Camping obviously shouldn't be prevented as a strat, but could be discouraged

The upcoming 6.1.0 update has some really good changes to the game, I think most players would agree with that, but BHVR did not do anything about camping. I don't judge the devs, it's a big update, they can't change everything at once and I'm sure they know the impact that camping has in the game. What I want is to simply suggest a change that would only have an impact on "unfun" strategies that do not require skill during the match, only a strong build for slowdown and a killer that has a power that takes advantage of camping.

First of all, let's think of the situations where killers end up camping:

1- The killer leaves the hook area after hooking, the survivors take too long to save and in the last few seconds the killer comes back to secure the next stage, as a way to punish the survivors for taking too long;

2- During the endgame, the killer has nowhere else to go, and no other objective to defend, so they end up camping one survivor to secure one or an extra kill;

3- The killer either has a whole strategy with their build to camp all game and maybe still get a 3k, or they camp a survivor for any other personal reasons, even though there are still gens that need to be completed.

Those 3 are the most common situations where camping ends up happening. Situations 1 and 2 are completely understandable, even if some players still think it's "toxic" to do those things, both are valid strategies and there are things that survivors can do to avoid it (well, situation 2 is a little bit harder to avoid or to deal with, but it's not necessarily a problem that should be addressed right now in my opinion).

The big problem here is situation 3. I do know that skilled survivors may be able to deal with the situation, but that does not justify it, because the amount of skill required by the survivor part does not match the amount of skill required by the killer part. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure it's almost impossible to deal with this situation if all of the survivors are playing solo, without communication.

I do not think that this type of strat should be prevented, you should be allowed to play the game the way you enjoy it, but there should be something to discourage it and equal things a little bit.

My suggestion includes numbers that might be shocking for some players, but please keep in mind that the situations where this would affect a killer that is not doing this type should be rare.

The suggestion: Make it so that as soon as the survivor gets hooked, a 20-second timer starts. While inside a 16m range, the timer goes up, from 16m to 24m the timer pauses, and 24m and further the timer goes down (obviously won't go below 0). If that timer reaches 20 seconds, survivors get a huge bonus for gen repairing speeds (I suggest something between a 25% and 50% non-stackable bonus, like I said, shocking numbers) and, if there are any gens still left, non-stackable bonus speed for unhooking actions (+100%). On top of everything, survivors start seeing the killer's aura. The killer should get a visual warning that the mechanic is in use. If the killer leaves and the timer goes down to less than 20 seconds, the mechanic is deactivated. The timer should be able to accumulate up to 25 seconds.

Shocking, I know, but if you really think about it, the only strategy between the common ones that would be affected by this is the number 3. Since the bonuses are non-stackable, survivors wouldn't be able to take better advantage of this with perks and items, but it does help survivors to do something about it. This would also require more skill on the killer part since they would need to learn how to deal with this mechanic.

I do understand this wouldn't solve the problem by 100%. Nurse exists, Deathslinger has the iridescent addon that lets them instadown a survivor if they land a shot from 12m or further, and Hag has Mint Rag which they can use with Make Your Choice... But strategies that work around camping from a distance are more about hook trading than forcing the next stages and preventing rescues, which technically gives more time for survivors to do gens and also more space to deal with whatever that strategy is.

There is also a more uncommon situation, where the killer hooks a survivor right next to a gen that is very close to being done and camps to try to wait for that gen to regress, and I do recognize that this could hurt that strategy, but unless you have perks that increase the regress speed (Call of Brine, the new Overcharge), that strategy can most times be very ineffective, and if you do have those perks, then 20 seconds should be more than enough to make that gen not an immediate threat anymore.


  • Risky_Biscuit
    Risky_Biscuit Member Posts: 95

    So grant the survivors faster gen repair speeds if the Killer camps the hook ? Yeah, that's a really terrible idea.

    If killers are gonna camp hooks, then let them do it. Go do gens, and gen rush them. Hell, with the upcoming changes, unsafe hook rescuse will be more frequent thanks to this new endurance stacking meta that's going to be abused until it gets nerfed (as it should be before it goes live).

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I think if the killer stays within a certain proximity of a hooked survivor then that survivor should get an increased chance to escape the hook with the endurance status effect until its a 100% chance. They could call it adrenaline 2.0.

  • notJustDante
    notJustDante Member Posts: 96

    Do you realize you ignored everything I said related to the mechanic and summarized it as "gen speeds are faster if the killer is camping", making it sound like a dumb idea?

    And this "endurance stacking meta" you are talking about would require survivors not to do gens. It has nothing to do with the situation that we are talking about.

    You say "just do gens" but with the new speed, if a Bubba brings Deadlock, Corrupt, No Way Out, and any other slowdown of their choice depending on what they want to avoid (for example, even after Ruin nerf and it being a really bad perk, in theory, you could still use just to prevent the Deadlock counter of 99'ing one gen), there's a decent chance that the killer will kill the survivor they are camping and maybe even take another 1 or 2. Even before this update, when Deadlock was released, immediately we noticed players testing it on camping builds for Bubba, and sometimes managed to get a 3k successfully without much effort.

