You realize there's no counter for a spirit if they can hear you injured right?



  • Silasy
    Silasy Member Posts: 228

    Then remove her from the game lmao

  • Noel_Vermillion
    Noel_Vermillion Member Posts: 30
    edited July 2022

    I always giggle at this kinda topic.

    I never understand why people believe that Iron will is fine. For one it literally permanently deletes a mechanic from the game in the form of, no x when x is met (sounds of pain when injured)

    If it was for a X amount if seconds then it deactivates, it would be fine being 100% vs all killers.

    If they wanted to spirit not being able to hear survivors when she phases they would just simply add it to her basic kit as something that happens when she phases, it's not impossible

    There has been many different times in the past where footsteps audio has been deleted due to bugs where breathing and just general grunts of pain have been deleted by bugs so it's not something they can't do uf they wanted.

    Another point is since her rework nerf, the roles have been reversed and in a 1v4 thats fine some how?

    It is now spirit making the guesses spirit making the reads when iron will (even without iron will at some tiles) in meanwhile survivors are looking at thin air almost like shes not even invisible making sound at her exact location.

    The thing people need to remember is

    When spirit uses her power she is not the onlyone going invisible. Survivors do too.

    Yes she can hear foot steps/see marks IF they choose to run

    (unavoidable if you are out positioned obviously thats not a spirit issue tho this would be the same for every killer with not line of sight, thats just being in a dead zone, something you should avoid from the get go especially vs spirit)

    Hear vaults IF they choose to fast or medium vault

    Can see you in grass IF you choose to walk in grass

    You know whats not an if?

    Hearing you IF injured (the only thing forced by the killer)

    On the flip side

    Survivors hear her at allll times and thats NOT a choice. it's forced

    So after all that and the lack of stealth choices spirit has vs survivor she has no way to counter? She can pretend to go around an object and double back in phase.

    Truly the hardest thing to counter ever.....

    Even without iron will pallet games are a 50/50 as survivors can drop a pallet to the opposite side baiting a spirits go around or drop and slow vault listening for the direction if travel, or just drop and casually walk away with your shades on.

    As a spirit main myself shes easier than ever to play around even when injured without iron will.

    Just don't leave favorable loops untill she has used her power. Shes naturally gunna hit you eventually if you greed a tile to long, shes forced to use her power at them more often than not at 4.4 she ain't running a half decent looper at 70% of loops m1 only

    Eventually people will realise spirit is not this all powerful beast anymore and thats all due to her audio. No perk changes are going to change that.

    On the flip side shes not weak shes above average in the high tiers but with spirit knowledge you can make her look like D tier trash lol X3

    All it is going to do is give spirit some gameplay back in the second health state instead of being completely blind deaf and dumb the second she presses M2. But at the same time this nerf is nothing to do with her specifically.

    (she's still going to have to be basically cherry blossom levels if distance to hear you tho the IW nerf is super subtle)

    IRON WILL does the exact same thing on all killers with the ability to leave a loop while they don't hear you making chases potentially completely be lost while killers waste even more time mind-gaming themselfs.

    Definitely funny to. Watch every time I do it 🤣 but at the same time perk got me that escape not my skill so feels cheesey too.

    The nerf to iron will is a universal buff to killer although the nerf to iron will puts it in just about breathing sounds just more variation to the sounds so it's a little easier to hear than breathing.

    Iron will ain't dead by any means it just requires more a tiny bit of distance and better management of your exhaustion to be fully effective

    Post edited by Noel_Vermillion on
  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I play without Iron Will, I versed some Spirit, and guess what, it was fine. Since we can hear her phasing, I mean, the directional sound, it's OK. I don't think a perk should counter a Killer's power, like DH countered Trapper's trap too much.

    I don't even understand the reason they nerfed Stridor. Spirit is based on sound. Iron Will removed the injuries sound but also the breathing sound. Breathing. You know, when you're not even injured.

    That was a bit too much. But with the directional phasing sound, it's OK. Less people run Spirit for now because they're nothing fun to use a power based on sound where people make no sound.

    Did you know Blight's power allows him to be much much faster than the Survivors? Did you know Nurse's blink makes her much much faster than Survivors as well?