PSA: Fellow survivors, you have SIXTY (60) secs to unhook me, not SIXTEEN (16)
Give the killer a chance to go patrol gens or something. They're just going to come right back if you unhook me 10s later
Don't hear him! He is probably a killer main, please come unhook me as soon as possible and DO NOT stay self caring in the corner.
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Noooooo we won't!! Promise, for realsies!!
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From my experience, the people who immediately unhook me and immediately get upset the killer is "camping" hook or tunneling are people who've never played killer.
My friends are all like this and I scream internally constantly.
Hook stages are a resource!! They are meant to be managed! You cant take being left on hook personally
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But BT and WGLF
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But how am I gonna get those sweet sweet unhook points if I don't unhook you directly in front of the killer without BT and Dead Hard so you get instantly downed again?
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While you're right
These days if survs take too long unhooking the killer will just force stage 2
Can't win sometimes 😌
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yeah i do find it hilarious that the people that scream camper are the ones that come zooming in to unhook before the killer has even walked 2 tiles away
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You guys are getting unhooked?
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Sad to see my favorite combo is gonna doe with the bp being removed. Now I'll probably never save my teammates and body block for them. I'll just be a gen jockey now instead of helpful healing David.
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Yeah... No.
Soloq means generally I get into second phase. -.-
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You say that, but the outcome will be no one coming for you after 50s.
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The day Survivors learn to grab the Killer's attention is the day Camping and Tunneling stops.
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Had the same problem until I started running kindred permanently.
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Simply run Deliverance.
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I played david before he came out. But since you're a dweet why don't you meet me behind the shack in Thomson house? ;)
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Thought about it, but wraith is so high maintenance to keep playing with (but damn he is fun). He sucks up all my BPs just to keep him stocked xD
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I would but, I have to beat out the impending suicide/Kobe attempt.
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Reason #3,286 why solo queue sucks. Unhook rushers are the worst.
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After the next patch it could sometimes just be 48 seconds :) so pay attention to those timer bars.
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I literally ant wait for the mid chapter literally today I played for maybe three minutes because every survived unhooked me the wrong way and I instantly got downed To the point of death. Also what drives me crazy is survivors that don’t unhook you after you did all four Gens and unhooked all of them they dip out on your first hook. Survivor community needs to get a clue.
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Thats an offer I can't pass up... but I would mutch rather the bedroom behind the saloon in dead dawg saloon. I can't wait for the sensations ;)
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Whatever you want dweet, I'll show you all my prized muscles.
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If I get left until just shy of death and not a single gen has been done, I'm taking it personally.
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There's three really good reasons to unhook before the killer can get too far that I have seen:
Devour Hope
Make Your Choice
Survivors that suicide on hook because they're the first ones caught.
When #3 stops happening every other game for people, then you might see being left on hook more often.
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And don't get caught first, and get a safe unhook... yeah, no problem! 😀
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If you run Deliverance, you will get hooked first.
It's simply a rule.
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Some survivors kill themselves on hook if they aren't saved in 5 seconds though.
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Sorry what was that couldn't hear you over the sound of all my WGLF stacks
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Broke: pairing Deliverance with Breakdown/DS
Woke: pairing Deliverance with Distortion
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Smoke: Pairing Deliverance with No Mither
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This. Hooked survs have to remember there is some time to play with, and running straight to the hook as soon as they are put on is not the smartest play. As both a surv and killer, I've seen so many games thrown because the whole squad feels like they have to get that unhook right just now (also unjustified cries of "camping", but that's another discussion).
And yeah, if the gen I am on is like 80-90% done when they are hooked, I am finishing it first.
It's frustrating when teammates send themselves to second stage when they aren't unhooked in less than 10 seconds.
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This 100%. I'll sit on hook for the entirety of hook stages 1 and 2 if the team is slamming gens. No problem on my end.