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There will never be a challenge harder then six feet under

Member Posts: 1,780

Sacrificing all four survivors in the basement from the first tome a challenge I never want to see as a master challenge again it took me almost a year and a half to beat it since the archives came out I was just remembering what I did which was down three survivors and camp basement and having the other guy basically say I could he wasn't happy since he hadn't gotten good matches so in the end I felt bad. But when I have the chance to get it the challenge was never selected. In the end I don't think there was a survivor challenge like it I know there was one where you had to hide ten meters without being caught but for survivors they have maps and lockers so it's easy in a way but there will never be and hopefully never will be a challenge as hard as Six feet under.

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  • Member Posts: 92

    I mean, basement Trapper is the answer.

    But I can understand how frustrating it is not to get it, it took me more than a few games to get it done.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Or basement Hag is another quite easy way. Got a 4K today were I got a lucky down at 1 gen left and it all unraveled from there and they all ended up on the basement hooks.

    But this challange sure aint that easy if you purposefully want to do it. Some of the challenges are like that, but on the other hand they are challenges, right? One of the tougher ones for me was the second "Ace's Journey" were you needed to finish 2 gens, cleanse 2 totems and savely unhook 2 survivors all within one game with Ace. It doesn't sound that bad at first, but in reality there is always one end thats not working out. You need to be doing gens, but also keep an eye out for the other survivors so that you can get the unhooking, its a real balancing act, and in between you also need to cleanse two totems. Either your side is slamming it and running circles around the killer, never giving you an opportunity to get that 2 unhooks, or the killer is pressuring you so hard that you just can't seem to finish that second gen. One time I had everything done and was creeping around the map looking for the last totem to cleanse, when the killer ferreted me out :D This one took me quite some time, but eventually you will make it.

  • Member Posts: 857

    If you can 3 gen with Agitation near the basement, it's actually perfectly doable normally. I got it on Lery with Nemesis. You need a weak team and for the last person not to get hatch, but there are more challenging ones out there.

  • Member Posts: 212

    It's perfectly doable... Yeah, sure. Maybe in make believe land. I nearly had this challenge the other day all 4 survivors downed in shack. Basement right there. Easy peasey right? Was I denied by an unbreakable? Nope. Someone disconnected. That's what happens when you play for basement. Someone inevitably rage quits denying you the challenge.

    It's a stupid challenge.

  • Member Posts: 3,660
  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Did it at yamaoka pyramid map. Trapper agitation iron grasp deerstalker and noed.

    Noed and deerstalker were the key to get the last kill, almost didnt make it.

    It took some games to get it, also had some very close games to do it before, very frustrating challenge tbh

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    This challenge will be exponentially harder after the new patch....just a warning to anyone without it done!

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Blood pact is one I will never complete.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Hatch An Escape would like a word with you (unlock the Hatch with a key twice). I got Six Feet Under on my second try with a basement Trapper. I'm literally past over 100 attempts on Hatch An Escape. With the change to Hatch, Hatch An Escape became worthy of being mentioned as part of the Ninth Circle in Dante's Inferno.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Hiding 10 meters from the killer for an entire 60 seconds in one trial is harder imo and can't mostly only be done if the killer is farming or if they're AFK.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited July 2022

    I was wondering what challenge would be worse than the 3-blink grab challenge (during that period where the 3-blinks Nurse could not traverse objects) or even the Evil Incarnate achievement (that took several games of training followed by a few tries).

    Sacrificing four survivors in the basement? That's it? That's really not that difficult. It's not like if the challenge was to sacrifice the four of them during the same minute period (although not that difficult either) or at the same time (again : not impossible, I may have several screenshots with different killers).

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    Allow me to introduce you to "Dwight the brave", also known as "throw every game you are in just to get a slight chance to maybe get this and pray to god that the Killer doesn't have headphones every chance you get". (you gotta hide within 10m to the Killer without being found as a specific character (Dwight in this one) for a total of 60 seconds in a single match)

    As far as I know this one had two appearances, as well as multiple 120 second versions that weren't master challenges.

