Question to the Devs: legacy portrait reward. Nobody can see it right ?

On the one hand, we have something like this
A wonderful feedback from Mewishis that was also gratefully received
and we also have two very different opinions about visibility. This is not about the look of the character portraits. Thank goodness they have been redone and look great. Thank you BHVR very much for that.
(I like that new style too) 😍
But there are two different opinions about the p3 rewards before the patch. Some want to have something that shows they had the respective characters on p3 before the update. Other users think: Why does it always have to be something to show off?
So my question is: why did the devs ultimately decide against implementing something in the game that would allow players to show other players that they had already reached p3 with that particular character before the update?
Personally, I think it's totally awesome from BHVR, that we get something for our efforts...
but what do I get out of it if only I can see it?
" Hey, I was already at p3 before the update (and it feels special to me)."
Unfortunately, this is not currently the case....
Well, if they said it's personal reward, most players would simply not care. I wouldn't at least.
I hate asymmetry and I prestiged only my mains killers, so I am going to turn it off anyway. I have prestiged for bragging rights they promised during stream / dev update and this pissed me off in level that I just refuse to play anymore.
The grind during anniversary was just too painful for me to accept this BS.
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Well, there are those who think: I have achieved something that I want to show to others. Do I feel good about it? Yes. Does it also have something to do with showing off? Probably yes.
Then, of course, there are the others who think. Why does it always have to be something to show others?
That's why I'm interested in the developers' opinion.
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It's okay if this one new feature is a personal thing for a player to celebrate on their own. It's not a big deal if you can't have bragging rights.
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It wouldn't be a big deal, if they presented it like this from start.
Which they simply didn't, they even talked about "deserved bragging rights" and because there wasn't said any reason why reward was changed, it seems like they just wanted to get more players to grind during anniversary.
Bragging rights is something interesting that made at least me waste tons of time and cakes, if they stated it's personal reward, then I wouldn't give a #########.
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I like the reward a lot
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I think this is really important to note. Since it wasn't clear what the reward was, other then it would be unique and give bragging rights, a lot of people wouldn't have have spent so much time farming. Personally as someone who spent a lot of time P3'ing for that unique reward, it feels like a bait and switch. Maybe being much more clear would elimate the confusion and frustration in the future
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Whether this was a bait-and-switch tactic, I dare to doubt. In any case, it is clear that the developers will no longer do this (communication clarity). But I also think that the developers can´t or do not want to comment on my question, for whatever reason.
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they did comment on this topic on different post, so I doubt they will comment here.