Killer Nicknames

What sort of nicknames do y'all like to give to the killers? I know there are a few that are well known throughout the community, but I'm curious if anyone has some unique names.
I'll start with a few of mine
Hillbilly = Billy boi
Dredge = Dreg (think Greg)
Demogorgon = Demogargle
Clown = Funny Man
trapper = -
wraith = bell ringer
hillbilly = billy
huntress = fridge thrower
dredge = nodding turkey
leatherface = bubba
demogorgon = -
trickster = -
nemesis = sus/nemy
oni = -
hag = witch
blight = -
deathslinger = caleb
sadako = none
doctor = dr fizzy
clown = none
nurse = sally
myers = none
pig = none
legion = none (depend who's the character)
spirit = rin
plague = none
ghostface = none
pyramidhead = pyr
pinhead = needle man
twins = -
artist = carmine
N.B: the - mean that they have a nickname but i won't wrote it for various reasons...
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I like to call them their real names. No Bubbas for me. Just Leatherface.
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Trapper = Trap Daddy
Wraith = Bing Bong Man
Hillbilly = Billy
Huntress = Cuntress
Dredge = None
Leatherface = Leather Daddy
Demogorgon = Demadog Demadome
Trickster = None
Nemesis = Biggins
Oni = Mr. Slams
Hag = Ole' Haggy
Blight = Crackhead/Speedy
Geathslinger = Gunslinger
Sadako = Well ######### lmao
Doctor = Doc
Clown = Fat Boy
Nurse = Ms. Screamer
Myers = Daddy Myers
Pig = Oinker
Legion = Stabby McStabber
Spirit = Ghost #########
Plague = Vommy Mommy
Ghostface = None
Pyramid Head = Big Boy
Pinhead = Mr. Pain
Twins = Gruesome Twosome
Artist = Bird Momma
N.B: Don't know who this is XD
Took @Tostapane post XD
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Trapper = daddy
pyramid Head = daddy
Myers = daddy
Oni = daddy
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Trapper - Trappy Boi
Wraith - Bing Bong man
Nurse - Nurse
Huntress - Huntress
Hillbilly - Bill
Clown - Clown
Spirit - Spireh
Hag - Lisa
Plague - Plague
Ghostface - Ghostie
Pig - Piggy
Legion - Leg
Leatherface - Bubba
Myers - Miguel
Oni - Owni
Blight - Bouncy Boi
Nemesis - Nemesus/Nemo/Nemesos/Nemi
Doctor - Doc
Twins - Twins
Deathslinger - Slinger
Trickster - Tricky Trick
Pyramid Head - Pyramid
Demogorgon - Demo
Pinhead - Pin
Artist - Crow Lady
Sadako - Creepy Girl
Dredge - Turkey
Freddy - Fred
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Myers: Michelle Miyerez
Trickster: Daddy
Artist: Mommy
Victor: Vixotr
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In spanish community we have some funny nicknames for them (some of the nicknames are know for almost everyone in the community).
Wraith = Patitas
Nurse = Nurse (but pronouncing Nurse in spanish instead saying Enfermera which is her spanish name)
Pig = Piggy
Leatherface = Pelopolla (you better don't search for the meaning)
Demogorgon = Demo or Demochocho
Pyramid Head = Cabeza Dorito
The rest of the killers are called by their spanish names or the english names.
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Artist=angry birds
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Never gave it some thought, but I may have a couple or so…let me think:
Clown: Fat boy
Yea, that was my only one unfortunately. Everyone else I just use an abbreviation of some sort like “Meyers” for MM, or “Demo” for Demogorgon. Nothing original. When I used to play in SWF that’s how I would call out Clown to my friends if I spotted him first: “It’s fat boy.” They would all get a chuckle out of that one, lol.
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I use Bubba, Billy, Slinger, PHead, Nemmy and Demo regularly. Sadako instead of Onryo, Myers instead of Shape, of course. Guess I like the shorter nicknames.
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Shape = Moogle
Ghost Face = Reapfield
Artist = Bird #########
Twins = Definitely not a baby
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This is not original but my nickname for Pinhead is Pinman
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Plague - Bubonic Babe
Dredge - Hand Turkey
Legion - Stabby McStabberson, or The Purge
Nurse - Wheezy
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PH: Sword daddy
Wraith: Bing Bong
Nurse: Ms. Weezealot
Deathslinger: sad boi :(
Trickster: Edgy boi
Plague: Arryaa!
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This content has been removed.
Plague: Vommy Mommy
Nightmare: Fredward
Cannibal: Bubby or Booba
Demogorgon: Demodoggo
Wraith: Bing Bong Boi
Trickster: Twinkster
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Huntress - Dumpsteress
Dredge - Turkey
Wraith: Bing Bong Boi/Ding Dong.
Trapper: Trap-Man
Hillbilly: Billy Boi
Pig: Miss Piggy
Clown: Big Boi
Twins: I don't have a nickname for Charlotte, but I call Victor Gremlin.
Nemesis: Nemmy/Johnny/Nemesus/Nemesoos
Deathslinger: Dumbslinger/Cowboy Joe/Cowboy
Pyramid Head: Red Pyramid (Thing)/Red/Triangle Head
Artist: Birdy Lady/Birdy/Bird Queen
Bubba: Fat Man/Big Boy
Freddy: Frederick/Fredward
Hag: Stick Lady/Hagatha
Trickster: Trickstar/Dumbster
Blight: Goblin/Bleet/REE!/Scream Man
Demogorgon: Demo/Demoman
Ghostface: Ghostie/Ghostie Boi
Myers: Mikey Boi/Mikey/Sir Myers
Nurse: Screechy
Pinhead: Box Man
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Legion: The milenials.
