New passive effects for each survivor

Something to help differentiate each of the survivors, at least more so than their height and pain noises, I went through each survivor and tried to give them a very small passive effect that is relevant to the abilities they present with or thematic to their character, the numbers are obviously not fixed and I am open to any and all criticism.

Any edits to be made to the list I will do in future comments on this post.

Here are the ideas I came up with:

Dwight Fairfield

Dwight shows an external confidence and leadership to others, but relies on his allies just as much to survive.

Dwight gains a +2% per survivor speed bonus to all actions when other survivors are within 4m of him.

Meg Thomas

Born to run, Meg has been training relentlessly for this task and reaps the rewards of this dedication.

Meg's movement speed is increased by 1% when running, additionally all effects that would slow her down are reduced in effectiveness by 1% as well.

Claudette Morel

Claudette's knowledge and caring nature are invaluable to any friend in need.

Claudette's healing actions have +5% increase to skillcheck trigger odds and success zones are 10% larger for her.

Jake Park

Sneaky and quiet, Jake is able to get out of situations and works efficiently alone.

Jake gains +2% to action speed when no other survivor is within 32m of him and he is outside of the killers terror radius.

Nea Karlsson

Move quickly and quietly, the two most important tasks in evading someone or something.

Nea's movement speed is increased by 2% when walking or crouching, additionally her vaulting speed in increased by 1%.

Laurie Strode

Even when staring death in the face, Laurie will never stop fighting.

Laurie increases wiggle speed by 2% and her struggle phase on the hook lasts 10% longer.

Ace Visconti

If his odds were one in a million, Ace would believe in Lady Luck and go for that roll anyway.

Ace gains +5% luck and gains an additional +1% luck each time he escapes a chase up to a maximum of +10%

William "Bill" Overbeck

A soldier to the bitter end, Bill will sacrifice it all for the sake of his comrades.

Bill's unhook actions are 5% faster and after taking a protection hit heals other survivors 10% faster for 30 seconds.

Feng Min

Feng was up to the challenge any game could throw at her, this trial is just one giant game .

Feng gains +2% repair speed when injured.

David King

A brawler who doesn't give in to anybody, David has spat in the face of uglier creatures before now.

David gains +2% movement speed when injured or downed, his bleedout timer when downed also lasts 10% longer.

Quentin Smith

Living in eternal fear tends to solidify ones resolve, Quentin is able to use that to aid his allies.

Quentin increases other survivors action speeds by 1% while they are afflicted when he is within 6m of them.

Detective David Tapp

Never letting himself make a single mistake again, Detective Tapp is determined to redeem his past.

Detective Tapp gains an increase of 2% to action speed whenever his action takes place on an object that has its aura revealed to him.

Kate Denson

Performing is in her blood and she will give everyone present a damn good show.

Kate gains +2% action speed whenever anyone else can see her or her aura.

Adam Francis

Adam is a quick thinker and is able to come up with strategies in moments for nearly any opponent.

Adam can see the killers aura for 3 seconds at the start of a trial.

Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen

Jeff has always embraced the darker side of life and doesn't let hard times get him down.

Jeff gains +2% action speed while a survivor is hooked or at least one is dead.

Jane Romero

Jane always tackled problems with a direct approach, getting things done promptly and effectively.

Once per trial Jane increases the length of a stun effect she causes by 1 second.

Ash J. Williams

Ash could be described as cocky, but he has earned his right to be with the amount of times he saved the day.

Ash gains an increase of 2% to action speed while within the killers terror radius.

Nancy Wheeler

Spotting things others miss is Nancy's greatest strength, it often saves her and her friends lives.

Nancy gains +1% action speed per survivor she reveals any aura to for each different type of aura they can see (Pallet, Hook, Generator etc.)

Steve Harrington

A protector through and through whilst still bringing his own unique charms to the mix.

Any time Steve unhooks another survivor or takes a protection hit, he and the survivor he interacted with gain +10% action speed for 20 seconds.

Yui Kimura

Using her resources effectively and quickly has kept her alive thus far.

Yui gains 3% movement speed for 10 seconds after successfully stunning the killer.

Zarina Kassir

Information is her expertise and Zarina is willing to put herself on the line to expose the truth.

Whenever Zarina reveals the killer's aura she gains +2% action speed, whenever the killer sees her aura all other survivors gain +2% action speed.

Cheryl Mason

Cheryl has been surrounded by darkness for so long she now has learned limited control over the entity.

Cheryl causes blocked generators, windows and pallets within 6m of her to unblock 10% faster.

Felix Richter

Felix has always worked faster and harder under pressure, getting the results he needs for any deadline.

Felix gains +5% action speed while at least one exit gate is open.

