Will take me between 61,020-122,040 minutes to...

211.875 - 847.5 days if I used brown offerings and only counted the profit from the offerings to earn a total of 12,204,000 BP.
That's 57,600-14,400 BP per days playtime.
Info on how these numbers are created:
If you didnt know brown BP offerings give you a gain of 1k BP, while its 50% of a max 8k (4k BP) you spend 3k on the offering giving you 1k profit.
I currently have 12,204 between all my characters (while I have a high play time others will have more, it's worth noting I dont prestige)
This is based on 5-10min games, and assuming I always max the category with the brown offering. The BP gained are only the 1k profit (base BP earned in trial not counted)
This is only brown offerings, the fact it could take me over 2 years to use them all if games lasted 10mins long and I'd get 12.2 million just shows how worthless these offerings are.
I will take few extra BP than no extra BP.
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You would never use them all, and this is just the brown. If all browns was removed youd have less filler and get better BP offerings or just the items you wanted so you have less need for BP
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I think we should be able to sell add ons/offerings back. Maybe 10 brown for 5k as an example.
I target browns once I get my perks and/or desired add ons for killer. After that I go for browns to minimize the cost of leveling up.
Even map offerings I hope go away. I loved voting on maps for community event. It reminded me of Mario Kart where we vote for the map. I have so many indoor map offerings on Billy I won't use and I have a plethora of RPD map that I will almost never use (unless I want to run Mirror Myers). But even then, I'd prefer the Game 100%.
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While more BP is better then no BP, you have to keep in mind that its possible that you wont get profit out of it.
You also have to keep in mind that you could have spent that BPs on other stuff.
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I'd love to sell stuff, iv suggested it many times and I'd happily sell stuff at a very low % value. I'd instantly sell all non 100% bp offerings lol.
I personally wouldn't mind map offerings if maps werent one sided, it's mainly survivors that I see use it for this but it's a shame you see X map and know if you're up for an easy/hard game.
I hated the community choices though, was stuck on farrrrr to long and I got bored of dead dog lol
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Yeah people seem to overlook the offerings are actually adding to the grind due to being fillers and replacing the stuff you're actually grinding for
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I agree offerings in general could be completely reworked. I like the general idea of the hook/hatch/basement spawn offerings but the actual implementation isn’t great. Shrouds are counterproductive and don’t even work. Luck is a completely outdated mechanic, Map offerings are super controversial.. coins? Uhm. Don’t even want survivors to have less chests to waste their time on?
Those BP offerings are obviously just fillers and not meant to reduce the grind significantly..
But the OP is still super weird and confusing. Like… what are you even trying to say and why don’t you say it before throwing around numbers in a not fitting scale?
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I had Gas Haven and Coal Tower almost the entire time lol so I was happy as killer lol
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Just save them. Maybe someday BHVR will buff the numbers or refund them.
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If I could pick I'd make offerings non stackable, increase their effects (especially mist) and then add weather offerings which are brown/yellow rarity
I mean I summarise it, but its explain the outcomes. When something takes so many years to use for such little BP it highlights how bad they are as fillers and BP offerings.
I'd opt for a refund/sell option. It's not physically possible to use all these and theyrr just thrown at you. Could happily sell them at a very small %value
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A sort of crafting thing could also be cool
Like slap 3 brown ones together for a yellow one or something like that