Very honest letter to devs that i hope they will read
Many already know me in this forum, but probably not all do so i will reintroduce myself (i doubt that any dev knows me lol). I play both sides, i don't care about "winning" killing/surviving, i only care for the fun that this game can give (as every other game i play). This game tho has a huge problem: it is very unfavourable and unfun towards the killer. I don't know why you favour so much survivors and i don't even care. What i wanna say is that every time you make it easy for survivors you are making it easy for FOUR survivors, in many situations, four survivors that are cooperating together against a lone player that is struggling already with killer powers and addons almost ever changing with every patch when survivors never changed their game style since the very beginning of this game. This created a situation where survivor became cocky and toxic to the level where the killer can't ever have fun in his games, but he has to try everything he has and many times fail since the game is waaaaaaay harder for him and maybe get a 2 man out of 3 or 4 hooks and still "lose" and so not be payed off at all. In my very honest opinion, you should really stop thinking that this game is a 1v1 whenever you do your balance changes and start thinking that this game is an actual 4v1 where the 1 atm is veeeeery behind in balance even in the 1v1 scenario. If you are worried about solos, just do the changes thinking the 4v1 and then buff solos. If you are worried about casual players or "bad players", casual players don't care about winning or losing and if they do they are not so casual ( ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ) while bad players can always improve and don't have to relay on devs making it easier for them. There are tons of content creators out there, namely your fog whisperers, that can help them out and even without ANY help from the outside, they would just have to try and play the game since they would finally make it through (this is how i do in ANY game i play.) Are you worried about op killers making it impossible for survivors to live their lives? Nerf them, change them, dismantle them and build it anew. You are really good at that :)
I've been very honest and i skipped all the lies behind almost every bad player hides like "this game is not unbalanced" or "there is no such thing as gen rush" so i hope you will be honest with yourself and start thinking about the real good and health of this game and then you will see that all your worries were in vain and that this game would become better and better.
P.s. i also wanted to add that i'm very disappointed for the upcoming changes that you announced to perks. You created monstrous survivors perks and gave them bt at base, while for killers you just destroyed their only chance to defend gens by nerfing to the ground pop and giving no notification with scourge and waiting at a gen to get to 0 for 30 seconds is not really my go while other gens could pop in the meantime :) so now the best option you gave killers is to camp and tunnel. Changes you made to kicks and stuff are really meaningless and bloodlust should not even exist for me, it's a bad brute force mechanic that gets rid of any gameplay survivor or killer could have and also the buff you made is quite useless 99% of the times so yeah...
Hope to hit the right ppl with this, have a nice day and gg all.
BHVR cherry picks what they read from people unfortunately.
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you never know... :)
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I hope they read it though. Good luck 👍
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This is just a generic rant.
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Despite i admire your try, you are also just simply too much naive... After all those years they showed us that they didn't care what people think (they'll start acting only when they are forced to...), they just do whatever they want (I don't remember for example that people asked a nerf for billy/deathslinger/pyramidhead yet they were nerfed for no VALID reasons). This game is a lost cause of you think that they'll improve the QoL of the game and try to gave fun for everyone. I abandoned every hope long time ago
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I don't think the game is that bad for killer sure sometimes you have bad matches but every match is winnable. It just debends how far you are ready to go tunnel/camp/slugging are sometimes needed. Devs have nerfed survivors every patch to make it easier for killers. So how long that can continue before casual survivors will quit.
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its a "generic rant" because it's not my job to address every single problem this game has, even tho i could since i have the experience and the intelligence needed to do it. Still, i'm only here to share my feeling about the actual game state and theirs should be to listen and fix it.
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i'm not expecting to solve any problem with this letter, THAT would be naive. I gave my honest opinion on this game as i always do and if it reaches the right hears, good, if not who cares?
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no man, it's not "every game is winnable" :) not at high mmr. If you are low mmr and have every game winnable, i'm very happy for you. It means you haven't reach the top yet and don't have met the real problems this game has :) Enjoy till it lasts.