  • Member Posts: 2,697
    edited July 2022

    For me nothing will be harder than getting the achievements/trophy for winning a match as killer while using just their perks. It's hard enough doing that and getting red emblems, but doing so against a SWF with a full meta loadout is damn near impossible, especially if it's with a killer that's weak in chase. I wish they would change it to just achieve a 4K, as that would be a whole hell of a lot easier.

  • Member Posts: 1,780

    Also remember that matchmaking is was bad not as bad as now but was bad and plus dcs don't contribute to it.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    It's an external factor but yes, it can make anything more difficult. I've got a few challenges failed because of that but it's usually only a couple of games at most. Maybe I'm lucky.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    It's one of the only Tome challenges I left undone. I've sacrificed four in the basement before, but I didn't have the challenge selected. When I do, I'm not going out of the way for it, so it just hasn't happened.

    Closest I came was playing "regular" Trapper (no basement build) on Grim Pantry with basement at main. The survivors made a number of catastrophic mistakes stepping in traps near there, and I had three hooked and dying in basement while carrying the fourth there ... and the fourth survivor rage-quit just before I could get him on a hook. I was furious. 🤬

  • Member Posts: 24

    Personally, i think that the challenge where you have to fix four freaking gens using dark sense (i think thats the one?) is a lot harder and i dont ever want to see THAT again. But four basement kills seems doable with insidious, noed and trapper, body block hag or bubba.

    The thing is that it promotes a playstyle everybody hates because its boring to play as and against. Having challenges like that just fuels the dumpster fire that is this community's toxicity imo

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    There was one survivor challenge were you have to finish four of the five generators, in a single game. That one is nearly impossible in soloQ (manageable in swf, sure). With "Six feet under", you can at least equip perks to increase your chances (Iron Grasp, Agitation, Mad Grit, Make your Choice), use Offerings for basement location / maps and use Killers with powers that help you (Hag, Demo, Trapper).

    When being reliant on your random teammates to wait for you before finishing a gen, if you even get as far as popping at least four gens, you are pretty much screwed most of the time. Just hanging first will likely rob you of any chances to get it done. You can equip aura perks to find gens and teammates, but you can't stop them from working on the gens. I was lucky getting it in a two-man and nice randoms which actually waited for me (asked them about that in pregame chat). But that was when that challenge was part of the then current tome, so most ppl knew about it. My mate did not get it done even then. I don'T want to imagine how difficult it would be to finish it in soloQ today, when nobody knows about that challenge anymore.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    I only play solo and got that challenge pretty quickly. Of course I had to be a total vulture, not healing or unhooking, running around the map jumping on any gen with a decent amount of progress. I also used prove thyself, the new built to last, and a commodious toolbox with the spool and swivel socket. Ended up getting all the gens, but still died as my team was in a shambles.

    But that's the problem with a lot of the tome challenges; you have to be a lousy teammate to get them. At least as a killer, you're only screwing yourself chasing some weird objective.

  • Member Posts: 662

    It's not that hard, I got it with Demo using a meme basement build with STBFL slapped on top.

  • Member Posts: 128

    I'm pretty sure those hiding challenges you can do throughout the whole match. Couple seconds here, a couple seconds there. Easy peasy. The "while injured" ones just got harder, because Iron Will nerf, but it's not as hard as herding cats towards basement and hoping no one gets salty and DC's.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Honestly, I had to be a real sneaky bastard to do this. But you can't tunnel because someone will disconnect. I had to play as ol' Ghostie. I used Iron Grip, Agitation, Territorial Imperative and that one that let's you attack quicker after a missed hit so I could hit quick when they tried to escape basement. I kept using the offering to put the basement in the main building/shack so I can see the basement hooks from the get go. That way I know which way to herd people. Also, Imperative lets you see when someone enters the basement, so I kept playing till someone went down there for the chest and just kept wailing on em.

  • Member Posts: 450

    I looked for a squad of ttvs gave them a cake and farmed asking at the start to kill them all in basement. Did this during a blood rush too.

  • Member Posts: 222

    Actually, I can think of one worse.

    Escape via hatch with a key 2 times.

    This was, on release, pretty easy. However, the changes to keys means that it takes some serious planing and a lot of luck to pull this off.

    The fact that you have to do it twice is just a cherry on top.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    There already are challenges harder than Six Feet Under but go off kween.

  • Member Posts: 145

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