    Survivors should be able to do something about a killer that just camps and nothing else.

  • notJustDante
    notJustDante Member Posts: 96

    Luck is not a fair way to address this issue. Doesn't matter the odds, if low or high, making survivors depend on a kobe to deal with the camping killer is not fair for both the survivor and the killer.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    It wouldn't be luck. It would be conditional. If the killer camps (which is unfair) then the hooked survivor will get progress towards being able to unhook themselves successfully. Obviously it wouldn't be wise to try until you get the 100% chance which would be the point. It would punish the killer for playing this way and give the survivor a chance to get away from an otherwise hopeless situation without intervention.

  • notJustDante
    notJustDante Member Posts: 96

    Oh, so you mean a guaranteed way to escape? That is also unfair. Neither the survivor nor the killer should be able to have a guaranteed way of surviving/killing someone supported by a mechanic.

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    I do not like this because it doesn't solve the camping for the person being hooked. Camping should not be solved by having the hooked survivor be written as essentially dead and simply help the others escape. Camping should be solved in a way where survivors are able to simply save the person off the hook with ease, thus they get to play the game.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    A guaranteed way to unhook themselves with endurance, which only happens under the circumstance of camping, which is not fair. The idea would be this would not happen if they do not camp. And it would only guarantee they can unhook. It wouldn't guarantee the killer wouldn't tunnel them. All of this is conditional.

  • notJustDante
    notJustDante Member Posts: 96

    +100% speed for unhooking doesn't help?

    Also, this change would basically mean that if the killer insists on camping for no reason, then they are not doing anything that gives them an advantage. The idea here is not to prevent camping but to discourage it.

  • notJustDante
    notJustDante Member Posts: 96

    If that was implemented camping would be totally pointless. The idea is not to remove the strategy completely but to give survivors a chance to do something about it and give the killer a reason to not do it.

    Describing camping as simply "not fair" is not a very good way to argue about it. In my opinion, saying that camping should be completely removed is equivalent to saying that SWF shouldn't be allowed. There is nothing wrong with doing any of these, players can play the game the way they like it, so the devs' duty is to make sure that the way that one person has fun is not ruining everyone else's fun.

    Take this future patch as an example, the devs made sure to not remove the tunneling strategy from the game, but they made changes to make it more difficult for the killer to do it and possibly fairer. If they removed tunneling completely it would not be a good way to address the issue, but of course, they can't ignore it forever either.

    Having a change that discourages killers to do "unfun" strategies is all we need.

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    The only way you're gonna discourage camping is when you make sure it guarantees 0 kills, otherwise no killer would be discouraged if they can get even 1 kill. So yes, the only solution to anti-camping is to literally remove it entirely. There is no such thing as "discouraging it" as long as they can still get even 1 kill, because that is all this tactic is, cheap kills.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited July 2022

    Yea that was the idea behind my suggestion. In the situation I described it would allow the hooked survivor to do something about it, but not right away. The killer could still camp but it would be risky because if the killer did camp under my suggestion they would then have to follow up with another chase if the survivor chooses to unhook their self and try to run away. The killer would then need to weight their options and decide whether or not its worth camping a survivor knowing that if they do there is a chance they can escape because they chose to camp in the first place instead of going somewhere else. Another words the risk would be much higher for camping and it would discourage killers from doing it. I would say though that the idea I mentioned would probably only be fair during the actual match and not the end game collapse.

  • Risky_Biscuit
    Risky_Biscuit Member Posts: 95

    Even when I do play survivor, I don't see many camping killers. There's always a few, but I'm not seeing this major camping problem that survivors keep talking about.

    When I play killer, I literally don't camp. I've lost games consistently by trying camping, and you know what happened ? Lost almost every time I did it. Gens got blasted though, hooked survivor got rescued, and all 4 escaped. I've been better off playing the game the way it was intended.

    So again, I don't see camping working out well for killers. Where is this occurring ?

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Why does a killer stay on a hook? They get punished for leaving the hook. You get off the hook and they potentially have no one to chase.

    If they camp you and no one comes then that represents 1/2 of their objective. Why go for a healthy objective when you have easy prey when someone comes for the rescue?

    The more you try and make a stiff punishment the more camping will happen. What you need to do is give the killer a buff when they leave the hooked area. Let's consider two extremes:

    1) Imagine if the killer got this "base kit" : If you are more than 16m from a hook then after four seconds you see the auras of anyone repairing a generator while you have someone on a hook. Their aura is visible for four seconds after they stop touching a generator.

    2)Imagine a more extreme version for "base kit" (not in conjunction with the other power) : If you hit another survivor they will be exposed if you hit them while another survivor is on a hook more than 16m away.

    I'm not saying either of these needs to come to the game but you need to realize that the killer needs base kit buffs to leave a hook. It could be something far more simple like :

    When more than 16m from a hook the generator with the most progress becomes blocked indefinitely while that survivor is on a hook (progress meter is locked and does not change). If the affected survivor dies on the hook then the affected generator will be blocked for 90 seconds.

    Or we could do something far more simple like make all chases shorter. If killers felt less powerless overall they would not need to resort to hook camping.