Élodie Rakoto

Playing by the rules is dangerous, Élodie learned to trust her instincts more than her own eyes.

Élodie gains an +2% increased action speed whenever her scratch marks or aura are hidden from the killer.

Yun-Jin Lee

To Yun-Jin working in a cutthroat industry has turned these trials into just another day at the office.

Yun-Jin gains 3% increased movement speed when walking per injured survivor in the trial.

Jill Valentine

Being hunted down by a murderous creature is nothing new to Jill and she will never back down.

Jill gains +2% action speed when the killer cannot see her and gives other survivors a +1% action speed increase while being chased.

Leon Scott Kennedy

A cop that goes beyond the bounds of his duties every step of the way.

Leon gains +1% action speed and +2% movement speed when walking per generator completed.

Mikaela Reid

An enthusiast turned expert, Mikaela has mastered the supernatural.

Mikaela breaks and blesses totems 5% faster.

Jonah Vasquez

When numbers are your world, like Jonah, you learn to take advantage of them whenever you get the chance.

Jonah has a +3% increase to skillcheck trigger odds and success zones are 5% larger for him.

Yoichi Asakawa

Psychic abilities and incredible intelligence, both incredibly powerful tools in Yoichi's arsenal.

Yoichi causes any aura reading effects to last 1 second longer and the range of these effects to increase by 2m.

Haddie Kaur

Haddie has bravery in spades and will fight the darkness any way she can, often times directly.

Haddie improves flashlight efficiency and decreases their depletion rate by 5%, additionally she moves 10% faster while using one.


  • Juniper_Autumn
    Juniper_Autumn Member Posts: 17

    Ah I didn't even think of that possibility... damn, so bored of meta in games

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    I don't understand the logic behind this. We have meta killers too, but you don't see only those killers being played. Also, why is it okay for killers to pick meta killers, but not survivors? You get what I mean? Like, why is it bad that there would be a survivor meta, when there isn't a problem with killers doing it? I am tired of survivors being just skins and I don't see the point of it.

  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 599

    Because it changes the dynamic of the survivor side 6+ years into the game's life.

    Survivor players suddenly may start going "I'm not playing with any Feng's - useless passive." as an example, or "Switch to Laurie or I'm out." Killers don't have that issue - you go into that match knowing you're playing a comparatively weaker killer to Nurse for example, that is your own solo choice as a player. Killers also know what survivors they're going against, so if they hate seeing a particular survivor because of their passive, you then introduce the problem of them going, "I'm not playing Wraith against that, I'm lobby dodging this."

    You also then put the killer player into a situation in-game where they're potentially thinking , "Well that survivor in particular has a strong passive, and the others have weaker ones, I need to get THAT survivor out of the game ASAP." which just confounds the tunnelling problem we have already.

    When people have spent many months or even years levelling a particular survivor and spent money or time unlocking cosmetics, etc. on them because they connect to that survivor and you introduce passives many years into the game's life, and people suddenly don't want to play with that survivor you introduce something I don't think is personally worth it.

    Had it been from launch? Maybe - or if survivors just had a 'passive slot' in general that you could equip and unlock as a teachable across survivors as a whole? I might be more on board with. I just don't personally agree with individual survivors having passives this far into the game's life.

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    Dude, killers already do that when they see items and that used to happen when they saw people with P3 as well, it's a bad take and not a good excuse. Ignoring the chat is also possible. I am tired of people making excuses for changes, excuses that are just hypothetical "well um, if you do this, people will do X or Y" YOU DON'T KNOW THAT! I say, how about we first try this before outright ignoring it and even let things settle over time.

    I am tired of hypotheticals, I need concrete evidence that such a system wouldn't work, rather than what you feel like things will happen!

  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 599

    Very few things are as simple as "This works" or "It doesn't work" - every change they'll make to this game will come with positives and negatives from both an objective and subjective point of view (though hopefully more positives than bads is the goal) and they can't do them all, so expecting BHVR to implement every potential change to see if they work and remove them if they don't is unreasonable and unrealistic.

    That said, I'm not going to try and convince you otherwise, I've presented my opinion on why I don't think it's worth BHVR investing their time into giving survivors passives and that's just my point of view. If you think it is, you're also entitled to that.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited July 2022

    The issue is that a non-negligible amount of Survivor mains have gone all in on their character of choice because there's an assumption that Survivor choice makes no meaningful difference. To change that now all of a sudden risks a player now finding that their character might suck and that all their effort put into that character has gone to waste.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    It would ruin the game.

    I can allready tell from reading few passives that Meg would be like 10x better than some other Survivors and meta because she is 1% faster. Also Killers would like to avoid chasing Megs, etc.

