Two changes I want for nurse.

dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Because nurse it the hot topic killer recently I just want to give my opinion on it

I do feel nurse needs some things to make her a bit more balanced. I don't think we should go overboard just something that's makes her a bit more balanced.

1. Make her blinks count as special attacks and not basic ones.

I feel she gets too much use out of exposed perks. Imo a killer that can go through objecs should not have am insta down. It's just not fair. Blight, another s tier killer, doesn't have his attacks as basic and he is doing fine. Why does nurse?

2. Please nerf some of her addon.

Even some experienced killer players and nurse mains agree some of her addons are too much that makes it extremely difficult to deal with. I'm not sure how to nerf them but they definitely needs to be changed. Im not saying make them completely useless but balance them alonge with her bad addons. There needs to be a golden mean for them.

Honestly I feel this is all she needs. She is a unique killer that survivors should change their strategy to counter her but I feel she should be toned downed a bit.

These changes won't possibly make her useless I'm sure. She is still strong but more balanced to deal with.


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    I don't know about fully making them special attacks, I would prefer if the second blink has special attack. So if they are going to use perks like starstruck they can land a first blink and get it but the chain blink is special. Idk she needs something

  • SkinnyPringles
    SkinnyPringles Member Posts: 39

    I was watching streams on the ptb and when Otz was testing Ds on Nurse and it was barely noticable that you used it.

    So he made a good suggestion that if Nurse gets stunned by ANY means she losses all her charges this could also go well for Blight.

    They catch up WAY to quickly even if they make a mistake.

    Also I don't know why Nurse got a buff on her range add ons where it increases her speed of blinking.

    The survivors cannot react in any way to dodge her it's basically a gamble if they use range add ons it shouldn't have been a thing to begin with.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    Nearly all of her addons need changes. Range can just be straight up removed, but nearly everything other than her good addons is meme tier. She shouldn't have super strong addons since she's already a super strong killer, but they shouldn't be a net negative to use, which several of them are.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    Feelings aside (let's see the statistics instead) the only thing that seems wrong with the addons is the speed boost with the range addons. As negligible as it is, sometimes .1s is all you need.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    "I don't know why Nurse got a buff on her range add ons where it increases her speed of blinking."

    I know the answer to your inquiry. When you collect poor data you get a terrible picture from which to draw conclusions. For pretty much Forever the devs have gathered the wrong data. How do I know this? Because I've talked to their "stat guy". I asked them three questions around mid 2018 and from those answers determined the team doesn't have a clue about what they should be looking at.

    What type of data should they be collecting? They should look to answer these questions:

    1) How long is the killer objective vs the survivor objective? Does this ratio change with SWF? (yes it does tremendously)

    2) When do hooks happen? When do generators get completed? Are too many generators getting completed too early for the killer to have fun? Is that possibly why so many killers are camping/tunneling/slugging?

    3) What is the frequency of pallet use? How does this change with higher/lower levels of play? What makes for a "fair" pallet?

    4) How does map size influence generator completion?

    There has never been a data collection of any note where they look at real players playing real games (DBD office members dont count - because they dont play the game at a competent level). They don't look at when hooks happen compared to when generators get completed. Kills is the only metric that matter and has been - forever.

    When you look at kills it becomes painfully clear the Nurse is the weakest character - therefore she needed buffs. That's a joke right? No sadly that was the thinking process of the developers when last they adjusted nurse. They gave her incredibly powerful addons that let you blink more distance for less charge time. It will be impossible to have a "fair game" against nurse as long as these addons exist.

    We asked if her best two addons were bugged and the devs responded : No we wanted her addons to be like that. Unfortunately that just paints a worse picture.

    The biggest problem with nurse is that she is so difficult to use that most people don't even try.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Nurse has a number of balance problems. She is slightly overpowered when you use a perk like Starstruck and combine that with her insane movement speed. I don't see a problem with making it so you can't use her power with Starstruck. Her blink shouldn't be a "special" attack though because she is literally built to be impossible to chase with "normally".

    Change 1:

    Many of her addons need to be removed (anything that deals with more distance for a blink or faster blink recovery). In a more fair world we would see the most overpowered and crazy addons on the weakest killers. If nurse's current best addons were turned into a trapper addon we would get something like this : Loose pan (green adddon) - Attempting to disarm a trap without holding an item will trap the survivor as soon as they finish or stop the interaction. Disarming a trap with an item makes the item fall to the floor and causes the trap to be reset. The item can be picked up when the trap is disarmed.

