Hex equivalent for survivors

Thinking that Hex-Perks are a thing through which survivor can basically destroy strong killer perks (like devour hope and ruin), making them unusable for the rest of the trial I loved the Idea of a similiar mechanic for strong survivor perks (like self-care). Now please, let's leave the pitchfork where it is for now. My proposal would be having an interactable spark of the entity placed for each perk. The Survivor would then be able to see it in a certain range through walls. If a survivor finds it he can interact with it and it will dissapear for a set amount of time before respawning again. Since survivors can not defend an objective obviuosly I thought this mechanic suitable. If the killer finds it: poof, perk gone. No audio cue and no aura reading ability should help the killer in finding these shards.

I do know that a hex rework is planned but as it is now this would be something to wish for in my opinion.

Broken? Undoable? Not needed? Let's Discuss


  • Flyingdrull
    Flyingdrull Member Posts: 18

    Seems like a pretty cool idea for the whole powerful perks on the survivor side. You could maybe also make it where either instead of something like that make it where you only have a limited time to use a certain perk once you activated it somehow. Like you can choose when to activate your self-care perk whenever you want but when you do, you only have a certain amount of time to continue using it until it burns out. But your idea is still just as good.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    The main issue I can see with this is that it would add another thing for killers to have to monitor. If you end up giving the survivors really powerful perks that the killer has to actively seek out the source of and destroy, it's a lose-lose situation for killers. They search for and find it -> Free time to work on generators unopposed. They don't search for it -> Survivors have really powerful perks.

    I don't think a hex-like perk for survivors is a horrible idea, but I think it should be tied to something like a generator, or something else the killer already has to check. Could be like the lunar event where a certain generator is marked and the perk only becomes active once it's powered. Obviously it couldn't be as good since there'd be no way to deactivate it, but it would have the same sort of 'not always active, some counterplay, but more powerful to compensate' aspect.

    Then again, that's sorta' what the obsession system is for, I suppose.

  • FallenRanger0
    FallenRanger0 Member Posts: 26

    Could maybe have a system where Survivors lose certain perks when they get hooked. That way, it isn't intrusive on the killer because they are already doing that. It also makes sense in a, your body just had a giant bloody rusty hook shoved through it, and now you're hindered. But, downside, I think if this was implemented, it would give the developers an excuse to make even stronger Survivor perks under the guise of "But they might lose them, so it's okay if they are strong."

  • Unnamed_1
    Unnamed_1 Member Posts: 18

    @Peanits said:
    The main issue I can see with this is that it would add another thing for killers to have to monitor.

    I totally agree and realise just know what a hassle that actually where. In conclusion to what you guys/gals said I would then propose something else that both sides have to do.
    The killer would then be able to curse hooks in advance or drop the survivor in order to curse the hook if he has the guts. Hooking someone on a cursed hook would then diactivate ALL perks of this special kind and a splinter of the entity would then be searchable for survivors to reactivate them. The number of simultaneously cursed hooks would be limited and SWF groups would have to reconsider perk selection aswell as solo players who need to think about how many vulnerable perks they want to equip.
    An addition could also be that the killer shares the ability to see the splinter through walls with less range to survivors so that he can check on it on it maybe even additionally send it into cooldown and relocate it after time as further added feature. Again something to monitor but he can choose to ignore this, camp it or even enjoy the thought of 4 people searching for the splinter.


  • Nightmare247
    Nightmare247 Member Posts: 187

    Technically speaking they already have hex perks. DStrike is a 1 time use perk. I do not think many others are needed should be included. I do like the suggested D-Strike Change where it automatically puts you into a cannot heal state. I think Self Care is hugely beneficial for both the survivor and killer as self-care takes them away from doing generators.

  • Unnamed_1
    Unnamed_1 Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2018

    It is in no way benificial for the killer. This should'nt erupt in a "why SC is or is not the greatest perk" discussion but: A survivor without SC has to search for a team-mate. He is longer away from gens then someone with SC. On the search for others he might cross path with the killer, get downed more quickly because only one hit is needed etc. IF he finds someone the other person has to dedicate time to heal. 2 people not doing gens for the next seconds. SC on the other hand negates a 1-5 minutes chases (depending on luck and skill on both sides) easily if the killer decides to go for someone else mid-chase. That is also the reason many players experience something that is widely known as tunneling. He doesn't know if you have SC but 1 in 4 has it so he is probably not taking chances this moment.

    This got fairly long and I apologize for going a bit off-topic.