Nurse/Blight: AGAIN!?.
Pig: Jigsaw.
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Pig - Piggu
Pyramid Head - Pyramid Daddy
Plague - Vommy Mommy
Michael - Stalky boy.
Trickster - Kpop dude
Deathslinger - Gun dude
Ghostface - Ghostie
Wraith - Bing Bong
Artist - Lady Bird
Leatherface - Bubba
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Mine depends on the outfits I'm wearing.
Hospital gown myers? =No Pants
Pirate Legion? = ARRRGH!!!
Car Wraith? = Greaser
Krampus trapper= Naught Bells
Santa Clown= Ho Ho Ho
Elf Dwight= Toy Maker
Milk man hillbilly= Delivery Boy
Bunny legion= Free Cuddles
Plauge= Bad Lunch
Ghost face= Whazzzzzz up / Pikaboo
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I'll try to translate from my native language into english as accurate as possible:
Wraith: Little bell
Huntress: Honey Bunny
Hillbilly: Billy
Spirit: Yamaoka
Myers: Mikey
Hag: Granny
Cannibal: Bubs
Pig: piggy
Plague: partygirl / vomitess
Trickster: gay boy / k-pop
Deathslinger: Cowboy
Nemesis: nemi
Pinhead: Bezos
Artist: bird mommy
Twins: Zina (and Vitya)
Dredge: turkey
Jane: goddess
Everyone else just by their regular names / titles.
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Leatherface- Bubbi or Bubbi Boi
Deathslinger- Mr Cowboy
Pyramid Head- Cake Daddy
Michael - Daddy Myers
Pinhead- Mr Baldy
Nemesis- Tentacle Daddy
Artist- Poo Poo head, Doo Doo head, Caw Caw poopy pee pee turd, Junky Lady, Scum of Dbd, She who must not be named, Dirty toilet Water.
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- Hillbilly - Hillybilly
- Deathslinger - Deathwinger/Winger
- Leatherface - Leatherpig/Big pig (I call him this so much I almost forget he's actually called Leatherface)
- The Pig - Small pig
- Nemesis - Nemesus (my friend started calling him this and I think it's funny!)
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Hillbilly= Billy
Legion= their names as normal but I call Joey all sorts of cute nicknames.
Wraith= Bing bong boy
Oni= Bing Bonk boy
Ghostface= Ghostie
Leatherface= Bubba
Nurse = Heavy Smoker
Blight = Speedy boy
Artist= Crow Woman
Plague= Sickness woman
Pyramid Head= Figure it out.
Uhh I can’t think of any more right now.
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Demo: Stompy McStompants
Artist: Chicken Lady
Dredge: Mr Turkey testicle
The Hag: Gramma
Victor: "You little #########"
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Mom & Dad
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I call Sadako “Well Ghost”.
Wrath is Wath
and finally I call Oni “Oni-San”. Because that’s what my weenie of a friend called him and it stuck.
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time for a weird list,
Wraith=Bing Bong or Chicken Legs
Dredge=The Hedge(this one is a bit random just said it by accident while playing with a friend)
Pyramid Head=Dorito Head
The Legion=Annoying F***ing T**t
and that's probably it I think.
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Trapper: Trapper
Wraith: ding dong/bing bong/ding dong bing bong
Hillbilly: Billy/Billy boi
Nurse: usually just nurse rarely swish swoosh
Myers: Mikey/ daddy Myers/ sometimes daddy long legs
Hag: Haggatha
Doctor: Doc/Doctor/Giggle Box
Huntress: Huntress/Lady hatchet
Cannibal: Bubba/leather face
Freddy: Snoozer/Freddy
Pig: Amanda/the pig/ mrs piggy
Clown: Clown
Spirit: Spirit/Ghost gal
Legion: legion/furry squad/their name
Plague: vommy mommy
Ghost face: ghost boi/ghost daddy
Demogorgon: Demo/demodoggo/demidoggy
Oni: Oni/bloodpool/bloodbath
Deathslinger: Gun daddy/harpoon daddy/the slinger
Executioner: pyramid head/pyramid daddy/bubble butt
Blight: the flash/drug lord
Twins: victor/Chucky
Trickster: Knife daddy/Joker/Jarred Leto/Kpop
Artist: crow/crow lady/Ink master
Onryõ: Sadako/7 days
Dredge: Lurking Turkey/Turkey/Turkey lurkey/The new Dwight/Void of hunger/the Void/Maurice murderer
The Entity: Nea
Feng min: Feeeeeeeeeeeennnnnng Miinnnnnnn
I forgot some killers
Pinhead: Bdsm/pinny/clackers/clickety clack/looks like he needs to pee (last 3 being the alt skin)
Nemesis: Nemi/Nemi boi/ Nemipie
Post edited by Jeromy137 on1 -
Artist= Edgar Allen Hoe
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Oni is Fat Ass or Gordo to me. He reminds of a former manager at my employer who had those nicknames. The former boss had the same presence and was just as noisy as the Oni.
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Wraith = Ding Ding
Cannibal = Bubba
Demogorgon = Gordon
Pig = Bacon
Ghostface = Husbando
Trickster / Deathslinger = Ahole
Artist = Pigeon Lady
Oni = Onion
Blight = Bing Bong
Onryo = Sadako / Scary Girl
Nea = Entity
Dwight = Dwighty Boo