When playing survivor, would you sit through longer queue times in order to avoid specific killers?

If you were given the option to toggle 1 or 2 killers that you just don't like for whatever reason, whether balance decisions, or even because they make you sick, would you enable that even if it meant you might add minutes to your queue time if it resets you because the next available killer for your MMR was one you blocked?
The RNG of who I am going to go up against is a large part of what makes this game so much fun. I'm also quite impatient with my waiting times in this game so I have no desire to sit around waiting when I could be playing the game.
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For me personally, no. I really dislike long queue times and just want to get straight to the game. Besides, I like the randomness and variety.
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No, there is no killer I want to avoid and I wouldn't want the possibility of being paired with other survivors that could bar any of that opposition.
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Part of my reasoning for it, like sure people would probably block Nurse or Blight, but there's some people who might block Plague, Clown, or Doc because all three of them definitely make some people sick. And playing Plague games, I feel kind of bad when someone just gives up because the vomiting makes them feel ill or they are solo queuing going for their healing challenges. I'd rather, and I'm sure they'd also rather not be in that game at all given the choice.
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I hate to admit it but Nurse and Hag are just fun suckers. I wouldn’t always disable them but sometimes when I’m just done with their nonsense.
There is however this caveat which would benefit people who don’t use the feature. I would however make it so killers can queue with up to three of their choice.
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Yes, plauge... that killer that you see maybe 1 time every 200 games?
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I can respect that, lol
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This is a god-awful idea. If you don’t want to face something that’s part of the game, don’t queue up.
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I was raised a lot of things, but a coward wasn't one of 'em.
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yes. theres certain killers that make me physically ill due to their power (clowns gas can give me a headache, dredge's nightfall vignette can make me dizzy, doctors VFX hurt my eyes, etc.)
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I guess if I had to it'd be nurse and artist, but no such mechanic should exist. It's basically going "I want to go against a killer that I can predrop pallets against and easily pubstomp them!"
I have the same opinion when considering an option to not queue up against SWFs. It's just cowardly, sorry not sorry.
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No but, I would love the ability to block players from being in my matches.
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Well I would definitely click an option to not go against the same type of killer 2+ times in a row.
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Only if they add a filter to avoid SWF.
That way it benefits both sides.
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I would GLADLY sit in a 20 minute queue to avoid SWF.
I don't have any particular grudge against any of the killers, and wouldn't with an off-toggle.
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Yes I would probably avoid Plague and Legion I run for the people in almost all my builds and using FTP in a game against those two is like impossible.
they're also boring killers don't like having my character vomits the whole game and having to mend for 7 times in a row.
worst designed killers in the game imo I really despise these braindead killers,with the upcoming Thanatophobia buff and slower gens they're gonna be more common to see we had Forever Freddy now it's gonna be forever Plague.
it's always feels like I am playing a match of Dota 2 when playing against plague/legion games are just too long gets boring very fast.
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Yes. I would avoid Nurse, Nemesis, and Blight players.
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Yes, but only after getting the same killer back to back 3 times.
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Yeah it’s strange how I would avoid Nurse, Hag and maybe someone I faced too much on survivor. Yet on killer I wouldn’t block swf. I think it honestly comes down I just really don’t enjoy those two not because of game balance. Blight, Spirit, other top killers, fine. Nurse and Hag though? Noooooo
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I would and Im not ashamed of it, Twins and Legion would be a permanent block and I couldnt care less if I have to wait 5 minutes more for a match.
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If the option existed I'm sure I would try it at least once.
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No, I don't hate any particular Killer
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Don't know about that but i know i would hate having my queues be longer just because i play a killer some people don't like
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Not sure I would probably avoid half the killer roster
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I guess it would depend on how long the ques are. I certainly wouldn't mind waiting 1-2 minutes if I was guaranteed not to go up against a Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Oni, Pinhead.
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Absolutely. Would help prevent DCing/suiciding on hook when Legion and Bubba show up.
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I'd genuinely kill for the option to avoid facing Dredge and make sure I can have a play session without prescription painkillers needing to be on-hand so I can function like a normal person after.
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I'm against the idea because it'd prevent someone to play. Seriously, everyone would block Nurse... So people who want to play Nurse will wait the entire day to find a match.
(But I'd like to block Nurse, Nemesis and Pinhead. I hate them so much... I didn't dislike Nurse that much before I encountered her like 89437849627894 a day. But I also don't prevent people to play the Killer they feel to use. I'm starting to learn Spirit, and I'd be mad if everyone blocked me so I spend two hours finding a match.)
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I'd take an extra 5 minutes if I don't have to play against Wraith and Clown (also Trickster, and Dredge) ever again. But also there's no way this would be implemented, bc four ppl toggling 8 different killers off would make SBMM very complicated, also some killers (Nurse & Blight in high MMR for eg) would be matched against newbies bc everyone their level has them turned off. The queues would be super long for everyone (not just the survivors who decide to toggle a killer off) and the matchmaking would be atrocious.