  • Juniper_Autumn
    Juniper_Autumn Member Posts: 17

    Megs being common and killer not liking to chase them sounds pretty consistent with how the game already is honestly

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    No, their survivor wouldn't suck because if the change is minimal it doesn't mean much. Plus we have mains for every killer and some are not amazing, yet people still play them. I think you guys overcomplicate things and apply feelings too much to something that wouldn't happen. If killers can be unique and some even with bad abilities, so can survivors!

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Obviously there will be people who don't care enough to change, but there will be people who look at other Survivors and find theirs inadequate by comparison. The difference between Survivors being unique and Killers being unique is that Killers were unique from the start, and the game was built around that. Not the case with Survivors.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    This is an awful idea. It would be a nightmare to balance and screw over people who like a specific character who suddenly now is not the "meta" options by being inherently disadvantaged for picking them.

  • Juniper_Autumn
    Juniper_Autumn Member Posts: 17

    Ideally it wouldn't be a nightmare to balance as the effects would be small enough to be flavourful without being super strong (but I also understand that balancing has never been this games strong suit) and again the abilities I posted are pure speculation and suggestion so if you feel like a different idea or a change to an idea would be better then I would be more than happy to hear it

  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    "the variety of the amount of survivors you see would go down" Why does this matter at all if Survivors are just reskins?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,163

    I mean the issue with idea's like these are that 95% of passives given don't do much, but that might change certain outcome even if its very small % chance might be seen as superior choice.

    just by default, everyone not playing meg would be in disadvantage since her bonus is probably strongest out the bonus presented, followed by Laurie's bonus, followed by Janes bonus. The latter two might not impact 99% matches but there is always that oddball chance it does.

    I don't think passives are good way to express uniqueness of a character. If DBD was to make unique passives, I think the unique's should be related to base-kit exhaustion perk, like every character has default exhaustion perk and their exhaustion perk defines their play-style for outrunning the killer. that would be closer to DBD killer powers. Then again, certain exhaustion abilities are prefered way more than others. Asking BVHR to balance exhaustion abilities for each survivor will go about as well as killer powers.

    in other words, it is not effort to make survivor unique. there is no reward for it and its mostly headache.

  • Juniper_Autumn
    Juniper_Autumn Member Posts: 17

    I do like the idea of survivors having some kind of base exhaustion effect but agree that it would cause issues with some just being better than others and of course the idea of making them all functional without causing survivors to be dropped completely...

    It really is a shame since it would be nice to actually want different survivors for different purposes, especially if it fed into their backgrounds and brought the stories more into the limelight

  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 599

    From a gameplay perspective? It doesn't.

    From my own personal enjoyment at seeing survivor diversity it does however. I think, personally, BHVR have done a great job at providing a wide variety of diverse survivors in the game that people enjoy for a variety of reasons. I personally think it's a net negative for people to feel like they're at a 'disadvantage' or pressured to not play a particular survivor that they feel represents them well because they don't have a 'meta' or 'strong' passive. I think it'd be a shame if I continuously just saw 4 Megs or 2 Megs 2 Dwights, etc. all the time and we lessened the variety we have today.

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94

    This is a smart sort of concept and should absolutely be considered for the game. Such ideas are healthly for ongoing (and growth) development of the game. We'll probably never see it though.

    I suggested something not dissimilar.

    You'd have to balance them so that the "best" skills were very small gains but that's fine. If you can't catch Meg because she can run 0.5% faster, then perhaps you weren't going to catch her anyway.

    Ultimately, having "fashion dress up simulator" makes an interesting "dressing up to show off in the lobby" game but if I run every single one of my survivors on a near identical series of perk builds, who cares which person I bring in. I just get BP and keep cycling them into whoever - may as well just give me a "Make My Own Dress Up Survivor" DLC.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,933

    I dont like passive effects outside of perks, I am more in favour of Survivors getting their own ability to activate.

  • Juniper_Autumn
    Juniper_Autumn Member Posts: 17

    That would be cool too, or some kind of affinity with their own teachables making that survivor slightly better with their perks or something?

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,933

    There don't necessarily need to be exact affinity. The Survivors already have a title, all I would do is make an ability for them, ofc not as strong AS a Killer Power. But something that would assist. But we would also have to lock Survivors out of playing 4, of the same. Example:

    Jake: might be able to trap a pallet to automatically hit a killer walking through, with a cooldown.

    Meg: might be able stretch when healed to clear herself of exhaustion effect

    Yui: might be able to use her motorcycle for a short time, another survivor might get on it aswell.

  • Juniper_Autumn
    Juniper_Autumn Member Posts: 17

    Okay those sound really damn cool, I'll see about making a list of abilities now because I'm interested in this 😁