hindrance to your gameplay. The only two add ons I'd use are combat straps or last will. They're both really good still.

    The reason I started loving Pig is that despite her add ons being mostly trash, she can still destroy survivors without any add ons. She's one of the few killers that are consistent and strong without add ons.

    Really? At red ranks?

    I find her weak and I know a number of streamers I watch do too.

    If you're having good win ratios with her though then good for you. I'd like to use her more as the sneaking is fun but swf ruins that and in general I find survivors tbag like mad whenever I use her becauze they perceive her to be weak.
  • agony_deluxe
    agony_deluxe Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2019
    Honestly pig's addons suffers from the the exact same thing than trapper's addons.

    Linked to useless statuses.
    Seriously who give a *#€& about haemorrhage ? 

    Meh at best , penalize new players ( ok players don't care, good ones don't even realise you're actualy using addons)

    On the other hand pig is a bit paradoxal.

    M1 killer who cries for map control and speed.

    Ok reversal bear trap for time management.

    Ambush power:

    Slow movment with stealth and reduced vision
    Initiate a dash with loud roar at the start warning everyone you're coming.
    Hard countered by dead hard, sprint burst, vault and even lockers. 
    What's in for us to compensate? 

    High speed short dash with usual stab at the end.
    Few bloodpoints and the satisfaction to use the full kit.

    Good piggy never crouch. 
    they often ambush  at pallet for mind game but that's it. 
    If you spot someone, 90% of the time you'd better uncrouch and m1,  on top off that you have a chance to directly pick a survivor on a gen.

    Actualy if they gave legion's deep wound to the pig's ambush that  would have made  sens, rewarding ambush. You can follow the the surv while crouching with speed penalty but the mend's clock is ticking, or start a normal chase.

    Another proper rework:

    105% speed => 120% while crouching.

    Fast crouching, 3s for uncrouching with slow to prevent chase abuse. 
    When you charges the dash you must stay still 3s and you roars at the  dash's start.

    Like this you have a proper tool for map control and even then it's just a poor wraith's mechanism. 
    But you can imagine addons:
    No roar
    Fewer slow when uncrouching
    Longer dash
    Shorter charge/longer charge
    Bonus/penalty to speed while crouching
    You have plenty to play arround

    In fact, without proper rework, good luck to balance pig's addons.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    Isnt it that what we want? Killers to be not depended on addons so you can combat good survivors without addons? And addons only do a little boost or change the power in a different way.
    My personal stance is that going with no add-ons should put you at a disadvantage, but add-ons should be even enough that you should not be dependent on specific add-ons to not feel crippled.
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    +1 my exact thoughts on her addons as well. The addons are hardly noticeable. I usually just default some of the grey ones.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    @Blueberry said:
    +1 my exact thoughts on her addons as well. The addons are hardly noticeable. I usually just default some of the grey ones.

    Oh hello Blueberry.
    Nice to see you again.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    @TAG said:
    HavelmomDaS1 said:

    Isnt it that what we want? Killers to be not depended on addons so you can combat good survivors without addons? And addons only do a little boost or change the power in a different way.

    My personal stance is that going with no add-ons should put you at a disadvantage, but add-ons should be even enough that you should not be dependent on specific add-ons to not feel crippled.

    I 100% agree.
    And nice to see you again :3

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619
    edited February 2019

    The pig is one of the less addon dependant killers but also have one of the worst addon roster, also, I think is the only killer which is worse carrying one of her pinks addons (Amanda's letter) than carrying nothing instead.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    @IamFran said:
    The pig is one of the less addon dependant killers but also have one of the worst addon roster, also, I think is the only killer which is worse carrying one of her pinks addons (Amanda's letter) than carrying nothing instead.

    I personally disagree about the add-on dependancy. This is just my personal experience, but I think she is one of the most add-on dependant Killers in the game. I think her ambush and ESPECIALLY her traps need extra help to get going, but only a select few add-ons IMO will actually provide the necessary help her Power needs.