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I absolutely would. Bye plague and meyers.
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I would eat my own shirt just to never have to see a Blight ever again. But honestly this would be a pretty bad mechanic for the game really
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I don't mind vsing any killer. From what I have seen when I play killer Pinhead cause more DC then any of my other killers and it can completely F the other often solo que players.(SWF really dc at the start of a match).
personally I rather if people could block certian maps (Survivor and killer) not certian killers.
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Nurse's queue times would skyrocket.And I'd avoid her too.
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If it meant avoiding all 5 people who are playing Trickster, who I would completely run into every time without fail, yea. Not too long of a que increase and I don't want to rip my hair out trying to dodge 40 blades.
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I'd say only yes only if I kept getting the same killer over and over again.
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I might like the game to allow me to prefer killers I enjoy facing, or block killers that make me miserable, yeah.
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I actually would like to have option to play against certain killer.
Cant even remember when I was playinh against Pig or Twins.
It would be nice to have such option one time per day or something.
Getting bored of playing mostly against legions, huntress and nemezis
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Sure,i would wait 10 min just to not get Trickster,Spirit,Pinhead,Doctor and Legion.
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Yeah, sometimes. For instance, some Killers are just boring for me to play against. If I knew I was facing Freddy, I might just dodge. Other times, I'll stick it out and play anyway. I suppose it's like the Killers who dodge a lobby. Sometimes, seeing what items Survivors are carrying, or their cosmetics, or their gamertages, is enough to make them think that particular match isn't worth their time. They don't want to deal with it.
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Absolutely not.
The RNG of what killer you might face is part of the horror experience, fear the unknown etc.
You can see from the replies alone that people would just boycott killers they didn't want to face making them non-playable options.
Its an unhealthy change that adds little to the game experience outside of pandering to player entitlement at the expense of increased queue times.
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The only reason I KIND OF want to say "yes" is not because of any killer I just hate playing against specifically. Like I don't dread any killer or get a certain killer that makes me go "I can't even.... I just can't even..." and DC XD.
But there are a couple I'd rather not play against during solo queuing simply because of how most randos play against them. One example is Plague. Most randos on solo que cleanses against her as much as they can. I see survivors STILL waste time blessing a totem with CoH... and will bless it again after it's snuffed out even though its a worthless perk against a plague. Unless she just M1's the whole match but when do they do that?
Or people who will cleanse, and then just hop a gen with you when you're sick, simply because they don't want to find another one, and IMMEDIATELY get sick again, and then cleanse AGAIN... There's a time and a place for cleansing but not everytime you get sick, especially when you mindlessly get sick again which could have been avoided.
The only other one is Pinhead. He's actually not bad to play against, but I'm tired of randos who are afraid of the box. A lot of randos will avoid it cuz "KilLeR mIgHt CoMe...BiG sCaRy' Sometimes you get a random team of G's who aren't scared of it, but I've literally been like "OK, I'm not solving this puzzle this next time just to see if the team steps up. But most of the time nobody would go solve it and when getting attacked with chains, I'll see them breaking chains, getting back on the gen for like a second, breaking chains, then getting back on the gen.
The box is annoying, especially if you have a boosted item, but its not bad. He will teleport behind you, so you can put a strong set of tiles inbetween the two of you, you can wait until he downs someone, ect. Its very counterable but I'm noticing about 70% of the time solo queuing 2 or 3 of your teammates just ignore it.
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I could agree to this, but only if you also give me a an option to not be matched with teammates who have that option enabled :)
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No because if an option like that existed then Nurses and Blights would have to wait forever to find a match which isn’t fair to them. And those aren’t even the killers I would block.
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Yes, if the option was there I would blacklist Nurse and Spirit. Maybe Bubba instead of Spirit because they are so annoying when facecamping! But I don't think there should be such an option.
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There actually was a plug-in or something that told you which killer the killer was playing as (And stuff like how many totems are left, what survivors are doing, etc.) around 2020ish. Nearly certain it was patched/blocked later. (Thank Entity because it made killer gameplay very miserable because survivors would throw on Calm Spirit vs Doctor, Small Game vs Hag/Trapper, No Mither vs Plague, etc.)
I personally like the element of surprise. There's hardly any killers I hate enough to explicitly want to filter out, but I will say I appreciate a bit of variety and I do find it boring when I get a killer multiple times in a row. (I'd prefer Trapper-Myers-Nurse over Myers-Myers-Myers even though I find Myers one of the more entertaining killers to play against.)
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I would block nurse and myers if I use cakes as those matches you don't get any bp. Nurse slugs everyone in less than 5 minutes usually and you get 5000 bp and myers can kill you with tombstone very early too as teammates always feed him. Other than that I would never block myers. Sometimes I would block killers if I get same one too many times a row cause I want more variety and face different killers.