    Change 2:

    All killers need to have a "damage cooldown effect". In short if a huntress throws a hatchet she gets a 3 second cooldown as if she had use a M1 attack. Perks like STBFL would reduce the animation cooldown. For nurse this means she would wipe her blade and then have fatigue. This would require her to blink for distance to continue a chase. It would make perks like lightweight and Iron Will very strong against her.

    Change 3:

    Nurse loses the ability to cancel a blink by looking at the floor. If she is on ground level and tries to blink down she will charge in a straight line. This will force a nurse to blink at the correct distance or "pay the price". It will remove her ability to hold the survivor with a "catch 22" tactic. In short by holding a long blink if you run she catches you. If you stop short she cancels the blink and catches you.

    This would change the situation so that a survivor has more counterplay. They can read into how long she is charging and play accordingly. Since her blinks will always be uniform there is only a question of how long will she charge. This would make Nurse miss slightly more often than she does currently. It would also raise her skillcap slightly - but I don't see a problem since she is already so much better than all the other killers.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited July 2022

    Source: Trust me bro

    Range/three blink add-ons are dumb and need reworks. Everything else is a non-issue.

    The second change, lmao no. Learn to counter the ability itself.

    Third change, yeah no. That's literally removing mindgaming from the equation. Each side mindgaming and baiting the other is literally part of that. It is not the catch-22 you misrepresent it as. That is just outright god-awful horrible design.

    Nurse already has counterplay.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    You can listen to the devs and they will tell you why their stats are bad if you thoroughly understand statistics.

    Over a period of 6 years if you bothered to watch their live streams they have been asked multiple times about : do you track X, Y,Z and the answer is almost always : no we don't track that. You probably heard Almo say something to the effect of : I don't know why Freddy is op but I know that he is. He should have asked the streamers. Freddy had a 4% higher kill rate because tinkerer+teleport+gen defense perks allowed him to almost always be able to interrupt survivors more reliably than any other killer.

    You can say whatever you like but you will find that the devs either do not understand or consider these questions when they build maps:

    1) How long is the killer objective vs the survivor objective? Does this ratio change with SWF? (yes it does tremendously)

    2) When do hooks happen? When do generators get completed? Are too many generators getting completed too early for the killer to have fun? Is that possibly why so many killers are camping/tunneling/slugging?

    3) What is the frequency of pallet use? How does this change with higher/lower levels of play? What makes for a "fair" pallet?

    4) How does map size influence generator completion?

    5) Why don't we have a prevention mechanic to make sure that we don't have "stacked tiles"? Scott Jund addressed this issue in his fake patch notes. Extremely obvious examples include : No vault should ever lead directly to a pallet from another loop, no vault should lead directly to a vault from another loop that would allow a "fast vault", and no pallet should be within extreme proximity to another pallet from another loop.

    If you really wanted to balance DBD it would be extremely simple. All you have to do is find a way to "standardize" looping time so that bad players loop for X seconds, Good players loop for X+10 to x+20 seconds, and great players loop for X+30 to X+40 seconds.

    Bloodlust is an attempt to standardize looping but is overall a complete failure because breaking or being hit by a pallet removes bloodlust. Bloodlust is a failure because it helps you more if you are really good (as well as if you are playing a strong killer) and less if you are not.

    The far easier solution is to remove Bloodlust, prevent tile stacking, and increase the survivor collision box to be equal to the killer. This last measure would have the most effect on the very best players and almost no effect on the worst players. It would also help newer players that sometimes play killer and sometimes play survivor. With a larger collision box there would be no need for bloodlust because survivors would not longer be able to go around a loop multiple times with pixel perfect pathing to have a huge advantage over a killer. Most tiles would require the pallet to be used after 1-2 loops.

    If this still allowed for too much efficiency you could create a system where survivors who vault/throw too many pallets in proximity of the killer will have a permanent snare effect - let's call it Terror buildup. Every time you vault or throw a pallet in proximity of the killer your terror builds and this creates a snare effect. The effect should be small like 0.25 movement speed but the effect will only reset after you have been unhooked.