after 4K hours...

JCZ Member Posts: 57
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

I think the time has come for me to finally uninstall dbd I've been playing for 4 years over 4K hours, every survivor P3 and the killers I care about. I was pretty happy with most of the changes in the ptb, other than endurance being way too strong and the iron will nerf making it useless I liked most changes. Then BHVR decided to BHVR things up and make half the perks they change have a negative effect. First of all you shouldnt equip a perk meant to help and have it do more harm than it helps (botany knowledge/Overcharge) I really don't understand these changes at all. Also the fact that you cant even dead hard a legion anymore... or a deathslinger if he spears you. I like the changing of perks to make more builds more reliable, but lets just be honest. Borrowed time being basekit means if youre a killer putting any survivor on a hook next to the exit gate its a guarenteed escape for them if the teammates are decent, the only counter is has is take them to a further hook which isnt always possible, tunneling sucks, it does, but that tunnel is the difference between a 1K and a 0K for the killer, and all the survivor has to do is save before getting hit. Dead hard was gutted, Iron will is totally useless now, dead hard only works against certain killers, you find a brown medkit in a box with botany knowledge on and you cant even heal yourself. I doubt they will realize the mistake they made but its to the point where im just saying my opinion and probably not touching the game anymore just because of the direction they are going. Sad to say too because i was working so hard on prestiging the rest of my killers before the update. I have no doubt that BHVR will continue making changes like this (making meta perks useless instead of adjustments) so its easier for me to just say goodbye to a game ive spent almost 6 months straight playing in total. Its not your fault dbd. Just the devs.

Also would like to point out Decisive strike, when they changed it a year or 2 ago there was such an easier change to make. Still with DS today a killer can get DSed without tunneling, the survivor just has to not do anything, on the other hand you're a survivor that gets unhooked, teammate runs away, you tap the gen thats regressing, entire perk gone and you have a crouching pig back on you instantly. Why didnt they just change it so DS deactiveates when another survivor is hooked? Physically impossible for the killer to not tunnel and get DSed, and the survivor doesnt have to play AROUND the perk they have and choose what to do and even if the killer downs the unhooked survivor to tunnel and slug them, they have a choice between getting DSed or go after the other survivor and hook them to deactive the other persons DS, giving the team time to pick up the other survivor on the ground with DS.

Post edited by JCZ on


  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I hate to say it but I dont blame you.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Sacrificing and already sacrificed role (solo q) isn't really the way to go.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410

    I thought the Botany Knowledge change was supposed to be a buff? So in exchange for an additional 1.3 seconds time saved healing a teammate, you go from extra 33% medkit efficiency to -20%. Is there any reason to run that over We'll Make It, COH, or Desperate Measures, outside of pairing it with Self Care? Very meta, much wow.

  • JCZ
    JCZ Member Posts: 57

    Thats the point of dead hard though. to be used once per chase ( unless the survivor is godly) and to take one more hit, it doesnt affect deathslinger specifically its supposed to affect every killer the same way. but with the new change killers powers take away one of the 4 perks the survivor chose to bring in, basically speaking, if youre playing vs a slinger/legion you will be lucky to use DH once. Thats what i mean about making meta perks useless instead of an adjustment.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598
    edited July 2022

    Once per chase from 4 survivors... very balanced

    Dead hard alone is not so bad, 4 people using it is

  • JCZ
    JCZ Member Posts: 57

    every exhaustion perk does that XD thats the point of the exhaustion perk. you could say that just describing exhaustion perks. I point out DH because its now possibly less usable than overcome, and you can only be healthy to use overcome. My point being people bring that 1 exhaustion to help them and with the changes DH now is incredibly hard to use properly, and now cant be used against certain killers

  • JCZ
    JCZ Member Posts: 57

    You can say that about every exhaustion perk. thats the point of the exhaustion perk is to get distance from the killer once per chase. I point out DH because now its hard to use correct and its useless against certain killers.

  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487

    Today, the first breach has been made to DBD's ship and if things go on like this, advancing water will start to be a problem.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    No, not all exhaustion perks give invulnerability frames, and most importantly EVERYBODY is using dh...

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    Bruh, if I use botany, I just take a flashlight anyway. Why you got to use a medkit? Medkits are already dumb, we don't need them more so.

    I get the idea of DH being exhaustion and it's use should be to 'gain a health state' like the others, the issue lies with it being an on demand action mid chase. If it wasn't on demand, IE press E to gain a health state, it would be fine. There needs to be counterplay to it, 'Dead harding for distance' should not be a thing.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Boo hoo. Healing speeds, Dead Hard, Iron Will, and Spine Chill were all stupidly broken

  • JCZ
    JCZ Member Posts: 57

    im not saying they werent. Im a killer/surv main and I hated going again those perks and i think they needed changed. Not gutted. and its a lot more than the meta perks with horrible changes that make them unusable. Mainly speaking about botany and overcharge because i will be shocked if anyone uses those perks anymore. and they just. got. buffed. Comes down to BHVR not knowing what they are doing

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163
    edited July 2022

    I was bummed about botany knowledge too but I think the change is warranted. They're encouraging us to get more creative with our healing builds while giving killers a less stressful experience. I'm really looking forward to seeing how all of this plays out.

  • Godhandkm
    Godhandkm Member Posts: 34

    Omg you complain too much, if you don't like the game go and play fornite and stop writing essays about it.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    DS nerf was needed to make it balanced, killer dont need a harsh punishment for rushing their objective; dead hard nerf was needed, now survivor gameplay will be less braindead plays, the nerf to killer perks such as PR and Tinkerer were awful so thats it for survivor mains to be carried, killer were not even buffed enough. No reason to whine about it unless you get carried by perks.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,459

    Big talk, now's the time to make good on your words.