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Who are your favorite killers to play and why?



  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Myers because tombstone and insta moring survivor reminds me bit of friday 13th game too. Stalking is also kinda fun when they try to hide.

    Oni with his power is very fun to play and instadown survivors but once that runs out he is just normal m1 killer.

    Trapper is fun with iri add on which set traps so survivors don't expect them and many just run to them.

    Nemesis is also fun his testacle break pallets so fast and you can down survivors with it pretty easily if they try to loop.

    Dredge: I like grapping survivors from lockers

  • Member Posts: 95

    Dredge because Dredge.

    No, but seriously, I enjoy playing him because of his built in gen pressure. His whole kit is just well put together, having a little bit of almost everything killer players want and need. Gen pressure/Map Pressure ? Got it. Anti-Loop ? Got it. Stealth ? Got it.

    Dredge is a perfect example of what killers need to be right now, which is essentially a jack of all trades. Killers struggle greatly with one or more of the above things, but Dredge does them all. I've been having actual fun playing a killer for once, because Dredge has the power to make things happen. He still has counters, but really does feel like the new gold standard for what killers need to be going forward.

    That and his lore and design really sell this eldritch horror that is Dredge. Playing as an unfeeling amalgamation of the victims it consumed along the way is really satisfying. You feel truly monstrous.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Doctor. Because Doctor.

  • Member Posts: 871


    Simply because I love to go on forums and see morons crying every four mornings that she's too strong when they're unable to get their fingers out and learn how to play against her 😍

  • Member Posts: 463

    Love Resident Evil. Can't wait for Wesker to release. I own Blighted Nemesis. Need I say more?

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Comments like these are exactly why we can’t have nice things.

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    Anyone that isn't nurse, dredge, or artist.

  • Member Posts: 115

    Oni, because it represents me playing this game sometimes

  • Member Posts: 492

    I love playing as Sadako.

    Generally I love playing as stealth killers, I will usually even use builds that turn non-stealth killers stealth. Sadako though, her playstyle is ######### oppressive if done right, allow them to think they've evaded you or you dropped chase, only to appear behind them. That's priceless.

  • Member Posts: 266

    I love playing against Nemesis because of the Zombies walking around, also he looks funny with his big body and smol head.

  • Member Posts: 285

    My top 5

    Nurse - her power is the most fun one in the game to me by far

    Ghostface - being able to stalk survivor is fun and his power feels more interactive than the one Myers has for me

    Hag - letting the survivor finish all the gens on one side and then getting them one by one while I defend my 3 gen is amazing, unless I get screwed over by map rng

    Huntress - who does not like to hit your average toxic nea with a hatchet straight to her annoying head

    Legion - just going fast stabbing people is so mindlessly fun

    Special mention to all seeing / silent bell Wraith with Starstruck

  • Member Posts: 228

    Ghostface, because I like his steal mechanic and combining him with STBFL is so good. He can even get those gen grabs and an instant exposure hit is always nice.

    Pyramid Head because his power just annihilates Decisive strike and survivors get punished so hard for stepping in torment, he can counter loops and has a built in Mori. Very niceπŸ‘ŒπŸ»

    Sadako because she's best girl

  • Member Posts: 871

    Well, it's off to a flying start here 😁

    I was gently teasing πŸ˜‰

  • Member Posts: 800

    Oh sounds like alot of fun! What do you like to run on her and what's your playstyle exactly?

  • Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2022

    Nurse, because i don't have to play DBD. I play the Nurse Game.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Wraith, cuz bing bong

    Nurse, cuz I like her unique playstyle

    Myers, cuz daddy

    Doc, cuz I like to shock people

    Bubba, cuz he squeals like Piggy

    Clown, cuz he is so cute and makes me laugh

    Demopuppy, cuz Stranger Things

    Victor, cuz Charlotte is just his sidekick

    Nemesis, cuz tentacle

    The Artist, cuz Im good to birds

    The Drussy, cuz he is a creepy jumpscaring p**** monster

  • Member Posts: 492

    I run BBQ and Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage. You use BBQ to initiate a chase ASAP after hooking a survivor and if it was a scourge hook, then they will be revealed again once they are unhooked, you want this reveal to come during the chase. ALWAYS be demanifested, manifest only when you are about to land a hit. After the hit, don't chase by conventional means. Instead, demanifest and watch where they run to and basically, begin haunting them. Don't get to close, let them just barely hear your lullaby and use your phasing to step between LoS blockers when invisible. Never let them see you as you approach. This is why the reveal after the unhook is so important, you want to try and cut them off and have them literally run into you.

    The other two perks I use are Call of Brine and Merciless Storm which are used just as slow down, so you could change them if you'd like

    If you can, try and use the TVs to cut survivors off, or you can use them during chase to apply Condemn. If you see a Survivor running toward a TV after a hook or unhook, Project to it. For all you know they are about to turn in a tape and having you arrive and apply the last bit of Condemn can secure you an instant kill.

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