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The game is a lot better for killer these days than it’s ever been, it’s just not very fun.
They need to just go back and redo every map and make them fair for both sides. That means no more strong loop into the shack into a TL wall into a Cow Tree. Every loop should be 50/50 and maps should be reduced in size.
When they do that and improve the QoL of weaker killers (Trappi Boi needs more traps and faster setting speed at base kit) and make it to where M1 killers aren’t just punching bags for coordinated SWF, then, and only then, should they look at Nurse and Blight.
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This patch is killer sided all the way, I don't see the direction you are taking. I get your frustration but they are actively working to make it better. The fact that they are changing the game this much is a great sign. I hope it continues, regardless if it is good or bad, I appreciate they are making big changes.
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This new patch is literally killer sided and idk man if you can’t see that and continue to complain i honestly think you’re the issue. Some people will literally never be satisfied and you thinking bhvr cares about what you or anyone else thinks is the biggest joke of all
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i still hope that devs will start to questioning their agenda due to your "letter" tho... this game needs a BETTER behavior (no pun intended) from their players
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In a Q&A they said that they try to read all feedback. Doesn't mean they can reply or give thought to each one.
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killer sided?? where??? XD Bt at base and destruction of all major gen defence perks xD dont see the killer side u are talking about
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ye plis tell me where is the killer sided patch you are talking about cause i see the destruction of the only proper gen defence that helped killers hold the game up and the buff of an already meta perk with the introduction of it at base. Go enlist the killer sided changes the made come on gimmy
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dont know if you were hironic, but as previously said i wrote my idea, if it hits something good, if it doesnt dont care.
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But you haven't really addressed any problems the game has. Its just a wall of text complaining that killers are weak and survivors are too strong.
"it's not my job to address every single problem this game has, even tho i could since i have the experience and the intelligence needed to do it." You missed humility you are also the most humble of contributors. 😅
If you want things fixed as you put it, then the best way to start is offer some objective feedback, but all you have here is a highly biased subjective rant that really doesn't have a point other than you struggle playing killer and want BHVR to fix that with in game changes.
What are those in game changes?... well you have the experience and intelligence to do it yourself but not enough to expand on what it is you want other than very generic statements like... "just do the changes thinking the 4v1 and then buff solos." How insightful, I'm starting to suspect you've overestimated your qualifications in game development.
This brings me to the following point of your honest letter.
"while bad players can always improve and don't have to relay on devs making it easier for them. There are tons of content creators out there, namely your fog whisperers, that can help them out and even without ANY help from the outside, they would just have to try and play the game since they would finally make it through (this is how i do in ANY game i play.)"
I'd say take your own advice, watch some content creators and get better at playing killer.
You are advising players to learn how to play and not rely on BHVR to prop them up with mechanics, while at the same time asking BHVR to change mechanics so you can find it easier to play... err... not a great argument.
This rant isn't about DBD its about how you feel about DBD, which is fine. We all have personal opinions about the game, but it is just a rant and not a particularly objective one at that. That makes it kinda useless for any real changes.
To quote your letter again "i hope you will be honest with yourself"... You should really be honest with yourself because...
"this is how i do in ANY game i play." clearly you're not in this case.
Just some objective feedback on your letter and why it probably won't be considered beyond this small thread.
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If you read only complaints then i'm neither gonna read nor answer your message :) Respect b4 everything else, thanks.
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Jeez. A lot of interesting takes in this post lmao
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I read the whole thing and it’s one big complaint with very little substance beyond that.
I respected the post enough to read it but you can’t do that same to the response. Not that you have to its an online forum in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter.
But to flaunt that point as your primary rebuttal well…
Your arrogance is showing again.
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lets see you come up with something better then, people have the right to say what they feel about the game and as simple as the post is it also covers a very basic problem, playing killer is not a lot of fun at times i would love DBD to set up what Friday the 13th had for a month, that at some point after so many matches as a survivor you have to play as Jason for a match, if DBD did something like that then maybe everyone that plays only survivor might see how bad playing killer can be at times.
