I think Endurance doesn't work the way everybody think it does

There's been a lot of talking about endurance, the alleged (but false) stacking of it, how strong it will become and yadda yadda yadda.
I hence decided to research a bit on the subject, understand HOW endurance REALLY works, and I ended up discovering:
- extreme inconsistencies
- Deep Wound behaves even crazier than we are used to think
- because of endurance, Legion can get in infinite feral frenzy
Let me just show you an UNEDITED screenshot of how unexpected things went doing my research:
I will recap now some of my findings, but if you are interested I'll leave a video explaining things in more details:
- Endurance doesn't "tank a hit", it tanks it only if it will put you in the dying state
- A Deep Wound attack (e.g. Feral Frenzy, but also Deathslinger hit while speared) always burns your Endurance, no matter your original health state
- Mettle of Man is so extremely different than all other Endurance effects that I think it simply it's not endurance (in the video I explain more about this)
- Feral Frenzy 5th hit doesn't end Legion's power if the survivor hit has Endurance active. In fact, it resets the count to 0, but Legion maintain the new speed + previous VFX.
I'm very curious to know if anybody at BHVR already acknowledged the current issues with Endurance and if anybody ever discovered this Legion tech (even if useless, it's still pretty funny to see lol), maybe @ScottJund since he did a lot of research on DbD?
Here's the video for more details:
Does the 5th hit being an endurance hit actually reset the count to 0? I recall a time that I got a 6th hit due to the 5th hit being an endurance one and the 6th hit still downed them. Although this could either be a bug or intended which is why I am confused.
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I suppose mettle's "endurance" is completely unique to mettle, it acts differently compared to normal endurance (which is why it says it prevents getting into the dying state from the injured state instead of "it applies endurance")
normal endurance will prevent you going to dying state from both injured state or healthy state
but it will apply you deep wounds once that happens(which is not stated in the perk/addon descriptions anymore, maybe the in game tutorial manual clarifies that?) and it will deactivate if you get into deep wounds IF you got that deep wound from other sources other than endurance preventing you getting into the dying state
mettle's endurance will only activate on the occasion of you getting into dying state from the injured state and it wont apply deep wound and it wont get disabled during deep wound
for "legion tech", I guess the game gets confused when hitting a survivor with normal endurance with the 5th frenzy hit, you get put into the deep wound instead of the you getting downed or tanking the hit with mettle endurance, so the frenzy restarts and applies the spped bonus and intensified HUD effect as if it didn't reach the requirment for the feenzy down yet and should be reported as a bug
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as I show at the end of the video, currently it resets to "0" the counter.
It's possible that in your case either you somehow miscounted, the 5th hit after the borrowed time wasn't registered (if you hit a survivor immediately off the hook you don't lose feral frenzy, but it doesn't count as a hit either), or... there's some other bug going on I'm not aware of!
With my method I was able to go on with a SINGLE FERAL FRENZY for over 4 minutes, and the only reason why I stopped was because one of the survivors lagged and recovered too quickly, not allowing me to chain correctly the 5th hit.
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the "normal" endurance and "MoM" endurance explanation that you are giving are correct (as in: you are correctly describing what actually happens), but I'm curious to know if it's working as intended.
For example, are we sure that it's by design that Endurance works only for hits that would down you? And if yes, why the strange interaction with Deep Wound?
Also, I'm ok with MoM working differently from normal endurance, but the mismatch with Feral Frenzy interaction still doesn't make sense to me.