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no, i'm serious... if i was ironic i would have putted the /s in the end
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I just find it funny how people put their opinion on a pedestal as if they had some sort of priority. There are 10 other "my side weak, BHVR hates me" posts everyday, why should I take this one more seriously? It has nothing especial and it does not even attempt to offer solutions.
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Ah, thanks then :) very much appreciated ^^
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Yes. Survivors are simply one sided, can't see what's on the other side and they don't even care xD Everything the killer does is wrong, either he plays for fun or to win he will simply be wrong in EVERYTHING. While as a killer i try to make the game intresting for everyone but the toxic one ofc. For them tunnel and disappointment facemp ofc u.u
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Because this is not a "my side weak bhaviour hates me" post :) This is a genuine intellectual post where i've exposed true problems this game has, here or in other posts. But yeah, since a lot of ppl here can't be objective and see this, i'm not gonna bother with comments like this :)
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In fact I don't know you. But I would like to throw you in an arena with @Sluzzy and see who survives the fight.
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Simple business move. Favour the majority of the player base (survivors) because they'll buy the most cosmetics and dlcs. EZ money.
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It depends what kind of fight it is. I'm quite chubby so, don't think you can fight me in food fights or drinking fights and hope to win them easy :P i also do self-defense so... xD
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I always pointed this out to my friends. It's probably this the most probable reason but... I would be so much disappointed if it was "just" this reason... i mean... there are many ways of making money with a videogame and favouring only one part of the player base for me is just morally wrong. I'll stick with whatever anyway...
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I like you. But it's not me who's up against you. @Sluzzy is the biggest entitled Survivor Main in these forums, so it could be interesting :3
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I don't care about "entitled survivor mains" for 2 reasons: They don't do anything wrong by playing one side, they don't seem to be able to be objective and admit: "Yes, my side is easy asf, thanks killer for playing this game even if things are harder for you" But i'm always well opened to anyone who is willing to share his opinion and ideas on something i care :)
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Sluzzy literally made a recent comment saying, killer sided patch, killer sided devs, killer sided game, I've already quit survivor because of how much they've trashed the survivor experience over the past months and i urge others to do the same. LMAO.
The entire point of the killer "buffs" was because kill rates were low, but the game is killer sided 🤣
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Man your air quotes are so on point... WHAT BUFFS??? Dude... and "Nerfs" for survivors??? Where??? They gave bt at base, buffed bt and gave thousand of endurance perks that work together :\ Luckly devs farsaw the abuse of it and took it back with the chain endurance stuff and also off the record not working at the end game... But still, they nerfed overcharge so it's literally useless now xD even if it needed THIRTHY seconds to reach its apex... And even THEN it was JUST "one survivor working on a gen" regression speed... My god dude... I don't even know... For me it's IMPOSSIBLE to unsee such things... I don't know how others can :\
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And also... do we wanna talk about the double sided threatment for bbq and wglf??? BBQ: No more bp. Ok... Wglf: No more bp BUT a super op buff that will make this perk even stronger when it's already a pain in the ass with its base effect XD
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Literally just gave slight buffs to Brutal Strength and Save The Best. But, kiLLeR siDeD pAtCh, and solo queue destroyed lol. Lets see how much this boosts kill rates. This is part of the reason why they rarely buff killers, cuz survivors react like this, and since they are a majority of the player base, their reactions matter.
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This sucks a**. :(
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But i have to be honest. Devs seem to be faster and clearly now they are watching closer certain things... Before, it really felt like they were not even there :\
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Another thing i noticed @Devilishly_Rowdy, is that they thought to fix spine chill for the "hard of hearing" ppl and for me this is noble, but: what about ppl that is hard of heaing and wanted to play spirit? or any other killer per se. You could say: there is blood hound or predathor, but both blood pools and scratch marks are really unreliable and easy to manipulate so from one side of this story i'm ok for what they are doing, but why don't they pay the same respect for killer players too?? i never asked for a favoured side, i only ask for the same threatment for both.